SAN DIEGO, California, January 22/Christian Newswire/--In partnership with the 4/14 Window Movement and the worldwide Body of Christ, Children’s Ministries International, Inc. announced, in a statement released this morning, that the 2nd annual Global 4/14/ Day is set for Sunday, April 14, 2013.

“Global 4/14 Day has become an annual day of prayer,” said Steve Karges, coordinator of the event. “The focus of our prayers on April 14 will be for children in the 4/14 Window,” Karges continues, “and we invite Christians worldwide to join the movement and pray.” “ONE MILLION Christians praying for TWO BILLION children will have a resounding impact on our world,” Karges said. “We are making this announcement today,” Karges continues, “to give individuals, churches and ministries around the globe, enough time to plan and organize local prayer events.” The Global 4/14 Day website,, has been updated and is available in 14 languages. Additional translations of the website will be added in the future in order to reach and invite more people to pray. “The 4/14 Window refers to all children between the ages of 4 and 14,” Karges concludes. “During this decade or ‘window’, most children in this demographic develop their moral and spiritual foundations.” For a free Prayer Guide and to learn more about Global 4/14 Day, visit

For now is the time for the harvest of the earth. It is time for the every tongue and tribe on this terrestrial sphere who will ascribe glory to my Name, says the Lord.

This morning I saw a vision of a great worship service before the throne of God. People's were standing and worshipping together to represent their nation before the throne.

However, the sound of worship was very small from certain of the regions. A few, mainly martyrs were faithfully standing before the throne of God, crying out to the Lord, "How long, O Lord, before you avenge our blood?"

Their cries reached the throne of God and He whoever lives to make intercession turned to the hosts of heaven. The great Captain of the Lord of hosts commanded them with His voice with the sound of many waters.

"I MUST ANSWER THEIR CRIES!” Go find those who will avenge the blood of the martyrs and harvest their nations.

At this, I could begin to hear the groaning of the earth for the manifestation of the sons of God to see the harvest.

It was if the intercessors became living stones who were becoming part of a building. I was curious what it would become.  Then I knew, they were rebuilding the tabernacle of David. It was the manifestation of Acts 15:16. The living stones were singing! They were worshipping!

The Holy Spirit began to convict the intercessors of the need to fill the void where there was no sound. One by one they took up the song of the nations.

Heaven joined in for God's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven until there was no place in the earth where intercessory worship was not taking place.

The intercession ripened the earth. And then the LORD OF THE HARVEST released the anointing for evangelism into the earth. Revivalists and a new generation of burning ones for God were thrust the harvest.

Thousands of new missionaries went out across the most unreached parts of the earth. Whole sectors of society were reformed and transformed. A new justice cry went out as righteousness and justice were married in the earth.

Then God arose and shook the nations. The King wanted the nations for His inheritance.

This resulted in prayer houses and towers being placed in every part of society. The great harvest of the earth has begin! Every tongue, every tribe, every kindred will bow before the throne of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Testify World is a communication tool to share testimony of God’s work in this world. John Robb has shared “How Prayer is Transforming Nations” and is on the Testify World YouTube channel (

You can watch the video using this link:

“Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an apointed time.” Habakkuk 2:2-3a

Dear Friends,

We are in a defining moment in world history.  With nations in an uproar, economies in upheaval, social order declining, and times increasingly tumultuous, God is beckoning His church to advance His Kingdom.  As a response, 300 leaders from around the world are gathering at IHOPKC Missions Base in Kansas City for the Transform World Prayer Summit on March 24-27, 2013.

Transform World and the International House of Prayer would like to invite YOU to become part of this 70-hour global prayer summit as a prayer-gathering host. In becoming a prayer-gathering host, you will have the opportunity to hear teaching and strategic points for intercession from key leaders such as Luis Bush, Mike Bickle, Dick Eastman, Loren Cunningham, George Otis Jr., Billy Wilson, Jim Fiske, and others. Additionally, you’ll worship and agree in intercession with these leaders as we target the 7 primary challenges that the church is currently facing.

You’re invited! Become one of the 100,000 Prayer Gathering Hosts that we are asking God for! With 100,000 prayer gatherings participating via web stream, we will have nearly 5 million prayer warriors linked together in prayer, contending together for spiritual breakthrough for 70 straight hours!

Here’s what a Prayer Gathering Host will do:
• Commit to joining us via web stream for at least one of the summit’s 2-hour sessions where your group will hear an exhortation from one of our speakers and engage with us in prayer for that session’s focus.
• Determine which of the sessions you would most like to tune in for. (choose as many sessions as you’d like) Click here to view the full event schedule:
• We want to know that you’re praying with us! You can let us know by filling out a short registration form. Click to access our Prayer Gathering Host page and choose the registration link that accommodates your language.
• Invite at least 5 other people to your chosen venue to join the Transform World Prayer Summit live via web stream.
• Let your friends know about the event.
o Like us on Facebook:
o Follow us on Twitter and tweet about us:
o Click to download Challenge and Prayer Host cards to share with your friends by printing them or sharing them electronically:
o Visit our website and direct your friends to it:
• Tune in via live web stream on March 24th-27th to view the sessions that you have committed to. The web address for the event’s stream is:

We encourage you to join us as a Prayer Gathering Host for this historic event!

“He has shown his people the power of his works, giving them the lands of other nations.” (Ps. 111:6)

“Ask of me and I will give you the nations as your inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth as your possession.” (Psalm 2:8)

“Burundi shall be saved!” Those were the Spirit’s words spoken in the sweetest, most assuring voice I heard, accompanied by what seemed like the soft beating of a dove’s wings next to my right ear. I was seated on the platform listening to Burundi’s ambassador for peace and reconciliation give a final word at the end of a three-day prayer initiative our team had facilitated in the strife-torn nation in the year 2000. About 200 Christian leaders from the Hutu, Tutsi and Twa tribes had spent many hours humbling themselves, crying out to God with deep emotion and broken hearts for their war-shattered land in which tens of thousands were being killed through intertribal warfare much like neighboring Rwanda. They had taken part in times of moving reconciliation between their ethnic groups and denominations. It seemed like the Great Physician Himself was in the room doing His own kind of heart surgery on all who were present.

In the months following, we witnessed what that sweet, heavenly voice said actually come to pass as a government of national unity was formed and Hutu leaders in exile flew back into the country. Eventually, the current president, who had come to Christ in the jungle as a rebel leader, came into office. He has continued to work for unity and the development of the nation, wholeheartedly serving the Lord as a man of prayer and worship in all he does.

In this case, and in the rest of the over 50 national prayer initiatives my colleagues and I have had the privilege of facilitating, we have observed and used a number of key practices we have that may be of encouragement to those of us wanting to see God’s transformation of our own or other nations we are concerned about. Here are some of the most important ones:

1. Gather the spiritual leaders and intercessors (be inclusive of all denominations) together for a sustained time for no agenda except the Lord and one another. 2-3 days in a retreat setting is ideal if possible, otherwise a few hours or a process enabling participants to go deep enough.

2. Come in a spirit of humility, confessing our personal and corporate sin, seeking to get on the Lord’s wavelength (Isaiah 55:7-8).

3. As needed and usually it is, facilitate an unhurried time for reconciliation of denominations and ethnic groups that are present so representatives can ask for and receive forgiveness on behalf of their groups.

4. Locals who are knowledgeable about political, social, economic or church needs share issues for prayer, including anything uncovered about the way the powers of darkness are influencing the society.

5. Bring these issues and situations to God, listening to and waiting on Him for His strategy to deal with them - both through prayer and actions proceeding from it. Pray with unity and faith, dealing with evil spiritual powers in His authority which He shares with us (Matthew 18:18-20, Luke 10:19, and Ephesians 6:10-18)

6. Listen to the Lord corporately, being open for prophetic input like words from Scripture, impressions, dreams and visions He may give to participants.

7. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead the process and don’t preprogram it. “Let God be God” in the midst of His people!

8. Include children and youth as equal ministry partners. Let them pray and give prophetic words. Often God will speak through a child more clearly and powerfully than through an adult!

9. Where appropriate invite government leaders and officials to take part to be prayed for or to share prayer concerns but not to give political speeches.

10. Pray with authority and unity as those who sit beside the one who has all power, Jesus Christ, joined to Him through the Spirit who lives within us. Expect that history will be changed and it will! (Matthew 18:18-20). “History belongs to the intercessors, who believe the future into being!” (Walter Wink)

May the Lord use you to do exploits for Him wherever you are to witness the “power of his works” and along with Messiah receive the nations as your inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth as your possession!

This next week, the United States Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on two of the most significant legal challenges to marriage in our nation’s history.

Hollingsworth v. Perry will be heard on March 26 and centers around California’s Proposition 8, a statewide marriage amendment – much like Arizona’s – which passed in 2008 to constitutionally define marriage as only the union of one man and one woman.

United States v. Windsor will be heard the following day and concerns the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). This law defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman for purposes of federal law and says no state can be forced to recognize a same-sex union from another state.

If there’s anything we’ve learned from the Supreme Court in recent years, it’s that it is impossible to speculate what the court will do in either of these cases. Yet there is no denying that the decisions from these two cases – which typically are announced by June 30 – will have serious impact on the battle to protect marriage and therefore our country’s future.

The fundamental question that the court will be considering in both cases is this: does marriage, defined as the union of one man and one woman, serve a compelling governmental interest? Or to put it another way, does marriage benefit society?

The most important thing we can do now is pray. Pray for our friends and allies defending these laws in court and pray for wisdom and courage for the nine justices to do what is right.

We are in the midst of a fierce battle for marriage. The Supreme Court will be hearing testimony next week on March 26 and 27 concerning whether the Federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and Proposition 8 in California (overturning homosexual marriage) should stand. The Court will render a decision probably in late June. There is MUCH political pressure on the Court to capitulate on these and cave in to the homosexual agenda. Even the president is pushing this.

Men and women, this is our generation’s Roe v. Wade fight! We must make a stand upon our knees for marriage.

From 7:00 PM, Monday, March 25, through 9:00 PM, Wednesday, March 27, intercessors around the nation from countless ministries will intercede as arguments are being heard at our Supreme Court.

Be encouraged by a word from a key leader in this initiative:

Since we have been obedient to pursue this course of action, to build a FIREWALL OF PRAYER around the Supreme Court during those two key hearings next week (DOMA/Proposition 8), the Lord has shown me a “new thing” that is on His heart! He has shown me that, while in days past, many of us have labored faithfully and fervently, fasting and praying and offering deep travail over issues that will impact us all, we were actually fighting inside our own fox holes!

On national issues like the Election last November and the Supreme Court hearings on “Obamacare” last spring, we each marshaled our own forces, pouring our hearts out to the Lord for help. We all know the rest of the story…could our Lord be ready to reveal a new strategy for a new season, and could the battleground at the Supreme Court be the launching pad to release this hidden work across the nation?

YES—today is a NEW DAY!

We now realize that, as ministry teams, we can no longer afford to fight these national battles “alone”, but that, instead, the LORD is requiring us to come up on the wall together in perfect alignment and in perfect unity as we face the forces that would seek to undermine our people and our nation. As we stand TOGETHER, we form a “seamless garment” before Him, and the enemy will find no breaches in the wall through which to attack!

We are now aligned in:
• His Will
• His Word: “What GOD hath put together, let no man rend asunder.”
• His Way
• His Love
We praise our God for the revelation of this winning strategy as we work together to find our won place on the wall and to defer to the others in their own positions, even honoring others as better than ourselves.

To GOD be the GLORY, for He is teaching all of us how to walk (or march) in this season, in His way!

(From an article Intercessors for America sent by Dave Butts, Chair of America’s National Prayer Committee)

Syrian Christians continue to request our prayers for their country. They note that, in recent months, there have been increasing numbers of attacks on Christians that seem to be religiously motivated.

There has been a spate of reported incidents involving the kidnapping of Christians. One example occurred on 9th February when two priests, Michel Kayyal (Armenian Catholic) and Maher Mahfouz (Greek Orthodox), were kidnapped when travelling by public bus between Damascus and Aleppo. The bus was stopped by armed men belonging to one of the groups fighting the government. The gunmen checked the identity documents of all passengers and only the two priests were taken. A Salesian priest travelling with them was not kidnapped. Negotiations for their release are on-going. Other kidnappings have been reported, especially in al-Hasakah Province where some Christians have demonstrated publicly to protest against this alarming new trend.

There have been a number of assaults on Church buildings and other Christian property. Such attacks are often interpreted as warnings or threats to the Christian communities. One example occurred on 10th February when gunmen vandalised the historic church of Saint Maroun in Barad village, some 40 kilometres (25 miles) north of Aleppo.

Syrian Christian leaders continue to note that there are political and economic motivations in many of these attacks. However, they identify a rising tendency for religiously motivated attack, linking this to the increasing prevalence and influence of religiously extremist groups amidst the opposition movement.

Syrian Church leaders also note the severe economic challenges faced by Syrians, with ever-rising numbers of internally displaced persons and Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries. Churches and Christian ministries remain active in helping to meet some of the overwhelming needs.

Syrian Christians request our prayers that:
a. The violence in Syria would cease, and peace and justice would be established for all Syrians.
b. Those that have been kidnapped would be released unharmed, and no further kidnapping incidents would occur.
c. There would be no further acts of vandalism against Church property.
d. Those engaging in programmes to meet the needs of their communities, and of refugees and the displaced, would know the Lord's provision and enabling.
e. Syrian Christians, and especially church leaders, will know the Spirit's wisdom and guidance each day.
f. All those using violence, including against Christians and Church property, would know the Spirit's conviction and seek the forgiveness of the Father through the life, death and resurrection of the Son.

Open sources used: FIDES Evangelicals for Middle East Understanding
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Let us keep our brothers and sisters in Christ in this war-torn land in our hearts, agreeing together for the binding of the forces of darkness, violence and death that want to destroy this land. Pray for His peace and shalom to cover everything and everyone there and for a swift end to the fighting.