The Taliban and their allies on both sides are still on the offensive and continue to spread death and violence. The reports are talking about continued strong Taliban activities and an increase of violence…these powerful spiritual forces will not just easily give up. In Afghanistan and Pakistan, much more is at stake, and it will take a strong commitment of many intercessors. Please continue to partner is prayer for this special project and share these requests with others.

1. Please pray that more intercessors from around the world will join us to seriously intercede for Afghanistan and Pakistan at this crucial stage.
2. We still see many terrifying attacks of Taliban against their governments, the Army/police, and many innocent people. Continue to pray that this movement and their allies would be completely thrown into confusion and be crushed. We continue to proclaim the end of this satanic movement.

3. That their leaders would either surrender, give up and stop fighting or that they would be taken out before they spread even more violence and bloodshed. Especially let this happen for their key people like Mullah Omar, Gulbadin Hekmatyar, the Haqqanis and other high-ranking leaders. Pray that the demonic protection these leaders have would be removed and that would be caught soon.  That the demonic unity between the Taliban and their allies be broken and that they would turn again each other.

4. That the fear of God to fall on them and as many as possible of their key leaders would be converted to Christ.

5. Pashtun tribal leaders throughout the areas where the Taliban operate would be so fed-up with the Taliban and their allies that they would not allow them to use their territory any more and start opposing them. It happened already in some areas and it should spread out throughout the Pashtun areas.

6. Pray for President Karzai who seems to make compromises with the Taliban and tries to appease them. He is losing the trust of other important ethnic groups, which can lead again to dangerous frictions. During the meeting in Washington the President Karzai demanded from the US government to pull out their troops from villages (where usually the Taliban are) and stop the night raids (where most of the Taliban leaders were caught). This will weaken the NATO Troops in their fight against the Taliban.  Also the US gov had to hand over all the Taliban prisoners to the Afghan government. A number of times he released key Taliban leaders. The US gov had to give in to all these demands. Pray that the Afghan president would stop these actions that will brings increasingly distrust from his own people and the western governments that support Afghanistan.

7. Elections are to be held in Pakistan in the Spring.  A party very sympathetic to the Taliban and one that promises to bring in Sharia law is popular and predicted to win.  Pray for a moderate party to win and one that will rule with justice.  PRAY for the right leader to be elected. PRAY that a fanatical, religious government will not take over.

8. Pray for the small population of Christians not to be afraid but to be emboldened by the Holy Spirit to stand up in faith and to strongly pray for their own countries. Especially in Pakistan is a larger percentage of Christians that should be mobilized to pray for their own country. PRAY for the Holy Spirit to stir Christians to pray like never before.  PRAY for teams to be able to get visas to Pakistan to join with Christians there.  PRAY for protection for Christians (foreign and national).

9.   Pray the people in Pakistan will boldly speak out against the Taliban and that the military will also be bold in fighting against the enemy.

10. Pray for confusion in the Taliban’s attempt to establish a headquarters in Qatar or any other place.

Provided by “David” and “Michael”, two veteran ministry leaders who have devoted their lives and ministries to these nations. May the Lord bless, encourage and protect them and their families!;;;;;;

Christians subject to stricter controls, religious freedom violations.
By Compass Direct News
January 18, 2012

Khartoum, Sudan – Sudan’s Ministry of Guidance and Religious Endowments has threatened to arrest church leaders if they carry out evangelistic activities and do not comply with an order for churches to provide their names and contact information, Christian sources said.

The pressures on Christians come as war in Sudan’s South Kordofan state has led leaders there and in North Kordofan to incite hatred against Christians, with officials in both states calling for holy war against the predominantly Christian Nuba people.

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Each year the poor suffer, children unnecessarily die, and the majority of the world population suffer hunger and unnecessary illness because of improper stewards of our Global financial resources (1 Trillion US$ goes missing each year due to corruption activities! If you want to see what 1 Trillion dollars looks like please take a look at the attached presentation). In Africa $148 Billion US Dollars goes missing that is 25% of our total GDP!

God cares about this, and so should Christians and the Church!
Please pray for:

• Ongoing passion and commitment among our team and our partners to mobilize Christians and the Church around the issues of poverty and corruption.
• We urgently need to get some additional funding in order to continue to pay our staff, meet our financial commitments and continue to develop our toolkits for the Church, Business and Government engagement.
• Please pray for our Press and Partner event in Cape Town on the 11th of March.  This will be a significant marker for EXPOSED. 
Unashamedly Ethical

The role that God is calling Unashamedly Ethical to play in South Africa and across the globe is critical. More than ever we need Christians to take their place in Business, Government and the Church to establish Godly values and ethics.

South Africa is at a kairos intersection. The governing party and the government are failing the people.  It is our privilege to pray for the nation and its servants, and also to support them and where appropriate hold them accountable for the responsibility they bear in governing for justice, peace and provision for all in the nation.

Please pray for:

• Our team of full time and part time workers and their families.  Pray for safety, health and provision for their spiritual and physical needs.
• Please pray for the campaign in Southern Africa where we plan to add another 1 million signatories to UE in 2013. This strong base will allow us to engage with Church, business and government in a meaningful and significant manner to see the values of God’s Kingdom transforming and renewing society.
• Please pray for our need of human and financial resources in this campaign.  In order to do this work we need approximately R2 million per year.

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Workers inside Libya started a prayer initiative to pray and fast for Libya during the first 90 days of 2013. YOU are invited to join them!

They write:
"Something incredible is happening in the nation of Libya. God is working in an unprecedented way. We are trusting in faith for Disciple Making Movements to start in 2013. We are in an unprecedented time of history in this nation.  There are many new workers inside Libya who are committed to pray & fast for the people of Libya for the first 90 days in 2013.   Starting on January 1st, and finishing March 31st, would you be willing to join in with us to see this breakthrough happen? You can respond by picking a day in the week or the month that you want to join in this  prayer effort and also pass this on to as many people you know to love and pray for Libya!"

Go to:

1. Pray that the Lord would protect the local believers from extremists.
2. Pray for stability and a government that would bring law and order without bringing yet another totalitarian regime.
3. Pray for workers to get residence permits more easily.
4. Pray that Arab Christians would be willing and able to get jobs and share their faith.
5. Pray that expatriates who go would be committed to stay after they run into the difficulties of life in the country.

You can read more information to help inspire your prayers by visiting this website:

This is a horrible story and shows so much the injustice in this Islamic country. That needs to be brought out into the public!

Recently they executed a lady from Sri Lanka and cut her head off as they accused her of having killed a baby. But this religious Saudi man gets away…

“The man (who raped and killed the girl), said to be a religious scholar who is also a regular guest on Islamic television networks, confessed to having used cables and a cane to inflict the injuries, activists from the group Women to Drive said in a statement on Saturday.

…Randa al-Kaleeb, a social worker from the hospital where Lama was admitted, said the girl’s back was broken and that she had been raped ‘everywhere’, according to the group.”

Pray for justice and the light of Christ to shine in this benighted nation.

As Christians will know, on the 8th of November 2012, our government promulgated Decree 92/2012/ND-CP, a decree detailing how to implement the Ordinance on Religion and Belief of 2004. The decree was signed by Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and became effective on January 1, 2013.

Dear fellow Christians – the implementation of this decree will cause many inconveniences and hardships for church activities, and at the same time render illegal all house churches which already came into being 25 years ago, The articles in the decree also provide local officials with legal means by which they can hinder the worship of God and other activities in local congregations.

1. Ask that the Almighty God would continue to protect and vindicate the Church (Acts 5:38, 39)
2. Ask that God would protect believers in all local areas and that they would faithfully gather to worship the Lord and stand firm in all circumstances (Acts 5:41, 42)
3. Ask that God would grant leaders of our Vietnamese nation to recognize the many benefits that the churches contribute to society (1 Timothy 2:1, 2)
4. Ask God to raise up a devout generation and to visit his church so that we would fulfill our calling of being the “salt of the earth” and “the light of the world”. (Matthew 5:13, 14)

Transform World Prayer Summit: Vision 2020

Kansas City, Missouri, USA

March 24-27, 2013

“Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an apointed time.” Habakkuk 2:2-3a

Dear Friends,

We are in a defining moment in world history.  With nations in an uproar, economies in upheaval, social order declining, and times increasingly tumultuous, God is beckoning His church to advance His Kingdom.  As a response, 300 leaders from around the world are gathering at IHOPKC Missions Base in Kansas City for the Transform World Prayer Summit on March 24-27, 2013.

Transform World and the International House of Prayer would like to invite YOU to become part of this 70-hour global prayer summit as a prayer-gathering host. In becoming a prayer-gathering host, you will have the opportunity to hear teaching and strategic points for intercession from key leaders such as Luis Bush, Mike Bickle, Dick Eastman, Loren Cunningham, George Otis Jr., Billy Wilson, Jim Fiske, and others. Additionally, you’ll worship and agree in intercession with these leaders as we target the 7 primary challenges that the church is currently facing.

You’re invited! Become one of the 100,000 Prayer Gathering Hosts that we are asking God for! With 100,000 prayer gatherings participating via web stream, we will have nearly 5 million prayer warriors linked together in prayer, contending together for spiritual breakthrough for 70 straight hours!

Here’s what a Prayer Gathering Host will do:

  • Commit to joining us via web stream for at least one of the summit’s 2-hour sessions where your group will hear an exhortation from one of our speakers and engage with us in prayer for that session’s focus.
  • Determine which of the sessions you would most like to tune in for. (choose as many sessions as you’d like) Click here to view the full event schedule:
  • We want to know that you're praying with us! You can let us know by filling out a short registration form. Click to access our Prayer Gathering Host page and choose the registration link that accommodates your language.
  • Invite at leat 5 other people to your chosen venue to join the Transform World Prayer Summit live via web stream.
  • Let your friends know about the event:

1. Like us on Facebook:

2. Follow us on Twitter and tweet about us:

3. Click to download Challenge and Prayer Host cards to share with your friends by printing them or sharing them electronically:

4. Visit our website and direct your friends to it:

  • Tune in via live web stream on March 24th-27th to view the sessions that you have committed to. The web address for the event's stream is:

We encourage you to join us as a Prayer Gathering Host for this historic event!

Luis Bush,

Servant of the Most High God

Transform World 2020

A short video clip concerning the upcoming election and the campaign that is happening now. Please pray for an honest election and for just leadership for this nation of SE Asia that will eliminate corruption and uphold the religious and political freedom of all Malaysia’s peoples.