Prayer Guides
PRAY FOR OUR WORLD'S 1+ BILLION HINDU NEIGHBORS OCT 20 - NOV 03, 2019 Our 3rd annual Hindu World Prayer Focus calls Christians to spend 15 days learning about and praying for our world’s 1+ billion Hindu neighbors. These 15 days also coincide with the important Hindu Festival of Light. The informative 32-page prayer guide booklets will help you know…
Key Prayer Resources for our World
01 Aug 2019
ORDERS FOR BOOKLETS Many pre-orders for this year’s booklets have already been received. They can be ordered here: https://www.worldchristian.com/product/hindu-world-prayer-guide-2019 Celebrating 25 years of Mobilizing Prayer for our World’s Neighbors. Hindu World: Oct 20-Nov 3, 2019 (available this Summer) Buddhist World: Any 15 Days in 2019 (available now) Muslim World: May 6-June 4, 2019 (booklets still available) Paul Filidis PO Box…
Be encouraged as you listen to John D Robb, Chairman of International Prayer Connect being interviewed by Daniel Lim, CEO of iHOP about how the Lord has led him in his service to the Prayer Movement around the world in recent decades. John shares some of the breakthroughs. More at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k4lurlki5dfQV7Aju1vbqvWiD4CaHva-/view?usp=sharing
30 Day Prayer Guides for the Muslim World
01 May 2019
The 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World began in 1993 with a group of Christians who felt inspired to challenge the way they understood Muslim people. What if they saw Muslims in the same way God does? WHAT IS IT AND WHY? The 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World, is an international movement that began in…
Pray for the 31 - Prayer Guide
30 Mar 2019
One fourth of the world's households live in Frontier People Groups - with virtually no contact with believers, and no sign yet of a gospel movement bringing God's promised blessing to their families. Half of these households live in these 31 largest Frontier People Groups. This is a Prayer Guide for the 31 – an invitation to the Body of…
Pray for the 31 - Prayer Guide
01 Mar 2019
One fourth of the world's households live in Frontier People Groups - with virtually no contact with believers, and no sign yet of a gospel movement bringing God's promised blessing to their families. Half of these households live in these 31 largest Frontier People Groups. This is a Prayer Guide for the 31 – an invitation to the Body of…
Give Your Church a Vision for the World
31 Jan 2019
Most of us recognise that we live in a very big, very complex world where there’s a lot going on in the global church that we’re not aware of or that we don’t quite understand. Most of us also recognise that God desires his people to pray for his will to be done, and his kingdom to come, on earth…
Pray for Zero – 2019 Prayer Guide
31 Jan 2019
'God's Word In Every Language' Seed Company is at the cutting edge of bringing the Bible to people who have never had God’s Word in a language they understand. Working with over 1400 global partners, they serve the local church by providing training, consulting, funding, and project management that leads to a meaningful, accurate translation in the local mother tongue.…
Pray for the 31 – Prayer Guide
31 Jan 2019
One fourth of the world's households live in Frontier People Groups - with virtually no contact with believers, and no sign yet of a gospel movement bringing God's promised blessing to their families. Half of these households live in these 31 largest Frontier People Groups. This is a Prayer Guide for the 31 – an invitation to the Body of…
Buddhist World 15 Day Prayer Guide
31 Jan 2019
World Christian's FIRST annual Buddhist World Prayer Focus calls Christians and churches worldwide to set aside ANY 15 days in 2019 to learn about and pray for our world's over half a billion Buddhist neighbors. The informative prayer guide booklets will help Christians to know how to pray for the people(s) growing up within this major world religion. It is…