Dear Brother John,
I am sorry for being delayed in my response. Actually it is due to lack of electricity and net off-ness. Daily we do receive light and net about 3-4 hours. Most the time spending in darkness and under the candles. Just back to early 18-19th centuries. PTL.
Many thanks for your kind words and supporting prayers.
The situation here in Aleppo Syria is getting worse more and more. Yesterday, as all churches decided to have a united prayer day, the rebels sent three rockets - mortars- and been exploded just couple of hours before the gathering few meters from the main gate of the church. No injuries; just few damages here and there with some affected cars.
But, with all this, just to let you know that in spite all the rockets and explosions, more than 300 members and worshipers attended the prayer service meeting on that Friday. PTL…
Lord protected all of us - near and far. He is good. He is in control. His presence is our protection. Still in Aleppo, serving the One who deserves to be served.
Keep us lifted up

Right now, the situation in Nigeria is incredibly tense and urgently needs your prayers. AT least 60 people are thought to have been killed yesterday in a car bomb attack in Kano City. Most of the victims are likely to have been from the predominantly Christian Igbo tribe, who are constantly targets of religion-related violence.

Victims Burned Beyond Recognition
The busy motor park in the Sabon Gari area was a prime target for a suicide bomber. Suspected to be a member of the militant Islamist sect Boko Haram, the attacker, reportedly rammed his car into a bus full of passengers as it was moving off. The victims were heading for southern Nigeria. The death toll is likely to increase since the explosion caused four other buses to catch fire. This vicious attack was clearly meant to stoke tribal divisions in Nigeria. Tensions are now rising in the south with reports of northerners either fleeing or taking refuge in military barracks. Lift up prayers ¬¬for peace right now. Please pray:

• For comfort for the families of the victims.
• That reprisal attacks will not take place.
• For wisdom for the authorities in Nigeria as they handle this situation.
• For God to stop the devastating violence and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers.

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Chinese state media recently reported that the government is looking to consolidate several ministries in order to streamline processes and reduce bureaucracy. One proposal that appears to be on the table is the potential folding of the Family Planning Commission, which enforces the One-Child Policy, into the Ministry of Health.

The potential outcome of such a merger is unclear, but there are two possible scenarios: (1) the One-Child Policy will be enforced with greater brutality as the Family Planning Commission gains access to hospitals and clinics; or (2) the merger will effectively eliminate the Family Planning Commission and strip all of its workers of their authority to carry out forced and coerced abortions.

All Girls Allowed is urging churches around the world to join in unity with the Chinese church to pray that the Lord would effectively eliminate the Family Planning Commission through this merger, thus beginning the process of ending the One-Child Policy. Should such a historic move occur, it would follow several reports that the Chinese government is contemplating moving to a Two-Child Policy in March, 2013. It would also fulfill what began last summer when provinces representing 87% of China declared bans on late-term forced abortions.

China’s government has come under greater international pressure to end the One-Child Policy following the gruesome image of Feng Jianmei’s forcibly aborted baby that surfaced last June. The pressure continues as Feng recently revealed in a television interview that she has yet to receive the compensation and justice that was promised to her by the government. Another recent tragedy in which an over-quota child was run over and killed by Family Planning Officials has brought further embarrassment to the Chinese government around the One-Child Policy.

Chai Ling, Founder of All Girls Allowed, says: “Come, join us as we take a front-row seat to view God’s deliverance of his people in China! We prayed before the blind attorney Chen Guangcheng escaped, and the Lord delivered him. We prayed for policy change, and the vast majority of Chinese provinces banned late-term forced abortion. Our Lord Jesus clearly hears us, and he so desires for us to come before him in thanksgiving and intercession, that he might send his redemption on China.”

“Our God is an awesome God. Let us ask him to give courage to China’s leaders to do what is right and just. May he continue to part the Red Sea and release his people from the yoke of slavery!”

All Girls Allowed ( was founded by Chai Ling in 2010 with a mission to display the love of Jesus by restoring life, value and dignity to girls and mothers in China and revealing the injustice of the One-Child Policy.

“In Jesus’ Name, Simply Love Her.”


Kat Lewis

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Brief Report on Launch of WPA East Africa Chapter

The launch of the World Prayer Assembly East Africa Chapter was carried out on Friday 8th February 2013 in response to the request to the Kenyan team to implement the strategies they had received in Indonesia at the WPA 2012 meeting. About 50 people attended this event.

Pastor Mary Aruwa, Pastor Esther Kiarie, and Pastor Stephen Mutua all helped lead the gathering, reviewing the vision of the WPA and its history and hearing the responses of participants. Pastor Mutua, outlined the way forward as Kenyans come together under WPA East Africa chapter to begin to go out to the surrounding nations carrying revival and the new wave of God’s glory. He added that the work would extend to teaching and encouraging brethren to be more effective in prayer. He informed the team that the steering committee would work on the modalities and the planning strategies to ensure that in 2013 at least 6 nations in the region would experience the new wave of glory as the WPA Kenya team began to mobilize teams to go out. They then proceeded to launch the WPA EA chapter as he prayed powerfully and commissioned those present to go out to East Africa and the surrounding regions. Later participants were invited to share their responses to this vision and their responses were in agreement as they expressed their thoughts e.g. “this is a good vision”, they affirmed their commitment to this cause and asked the team to keep them informed as they were willing to participate in the activities that would be put in place by the steering committee.

For more information, please contact Pastor Stephen Mutua

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After just over one year in power, North North Korea’s novice leader, 30-year old Kim Jong Un, has dashed hopes that he will change course from the brinkmanship-style policies pursued by his late father, Kim Jong Il. For the first time in decades, U.S. intelligence and defense analysts believe the threat of an outbreak of significant hostilities on the Korean peninsula is a distinct possibility. How would a potential conflict play out? While there is little doubt that North Korea would lose, the consequences for the region would be dire, with casualties potentially in the hundreds of thousands, if not more.

Dear prayer partners in the LORD, please I am requesting prayers for my country Ghana. Just after the election, there has been heavy tension on the nation. Just because the opposition party has been taking the election commission and the president to court for an unfair deal. Please, we need your prayer support and GOD’s intervention for fair judgment.

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Please pray for a dear brother in Christ, Sherif Ramses. He is one of four foreign nationals who have been arrested on February 10 in Benghazi, Libya, on suspicion of Christian activities.

Sherif is being subjected to severe torture including hanging from a ceiling and beatings. They are attempting to force him to confess to things he has not done.

Sherif Ramses is an Egyptian Christian who lived and operated a bookstore in Libya for many years. When Ramses was arrested, he allegedly had 30,000 Bibles in storage. He has been accused of printing Christian literature and proselytizing.

Please take urgent action on his behalf. What you can do:

1. Ask your church to pray for brother Sherif and three others arrested with him
2. Write an email or letter to your congressman: *find info at:
3. Contact any media news paper, TV, News Radio, Talk shows
4. Publicize his situation via social media: FaceBook, Twitter…ask your friends to spread this info to all their friends and acquaintances

Brother Sherif is in a very grave situation. Please take action!

He needs our daily prayers. Pray that God sustains his faith and for his quick release.

The other three foreign nationals arrested with him are a South African, Korean, Swedish-American. On Feb. 13 and Feb. 16, three additional Christians were arrested, bringing a total of seven arrested.

Sherif Ramses is the only one of the arrested that has been named. Names and location of the other 6 detainees have not yet been identified. Please keep them also in prayer. God knows their names.

Thank you for your faithful prayers. God alone can sustain someone suffering such evil.

Together in His Ministry,

Paul H. Popov

"I would really like to see people around the world rally to the fact that there are fellowships in the country of Libya and they need our prayers. At the center of the 90 days prayer and fasting is seeking God for a movement breakthrough in the nation."

Please pray for a dear brother in Christ, Sherif Ramses. He is one of four foreign nationals who have been arrested on February 10 in Benghazi, Libya, on suspicion of Christian activities.

Sherif is being subjected to severe torture including hanging from a ceiling and beatings. They are attempting to force him to confess to things he has not done.

Sherif Ramses is an Egyptian Christian who lived and operated a bookstore in Libya for many years. When Ramses was arrested, he allegedly had 30,000 Bibles in storage. He has been accused of printing Christian literature and proselytizing.

Please take urgent action on his behalf. What you can do:

1. Ask your church to pray for brother Sherif and three others arrested with him
2. Write an email or letter to your congressman: *find info at:
3. Contact any media news paper, TV, News Radio, Talk shows
4. Publicize his situation via social media: FaceBook, Twitter…ask your friends to spread this info to all their friends and acquaintances

Brother Sherif is in a very grave situation. Please take action!

He needs our daily prayers. Pray that God sustains his faith and for his quick release.

The other three foreign nationals arrested with him are a South African, Korean, Swedish-American. On Feb. 13 and Feb. 16, three additional Christians were arrested, bringing a total of seven arrested.

Sherif Ramses is the only one of the arrested that has been named. Names and location of the other 6 detainees have not yet been identified. Please keep them also in prayer. God knows their names.

Thank you for your faithful prayers. God alone can sustain someone suffering such evil.

Together in His Ministry,

Paul H. Popov

"I would really like to see people around the world rally to the fact that there are fellowships in the country of Libya and they need our prayers. At the center of the 90 days prayer and fasting is seeking God for a movement breakthrough in the nation."