The United Nations estimates some 20 million slaves, mostly women and children, are being trafficked to work in bondage, many in the sex trade—more than half of them in Asia. In a two-part series, The Pearl report went to mainland China and South East Asia to investigate this human trade: ex-perpetrators, policy-makers, victims and those trying to help them.

Reporter: Sylvia Yu
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Pray that governments and the international community as a whole will get very tough with the criminals that traffick with human beings. Pray for these unfortunate women and children to be found and set free.

China is reportedly planning the development of a nuclear missile system that can hide in underground tunnels and be transported by train, making it harder for the West to monitor. The news of the rail-based missile system comes after China made major strides in the development of its nuclear program last year and raises serious questions about its so-called “no first use” pledge for its nuclear weapons.

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Iran continues to strenuously deny it wants nuclear weapons or is actively pursuing them. Yet the evidence continues to say the exact opposite. Now there are new and credible reports that Iran is working closely with North Korea to join develop The Bomb, and that the recent North Korean nuclear weapons test was done in close coordination with Iran, even with Iranian nuclear officials present to observe the test.

“Iran’s leading nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh Mahabadi, is believed to have travelled to North Korea to observe its third nuclear test last week, according to western intelligence sources,” reports the Sunday Times of London.

Please pray for the cutting off of the relationship between these two crazy and unstable regimes, along with the sharing of nuclear know-how that could jeopardize our world.

The old ways continue to manifest themselves as pressure mounts for people to contribute to the nation's needs including a New Year's day proclamation about required contributions of manure and scrap metal. There has also been an increase in checkpoints which is just another way to put money in the pockets of officials. It is also fairly widely known that North Korea has been using illicit production of methamphetamines for sale abroad as a major source of foreign currency. This has been backfiring as an increasing number of North Koreans have been taking the drug. The number of addicts continues to increase as well as sellers even as arrests increase. There are also signs that labor camps are being expanded in the North.

In this critical hour in our nation’s history, now, more than ever, we are being called to stand in the gap for America through the NIGHTWATCH. Our nation is being methodically pushed to abort her God‐Given assignments of: being a beacon of freedom, being a hope for struggling nations, being a publisher of the Gospel, and being a true friend and supporter of Israel.

Moreover, the forces of evil are most active in the night, when most saints are sleeping and when the enemy can “gain ground” in the spirit before the break of day. By “holding heaven open” through the NIGHTWATCH, we cast down the enemy’s forces and render his works null and void, AND we cry out for the deliverance of those who have been ensnared by wickedness, setting captives free through the precious Shed Blood of our Savior.

There are countless times in Scripture where the battle has been won OVERNIGHT.
For example:
Recall Esther, whose uncle Mordecai went to bed one night, thinking he would be hung the next morning on the gallows Haman was constructing. But, OVERNIGHT, something changed. The gallows meant for Mordecai were used instead to hang the wicked Haman. Recall Jacob, who travailed THROUGH THE NIGHT with an angel, until he received the blessing of our Father. Recall Moses, who led the Israelites OVERNIGHT, through the Red Sea, to safety.

Let’s take the battle, where the battle needs to be taken: at the highest gates of authority in our nation, and at the exact time the battle must be waged. Praise God for His Victory!! Has He not, indeed, designed the strategy of the NIGHTWATCH, “for such a time as this?”

For more information about participating in the Night Watch to pray for the USA, please contact Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14)

God is using the emerging generation to advance his kingdom around the world. He is calling his Church to embrace a new understanding of the role of children. He wants us to see children with new eyes, with His eyes. The 4 to 14 Window Movement is one of the global responses to this call.

On May 7 to 10, 2013, a North American Summit for the 4 to 14 Window will take place in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. Eleven different Tracks will focus on areas like Children in Prayer, Education, Family and Home, Children’s Ministry in the local Church, Media, Mission Structures and the role of Senior Pastors.

A major goal for the Summit is to see the 4 to 14 Window Movement become a catalyst and resource for local churches and communities across North America. For information regarding the summit, please contact Tom Victor. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In 1973 Roe v. Wade stunned the American Church and in many ways, took her by surprise. For 40 years now we have been battling to remove this plague of Abortion from our land. What we wouldn’t all give to be able to wind back the clock and have a do-over! It’s way easier to stop a strong man before he gets into your house, than to take the house back after he’s made it his stronghold.

We know God hears prayer, holds the hearts of kings in his hands, and honors our supplications as much as Elijah's! If it were December 13, 1971 again and the Oral Argument of Roe vs. Wade were being held at the Supreme Court, to what length would we go to mobilize prayer for those nine Justices? Considering the cost of 55 million lives since,  I'm sure we all would bring everything to a grinding halt to pray for the nine “Supremes”.

My friends, the Roe v. Wade of our generation has come upon us. March 26 & 27, the Supreme Court will hear cases Hollingsworth v. Perry and United States v. Windsor. Both cases are really Sexual Immorality v. Sanctity of Marriage. Will the Supreme Court of the United States call sexual immorality equal to holy matrimony? This is a spiritual war, and you had better believe we can win it, or we’ve already lost!  40 years later, we have an opportunity to show God that we are different now. 
God has spoken and confirmed to our intercession community in DC to mobilize the mobilizers to prayer for the Supreme Court and the sanctity of marriage. God has through a couple of dreams confirmed these things:

Five days of prayer and fasting Feb 18 - 22. Please fast and pray with us.

1. Pray for all the Supreme Court Justices, but specifically for Justice Kennedy. We know that Justice Kennedy will likely be the swing vote on this case.

2. Let’s pray that God would slam the door shut to the spirit of sexual immorality in America and deliver a generation from sexual confusion. 
I believe God has given us an opportunity to turn back the clock. If we rise up in prayer, and in faith, I believe God will reverse Roe, too, as we show him that we are a different church 40 years later.

Excerpts from a call to prayer by Jason Hershey

Jason Hershey resides in Washington DC and leads a community of full-time intercessors committed to standing in the Gap for America. He is the founder of David’s Tent DC and Washington House of Prayer. If you’d like to come and pray on site in Washington DC, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Right now 656 campuses have been adopted, with 497 communities and churches praying in 367 cities. All 50 states will have someone praying on February 28, 2013!

Here are two examples of how ministries are promoting the CDOP:
1. 24-7 Prayer
2. Mom’s in Prayer (V&S Leader Julie Loos)