The aim of the Conference is to bring together the people of God, the holy priesthood, intercessors, worshipers - the five ministries - which led by the Holy Spirit, the release Brado Lion of Judah in the Church and in the areas of influence of society, the word prophetic for every season we pursue the revolutionary revival of the kingdom of God in Brazil and nations.

Our vision is to inspire and enable prophetically seeds of life, from strategic places in this generation and the next, redeeming the land and releasing the skies amid a revival revolution watered by worship, prophetic intercession in compassion for the great harvest.

Please kindly see the attached links for WPA videos with Chinese subtitles for your reference.

 WPA Children’s Track, 3 minutes, 40 seconds in English

English with Chinese subtitles:

1) WPA Documentary Video, 17mins, in Chinese subtitles

2) Children in Prayer, 9mins, in Chinese subtitles

“Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.  For the vision is yet for an appointed time” --Habakkuk 2:2-3a

We are in a kairos time in world history.  With nations in an uproar, economies in upheaval, social order declining, and times increasingly tumultuous, God is beckoning His church to advance His Kingdom.  As a response, Transform World 2020 Prayer Summit will take place from Sunday, March 24th, thru Wednesday, March 27th, at IHOPKC mission’s base in Kansas City, USA. It will be hosted by Transform World ( and the International House of Prayer Kansas City ( The Transform World 2020 prayer summit is a convergence call to the body of Christ from every cultural sphere and generation to ignite, mobilize, connect, and effectively launch a seven-year prayer focus on the critical challenges now facing the church. See introductory video and plan for establishing 100,000 Prayer Gathering Hosts on video at

Through 70 straight hours of worship, prayer, and prophetic impartation; the Summit will address the 7 critical global challenges now facing the body of Christ with a vision for intercessory prayer unto spiritual breakthrough in these areas.  There will be purposeful connecting of ministries and leaders from the 7 spheres/mountains of culture across the 10 regions of the world to collaborate in effectively meeting these challenges.  We will additionally focus on the 4/14 window and the next generation.  

You are invited to take part in this strategic event by serving as one of the 100,000 Prayer Gathering Hosts that we are asking God for.  With 100,000 locations participating via web stream, we will have a projected 5 million prayer warriors linked together in prayer, contending with us for spiritual breakthrough!

Here’s what a Prayer Gathering Host will do:
•    Commit to joining us via web stream for at least one of the summit’s 2-hour sessions where your group will hear a 15 minute exhortation from one of our speakers and engage with us in prayer for that session’s focus.   
•    Determine which of the sessions you would most like to tune in for.  Click here ( to view the full event schedule.  
•    Register by clicking here ( Click ‘register’ and fill out the registration form fully.  If you have difficulty, click ‘contact the organizer’ for assistance.
•    Invite at least 5 friends to your chosen venue to join the Transform World Prayer Summit via live web stream.  
•    Let your friends know about the event by “liking” us on Facebook ( OR share the event on Twitter from our registration ( page.    
•    Tune in via live web stream on March 24th-27th, to view the sessions that you have committed to. The web address for the event’s live stream is:
Thank you in advance for your willingness to participate in this historic event.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”    
2 Corinthians 5:17

An Answer to Prayer: President dedicates his nation to God!

Great leaders are prime targets for Prayer.  Sometimes they are enemies of Christianity but most of the time they just need the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives.  Like Saul of Tarsus, it is possible for anyone to become a great spokesperson for Christ.  However without prayer, it will remain only a possibility. Such has been the case with President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of Uganda.

Museveni was involved in the war that deposed Idi Amin Dada, ending his rule in 1979, and in the rebellion that subsequently led to the demise of the Milton Obote regime in 1985. With the notable exception of northern areas, Museveni has brought relative stability and economic growth to a country that has endured decades of government mismanagement, rebel activity and civil war. His tenure has also witnessed one of the most effective national responses to HIV/AIDS in Africa.

Behind the scenes many have been praying for him – especially his wife, a devout and dedicated believer, his children, fellow Ugandans as well as many others around the world.

And, as we all know, PRAYER WORKS!

Recently a “Jubilee Prayer Night” was organized by Uganda Jubilee Network, an association of Anglican, evangelical and Pentecostal churches.  The network, coordinated by Dr. James Magara of Intercessors for Uganda, has been guiding Christians to fast and pray for Uganda to be a God fearing nation in the next 50 years.

In a Historic moment President Museveni repented for his sins and the sins of Uganda as a nation.  He dedicated Uganda to God to be His nation anchored on His principles and values.

The President, indicating that the next 50 years belong to the young generation, advised the young people to be God-fearing referring to the Biblical verse in Proverbs 9:10 which says, “The fear of God is beginning of wisdom.”

President Museveni’s Prayer:

Father God in heaven,

Today we stand here as Ugandans, to thank you for Uganda. We are proud that we are Ugandans and Africans. We thank you for all your goodness to us.

I stand here today to close the evil spiritual past and especially in the last 50 years of our national leadership history and at the threshold of a new dispensation in the life of this nation.

I stand here on my own behalf and on behalf of our past leaders to repent.

We ask for your forgiveness for our own sins, and those of our past leaders:

We confess these sins which have greatly hampered our national cohesion and delayed our political, social and economic transformation:

Sins of idolatry and witchcraft, so rampart in our land

Sins of shedding innocent blood

Sins of political hypocrisy, dishonesty, intrigue and betrayal

Sins of pride, tribalism and sectarianism

Sins of laziness, indifference and irresponsibility

Sins of corruption & bribery that have eroded our national resources

Sins of sexual immorality, drunkenness & debauchery

Sins of un-forgiveness, bitterness, hatred and revenge

Sins of injustice, oppression and exploitation

Sins of rebellion, in-subordination, strife and conflict

These and many others have characterized our past leadership, especially the last 50 years of our history. Lord forgive us, and give us a new beginning. Give us a heart to love you, to fear you and to seek you. Remove far from us all the above sins.

We pray for National unity. Unite us as Ugandans and eliminate all forms of conflict, sectarianism and tribalism. Help us to see that we are all your children. Children of the same Father, help us to love and respect one another and to appreciate unity in diversity.

We pray for prosperity and transformation. Deliver us from ignorance, poverty and disease. As leaders give us wisdom to help lead our people into political, social and economic transformation.

We want to dedicate this nation to you so that you will be our God and guide. We want Uganda to be known as a Nation that fears God. A nation, whose foundations are firmly rooted in righteousness and justice. Blessed is the nation, whose God is the Lord. A people you have chosen as your own. Psalms 33:12

I renounce all the evil Foundations and Covenants that were laid in Idolatry & Witchcraft. I renounce all the satanic influence on this nation.

And, hereby covenant Uganda to you, to walk in your ways and experience all your blessing forever. In the Name of the Father Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Whenever we pray for people, we can envision the changes that would happen if their energies were redirected toward Christ.  NO-ONE is beyond God’s reach, and prayer keeps them within His grasp.

Read the full article from the Uganda Daily Monitor here:

Sent by Dennis Odoi This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Rejoice and continue to pray for President Museveni, his family and all the people of Uganda as well as for the leaders of your government.

Beloved, it is on the news that crime dropped by 14% in Mozambique in the first nine months of year 2012. Read the article at
(You may translate it with Google Translator.)

Praise God for this and pray that God will do greater things in the nation.

O Deus, perdoa-nos e sarar a nossa terra! "O GOD! FORGIVE OUR SINS AND HEAL OUR LAND, MOZAMBIQUE!" Condition is critical, delay is dangerous, persistent intercession an urgent need...making disciples-a top Mozambique.

 "Until the Spirit be poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness be a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest."
Isa 32:15

"There has never been a spiritual awakening in any country or locality that did not begin in united prayer." A. T Pierson

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6

How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?
Romans 10:14

A believer in a North African country explains: "I know someone who went to Saudi to work and to seek God.  One day during his time there, he got on a bus and the bus driver turned to him and said, "There is nothing for you here." He eventually returned to our own country. One day he was invited to visit the home of a worker. In their home was a painting on the wall. He was amazed and asked who was the man in the painting? They told him it was Jesus. He replied, "No, that man is a bus driver in Saudi!"

A believer in another North African country said: "I was attracted to the worship music I heard in a church. I went to church because of the music. I loved the music; it spoke to my heart. I argued about Jesus and everything else they believed in, but still I went because the music was so powerful. Eventually I found the truth about Jesus."

Some come to faith because of faithful, persistent friendship with a worker who shares the Gospel and the witness of their life. Others come to faith through reading the Scriptures. Still others hear the Good News on the radio or satellite or through the Internet. Many experience dreams and visions or other miracle healings or supernatural events.

God is creative. And each person has a unique story to tell.

Let us ask God, who is the Lord of the harvest, to BE Lord over North Africa and to bring in a great harvest across this continent. Let's ask with faith for His creative and unique ways of encountering people with the truth and reality of who He is. Let's ask that the Church be careful not to set the agenda without listening to God, and to be free from control and never to quench what the Holy Spirit is doing in North Africa. Pray that the Church will understand more and more the ways and plans of God in each city, town and village, so that they may co-labour with the Lord of the Harvest to see many enter the Kingdom of God. Pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal Himself as the Son of God this Christmas season to many across North Africa.

Specific prayer requests:

Two workers have contacted us to request prayer for unrelated situations, both involving demonic oppression.

In one situation, a whole family have experienced a great deal of spiritual attack in their dreams. This family have heard the gospel and have finally expressed how tired they are of suffering in their sleep, and have requested the workers to come and pray with them to see relief come into their home. Pray for this opportunity to demonstrate God's power - that at the Name of Jesus, all demons will have to flee! Pray for wisdom, the right words and for protection.

In the second situation, a long time friend of a worker suddenly and without explanation began showing a totally alternate personality and her behavior became erratic. The girl's family became alarmed and afraid, and have locked her inside their home because they want to keep her safe and they are ashamed that "jinn have come to live inside" their daughter. After almost 2 months of this, the worker has been given permission to come and visit the family home and to pray with/for her friend. Please pray that God will bring deliverance, and that this will be a testimony of the power of Jesus to set people free.

Would you please be the intercessor for this special Conference?

Bhutan is known as the “Land of Thunder Dragon”. Population of State: 738,267. Religion: Mahayana Buddhism. Christianity has still not been legalized in Bhutan. Recently the New Testament was released in Dzongkha, the national language of Bhutan.

The church in Bhutan is so badly divided. Nepalese are looked down upon by other Bhutanese, and there is division among Dzongkha-speaking Christians too. Unfortunately, western Christians and organizations also have contributed to this division by trusting people who claim to represent Christians in Bhutan, and foreign money has spoiled many. Extra marital affairs are another issue. So many Bhutanese Christians have lost credibility and made Christianity a money-making business. Thank God for those who are faithfully serving the Lord. Some are networking in a smaller way. The churches are divided if you are hosted by one person the other person is not happy and he will tarnish the image of the other. It looks like an impossible task to bring them together to help them catch a national vision and with right motives.

Only God can make this happen.

I would plead with you to pray for the Bhutan conference titled The Gankhar Puensum Conference 2013 in Jan 8th– 12th.

Please find the attached bookmark and pray fervently and continuously for the conference organized by SAMA Link.

Today I'm writing you and begging you for some of your prayer collateral to be targeted towards our 2-year focus on the High Places of the earth. At the beginning of 2012, the Lord gave me a vision for an unprecedented visitation of His Sprit across the Hindu Kush, from Tibet over to Pakistan and Afghanistan.

One of the strategies, other then numerous on-site teams which are in and out right now across the territory, is to tug on the Body of Christ around the world to toss in a pinch or a pound of their prayer. Those of us who have worked in this area for over 20 years now have discovered that the prayer and church planting teams going in are like the tip of the arrow but the shaft (i.e. the driving power) is the Body of Christ rallying.

This has been made easy at the virtual prayer room we created at the clickable link below:

Get the word out, rally your people, promote it to prayer groups/movements you have relationship with?