A prayer convocation took place in Prague from December 1-3. If you would like to know more about it, please see the attached websites

…as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many. 2 Corinthians 1:11

A number of prayer outreaches and seminars occurred during the month of November in Pakistan:

Please pray for those who took part that they would be built up and that they can have the victory through prayer. Many are feeling very threatened and overwhelmed by the evil that is going on in their country. Pray that the Christians will REALIZE that the situation is very CRUCIAL but not hopeless and that they will be united in spite of their different denominations and ethnic or caste groups. (Because of the caste system, tremendous divisions have come into the church.)

To accomplish the above, we feel that a spirit of REPENTANCE and FORGIVENESS must come. (In the culture where 95% of everything is based on saving or losing face, this will be a difficult thing to accomplish. We need prayer and wisdom on how to handle this.) Pray the Holy Spirit will work and lead.

From a prayer leader working in Pakistan

Latest reports from sources close to Pastor Nadarkhani’s case informed CSW that Pastor Nadarkhani’s lawyers have been told to expect a decision from the Supreme Leader in mid-December. Verdict expected mid-December but may be delayed until Christmas. CSW learned this week that Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, is expected to make a decision on Pastor Nadarkhani’s case in mid-December, raising fears that it may be issued to coincide with the Christmas season in order to avoid an international outcry. The court in Rasht has sent two letters about the case to the Supreme Leader but is still awaiting a response.

Please pray for his vindication and release and for his courage in witness for Christ during the rest of his imprisonment and trial.

“The presidents of Sudan and the new nation of South Sudan are both predicting the possibility of a new war in an oil-rich region that has seen a spike in cross-border attacks.

Troop build-ups are being reported on both sides of the Sudan-South Sudan border, the world’s newest international boundary, and rebels in Sudan announced a new alliance with the aim of overthrowing their own government, which is seated in the capital, Khartoum.

The U.S. is pleading for cooler heads to prevail, even as aid workers are withdrawing from the region after two bombing runs into South Sudan by Sudan, its northern neighbor, last week.

After two long wars that spanned decades, South Sudan formally declared independence from Sudan in July following a successful independence referendum in January that was guaranteed in a 2005 peace deal. The world celebrated the peaceful break-up of Sudan. But big disputes that have long lurked in the background are now festering and flaring into violence.

An agreement to split the region’s oil revenues was never reached. The borders were never fully demarcated. And perhaps most important, the break-up left two large groups of people in Sudan’s south in the lurch, groups that Sudan has labeled rebels and that Khartoum’s military has been attacking for months.

In addition, the Khartoum government is facing a financial crisis due to the loss of oil revenue and rising food prices, said John Prendergast, the co-founder of the U.S.-based Enough Project, which closely monitors Sudan.

THECRY HEART:  TheCRY Hollywood full day of prayer, fasting and worship in the heart of Hollywood. The focus is to call the world to bless what God is doing in entertainment media both in Hollywood and globally. We believe there is tremendous power in blessing and speaking life.  We believe there is power in prayer and fasting. We believe there is power in lifting up the name of Jesus in anointed and pure worship.  We believe God loves Hollywood and has an important plan for her in this hour of human history. We believe that as Christians, both locally and from across the world, unite in prayer in the heart of Hollywood God will do exceedingly above all we can ask or Imagine.  We believe.

We are very excited about TheCRY on March 15th and wanted to genuinely invite you all to be a part of it in any way you feel led.  We so honor the Body of Christ and recognized the tremendous work each one of you has done in raising up prayer in the area. Again, we want to say how grateful we are for you. As you have been faithful on your post it has impacted the world because of the calling on Hollywood, LA and Southern California.

We do pray that TheCRY Hollywood will be a source of tremendous blessing and strength to all the Lord is doing in the Hollywood community and entertainment media. We look forward to walking together with you towards March 15th! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions at all!  We would be honored to connect.

Faytene Grasseschi (Kryskow) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pray and Thanksgiving for Hollywood
• Praise God for seven ways He is blessing our industry and community
• Praise God for seven of our HPN Local Chapter Directors around the world
• Thank God for screener season
• Thank God for the people who work at Theme Parks across the world
• Thank God for Christians who are producing independent films
• Thank the Lord that some parts of the business are doing well
• Thank God for creative people who also use their art to reach out to others
• Thank God that TV can be used to honor people
• Thank God for the gift of entertainment
• Thank God for Christians who understand how important Hollywood is to Him
• Thank the Lord for his miraculous healing hand
• Thank God that Justin Bieber is a Christian

•    Praise God for the growing Christian community in Hollywood – now over 6,000 strong.

•    Praise God for the many Entertainment ministries that are meeting the needs of thousands of Christians and non-believers through their work. HERE is a link to the list of Hollywood ministries.

•    Praise God for the many non-believers who have Christian friends and associates (solid ambassadors) to faithfully teach them about God and Jesus.

•    Praise God for our HPN Local Chapter leaders across the country and the world, who are praying with us, mobilizing others to pray and inviting God into the lives of the world’s entertainment professionals. Click HERE to check them out.

•    Praise God that there are solid Christians in key leadership, mentoring and decision-making positions in Hollywood.

•    Praise God for the growing number of mentorships happening between Christian young professionals and experienced professionals which hold people accountable, encourage and inspire one another and prepare talented believers to be in leadership positions in the near future.

•    Praise God that we are seeing miracles in this industry, and experiencing God moving in the world’s most influential mission field.

For the past 3 1/2 years, a team of Christian filmmakers in Hollywood has been working diligently on developing plans for a feature film that has the potential to be the most spiritually significant movie ever made. The film is called The Messiah, and it picks up where The Passion left off. It naturally and powerfully communicates the Gospel message of Jesus Christ - from the Cross, through the Resurrection, to Pentecost  (planned release Christmas 2013 or Easter 2014).

Budgeted at $100 million USD, with state-of-the-art special effects, including being shot in 3D, The Messiah will be an epic film that will wow audiences (by comparison The Passion’s budget was $30 million USD). And for the first time in history, the born-again experience, what it means to have a personal relationship with God, will be shown on screen. This means the Gospel message will be communicated in a way that everyone can understand regardless of education or language, and because it will be a mainstream blockbuster movie, it truly will reach everywhere in the world.  

To learn more, please see The Messiah
Also, we encourage you to read the quotes
from Christian leaders and prominent Hollywood filmmakers who have read the script and have been involved with guiding the project.

The Messiah is in the final stages of funding. A number of investors are currently reviewing our plans and making their final decision on whether to fund the movie.

We are calling on Christians throughout the world to pray for The Messiah and this unprecedented opportunity to leverage a state-of-the-art feature film to take the Gospel to the ends of the Earth.

Please pray that:
1.    God would move the hearts of the potential investors to fund The Messiah.
2.    God would lead the team involved to make the highest quality, God-honoring, God-glorifying, feature film ever made.
3.    God would leverage The Messiah once it is released to take the Gospel message to the ends of the Earth and 100’s of millions of people would be saved, and would trigger a worldwide Revival.
4.    God would raise up more than a million people to pray regularly for The Messiah.

And the gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:14)

For more information please see  http://www.prayforhope.com/

Lisa Crump, Director Prayer Mobilization National Day of Prayer Task Force
Office:  (719) 559-9573
Fax:  (719) 559-9561

Fighting between the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and the Burma Army broke out on 9 June 2011, ending a 17-year cease-fire agreement between the two groups. As many as 20,000 people have been displaced by the fighting in Kachin State, according to local networks helping IDPs in Laiza. KIA sources have said that the number of standing Burma Army battalions before the conflict began was 93. Currently there are 113 battalions in Kachin State with more troops on the way, according to KIA sources. Divisions 33, 88, and 99 are currently operating in Kachin State.

On 16 October 2011, approximately 200 Burma Army soldiers from Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 438 and Infantry Battalion (IB) 121 attacked Nam San Yang Village in Wai Maw District, Kachin State. The soldiers burned over 30 houses and stayed for 3 days in the village occupying the village temple. All the villagers from Nam San Yang Village have fled their homes and are staying with relatives or in IDP camps in Laiza. Other villagers are living in huts in their fields as it is now harvest time and they do not want to lose this year's crops. The Burma Army is still patrolling from their nearby camp down into the village making it difficult for the villagers to reclaim their left belongings and farm their fields.

For more information regarding this attack:
Democratic Voice of Burma, http://www.dvb.no/news/troops-raze-kachin-villages-locals-flee/18666
Christian Solidarity Worldwide, http://dynamic.csw.org.uk/article.asp?t=press&id=1260

Free Burma Rangers’ (FBR) mission is to provide hope, help and love to internally displaced people inside Burma, regardless of ethnicity or religion. Using a network of indigenous filed teams, FBR reports on human rights abuses, casualties and the humanitarian needs of people who are under the oppression of the Burma Army. FBR provides medical, spiritual and educational resources for IDP communities as they struggle to survive Burmese military attacks.

For more information, please visit www.freeburmarangers.org