Please pray for the forthcoming IMA NATIONAL SUMMIT on CHURCH & MISSION to be held from the 7th to 9th March 2012 at IMA Vision City, Hyderabad. Please pray for the National Church Leaders taking part in this Summit and for each session, plenary, workshop, group study, and more so that each talk, discussion, and decision be to the glory of God and for the transformation of India. We must dream nationally and work locally.

We certainly appreciate your sincere intercession for this historic gathering of National Church & Mission leaders.

Dear Friends, please join us in observing the Global Day of Prayer for Burma: March 11, 2012. The Day of Prayer magazine is now available to be downloaded in English, Russian, Danish, and Thai languages. For more information, please go to

Christians Concerned for Burma

“Watchmen are ordinarily placed on the walls of a city to give notice to the rulers of coming danger. God appoints watchmen not only to warn men - often they will not hear - but also to summon Him to come to their aid whenever need or the enemy may be threatening. The great mark of the intercessors are that they are not to hold their peace day or night, to take no rest, and to give God no rest, until the deliverance comes. In faith they may count upon the assurance that God will answer their prayers.”  Andrew Murray

Week of prayer for Morocco: March 5-11

Week of prayer for Mauritania: April 9-14

Some of the key emerging themes to pray into include: the national church - unity - signs & wonders, dreams & visions - opening of doors - barriers & resistance to the Good News - rising up of prayer within and for the nation - fasting for the nation - freedom - salvation & revival - workers for the harvest.


An Algerian believer explains, "I went to visit a lady who said she had become a follower of Christ. She lived in a small town. She was illiterate. She had a vision of Jesus and had decided to put her trust in Him. She had a Bible but could not read it. She asked for help to read it, but no one would help. So she cried out to God in her desperation, and Jesus appeared in her room, sat with her, and began to teach her to read the Bible. She showed me that she can read it. Her family are amazed!"

•    Praise God for the revival that continues in Algeria, specially among the Berbers.

•    Pray that believers will be committed to fellowshipping together.

•    Thank God for the churches who have permission to operate openly, and ask God to protect that permission.

•    Pray for an increase in home fellowship groups too.  

•    Pray for good discipling of believers.  

•    Pray that Algerians will receive a burden for evangelism in their own nation and in neighboring North African nations.

•    Pray that there will be a softening of the hearts of Algerian Arabs towards the Good News.

Please undergird these important efforts being carried out by brothers and sisters in Christ who prefer to be unnamed for obvious reasons. Pray for His wisdom, protection and great favor as they engage in these sensitive and delicate missions.

It is about nine months since Sudan divided into two countries. While there was an initial celebration in South Sudan, the situation once again has become very dire. About half a million Christians have fled from the North. A Christian organization has been asked to play a mediating role in some of the current challenges. Senior Government leaders in both the North and South have indicated that, in partnership with Sudanese faith leaders, this organization can act as a broker in building a peaceful solution to the conflict. In addition, to the North-South conflict, they have also been asked to intervene in a violent conflict between two tribes in South Sudan. Pray for them as they take a small team to Sudan the latter part of March.

Congo (DRC)
The situation in eastern Congo is also dire. Government and rebel militias fight to control Congo’s mines, which are rich with natural resources. Profits from conflict minerals fund horrific violence. Congo’s disorganized military and police do little to stop it. Armed groups, operating without accountability, use rape and murder to intimidate civilians. Since 1996, over 5.5 million have died from war-related causes. Countless women and children have been raped. Congo’s wars ended in 2003, yet more than 2.5 million people live as refugees. Modern day slavery is a reality in this failed state. This same Christian organization has been asked to develop a more comprehensive coordinated intervention, and they are planning a visit to DRC.
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Religious Conflict Zones
Pray for several situations where religion is being used as instrument to promote violence and serious discrimination. In Nigeria, hundreds of Christians have been killed, and thousands are under threat. This organization is seeking to work with moderate Muslim leaders to deescalate this conflict.

In Pakistan, the same organization has been asked to help take up the cause of religious minorities, including those under threat from the blasphemy laws through which Christians have been falsely accused, imprisoned and killed.

They are following up with the Egyptian Christians leaders to facilitate some encounters between Christian and Muslims leaders to promote and encourage a pathway to a more secular, pluralistic society rather than a radical Islamic State.

At the request of evangelical leaders in Kazakhstan who are facing serious discrimination and pressure, they are working on communication with their president to ask for a change in the law.

The president of Myanmar (Burma) has agreed to meet with a small delegation of three people in March. The team needs real wisdom on how best to approach the issues of religious freedom and human rights.

North Korea
They are working on a visit North Korea in May, with the hope this will lead to a much more substantive engagement in the coming years. They are envisioning a major humanitarian aid project.

Very high-level government leaders in China have reached out and requested a meeting, and they have agreed to meet in May. This is a critical year in China, as they will have a new president and will be replacing seven of the top nine leaders in their country.

There is a great influence coming from outside in the name of human rights which aims at violating Christian ethics. Such a wind is very strong to an extent of silencing the Christians. We have experienced heavy spiritual warfare. Homosexuality is opening its doors in the name of aid. Pray that our nation will remain a Christian nation and be under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. May God intervene in the affairs of governance.

Please keep praying for the WPA! Your prayer support will be all-important to the planning of this event which is intended to be a “new paradigm” for an international congress—carried out Acts 13-style—incorporating listening to God, united prayer, and strategic implementation of world-impacting action that proceeds out of that encounter with the Lord and one another.

Please pray that those from every nation God is calling to take part in Jakarta will be able to be with us and for that the resources for them and the Assembly itself will flow in abundance.

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