Prayer Guides
The animated version of UNDERSTANDING THE REMAINING MISSION TASK is now finally available! Please post and pass it on to others. You will be able to see a much clearer picture of where the greatest needs are in terms of those still waiting to hear about Jesus. It will make the urgency and importance of your task much clearer. …
The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Us
29 Dec 2018
Awesome new book on prayer and mission by an IPC leader “Dr. Leslie Keegel’s new book is full of signs and wonders and reads like the book of Acts!”- John Robb, IPC Chairman PDF - Digital Download $8.00 Softcover $15.00
A Window on the Darkness: Brian Mills
29 Dec 2018
A new “must read” book for praying people Have you ever wondered just why the darkness in the world today seems to be getting darker, and what can be done about it? This book sheds fresh light on this topic, and on the spiritual nature of this darkness. It shines the light of Scripture on the evil one and on…
I Love Prayer
01 Feb 2018
I LOVE PRAYER BY RACHEL HICKSONCONNECTED TO GOD, CHANGING THE WORLD. Prayer is powerful – It writes the capital letter at the beginning of each sentence of history.I believe that, as we intentionally connect to God and pray in agreement with His heart, we shift and alter the destiny of nations. What a privilege we have to pray. In days…
Faith in the Making
01 Feb 2018
Faith in the Making by Lyndall Bywater Price: £7.99 Pre-order online If 'faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see' what does that look like in practice today? In a world that is largely unsure and uncertain, how do we gain our confidence? Faith in the Making recognises the problem…
Great Commission website
15 Nov 2017
As people whose lives have been transformed by Jesus, we all have a story to share... But sometimes we can struggle to find the words to talk about what Jesus has done. That’s why, at Great Commission, we want to not only inspire a passion for sharing Jesus, but also empower you to have the confidence to talk about…
Trypraying booklet for prisoners
09 Nov 2017
This came from a request by chaplains who wanted a prisoner-friendly version of the original trypraying booklet. Written in collaboration with prisoners, it is based around the idea of ‘how to pray’ and uses prisoner testimonies, Bible stories, bold imagery and simple wording to introduce the Christian faith and the good news of Jesus. As well as being an engaging…
One Thing for Churches
12 Oct 2017
‘One Thing’ is a three part teaching series on prayer produced by the Salvation Army but for use in any local church context. The second part is now available ‘One Thing for the church: Growing Prayer Together' and features 7 sessions on how we can grow in prayer together in communities of faith. Website gives free access to study guide…
Emergency Prayer Guide
03 Aug 2017
In a world of uncertainty our new prayer guide is written to bring hope, encouragement and faith. Just last week a reader told us that this was very helpful during the loss of a loved one. We want this resource to be a blessing to everyone who reads it, and a vital tool in times of emergency. What to pray…
Prayer Power Points
18 Jul 2017
We are launching our new 'Prayer Power Points' which are in PowerPoint slide or PDF formats with prayer points that can be downloaded by individuals, churches and groups to use in your prayer meetings. We realise that we are all busy so we have done the work for you. We will produce PowerPoint slides on various topics which we feel God is leading us to pray for. This will help anyone struggling with prayer to know what to pray for. We will also provide Prayer Power Points after our gatherings so you can join with us in prayer. Prayer Power…