
The people of Pakistan have shown great resilience to sustain their democracy during the last 65 years by ejecting at least four governments in uniform which constitute more than 30 years of rule and frustrating many more conspiracies against their right to be governed democratically, while most of the efforts in the past had been to reclaim democratic space. In 2013, the nation will go to polling booths to endorse or reject political parties on the basis of their performance after completion of a full-fledge term of five years by a democratically elected government…

In the back drop of all these new developments and a continued war against terrorism, Talibanisation, extremism and radicalization, the nation will be going to the polls in May 2013, genuinely expecting that democracy must deliver good governance to bring them out of the quagmire of problems. Therefore, the first ever civilian transition without the mentoring and monitoring of powers that be in 2013 is a citizens' chance to vote out or vote in their representatives through free, fair and transparent elections. In this way, Election-2013 will be of significant importance and have long-term consequences for democratic consolidation in Pakistan.

Prayer Campaign:
The National Prayer Network of Pakistan partnering with local churches has started a prayer campaign since December 2012 which focuses on the “Prayer for The General Election 2013”. It is imperative that we pray faithfully for the 2013 elections, yet our hope and trust is not in the results of elections. This prayer campaign motivates the Christians across the nation that their prayers for this upcoming election are important, and they will definitely impact the election process. The campaign also focuses on a spiritual and moral awakening of the church which is tied to the healing of the nation, spiritual and moral issues facing our nation and that these issues will not be resolved in the Parliament, Senate or the Supreme Court. What Pakistan desperately needs is its Church’s Spiritual Awakening. The Church must experience a revival that awakens her to the life-changing power of Jesus Christ in her midst. Such a spiritual awakening within the people of God has the power to bring about true cultural transformation in this nation.

Prayers for Materials and Events:
Tens of Thousands of printed information flyers, printed prayer points, posters and other materials are being sent by post and e-mail to churches, ministries, prayer groups and individuals across the nation; special prayer events, seminars, prayer chains, prayer walks and other activities are being held to pray for the upcoming elections. Please pray for these events and material that the Holy Spirit touches the heart of the Church and the People of God understand the importance and impact of this prayer campaign for the future and political situation of the country.

The prayer campaign will continue till the election day rather till the results are declared, we believe that every believer has the potential to transform Pakistan through the power of the Holy Spirit which is released in every prayer for our Leaders and our Nation…I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 1 Tim 2:1-2.

It is our humble request to lift Pakistan in prayer continuously so that Free, Fair, Credible and Peaceful elections can take place.

National Prayer Network of Pakistan Team

URGENT: Let us pray for this national prayer effort to be successful in uniting the Pakistanis in intercession for their nation and also for the right leaders to be raised up during the election this coming month. This is an extremely crucial prayer issue not only for their nation but also for the security of the rest of the world. Pray that radical Islam is exposed and discredited and that none of these radicals get into power. They would then have access to the full arsenal of nuclear weapons Pakistan has, and they would not hesitate to use them against other nations.

Islamist discontent is rising, forcing Sudan’s President Omar el-Bashir to prove his Islamist credentials. As churches are demolished, property is seized, Coptic priests are detained and foreign Christians are deported, despair is setting in, and Sudanese Christians are wondering if the day is coming when they will no longer be able to practice their faith at all. Meanwhile, the 54-member states of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UNECOSOC) showed how little they care about the Sudanese citizens when they elected Sudan as a Vice-President and nominated it to chair proceedings on humanitarian affairs. The US and Canada protested, forcing Sudan to cede the humanitarian post reluctantly to Pakistan. Only God can be trusted! Please pray for the Church in Sudan.

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The Supreme Court of Pakistan on July 15 released on bail Malik Ishaq, leader and founder of Al Qaeda-linked Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, on grounds of “lack of evidence.” The man had been facing a number of cases at the antiterrorism court in Lahore charging him with hundreds of murders. He remained in jail for 14 years while evidence against him gradually decayed and disappeared—a pattern traced by terrorists in custody, none of whom has so far been punished in a country crawling with terrorist organizations.

Pray that this very dangerous man and others like him will not be able to continue their terrorist activities. May justice be done and their wicked plans overthrown as we pray!

Pirs are persons who have spiritual power from below and who have control over geographical areas and people that they control spiritually, e.g. over the Taliban and suicide bombers. If the gospel of Jesus Christ is going to be freed to shine in Pakistan, then these demonic principalities and the power of these pirs have to be cast down. If we are afraid of terrorism, then the demonic powers held by pirs have to be overcome. Praying against these pirs is a high calling. It is high spiritual warfare. The battle is won or lost right here.

The Chief of the Muslim League (Functional) and also a religious leader is Pir Sahib Pagara. Pray Pir Pigara will not be put in place as the interim Prime Minister who will hold all power during this month. The Pakistan Muslim league under Nawaz Sharif has had meetings with the Pakistan Muslim league faction following Pir Pagara to form an alliance. Pray that these fractions stay hopelessly divided.

Previously Pakistan has always had conventional governments. Much of the present government is made up of pirs. From the highest official in the land down through his cabinet and other ruling members, the government is made up either of pirs themselves or of people who are dependent on pirs for advice. Pir Pigara coming into power would be an "open door" for spiritism and Shamanism. So it is very important to pray and intercede for these elections.

PIR / Shrine sites and festivals
Syed Jalal-ud-Din Bukhari - Uch Sharif - March 29-31
Uch Sharif is the central place of pirs from which evil spreads out across the nation. This festival will have people from across the nation and will last longer than three days. Pray there will be confusion and evil will not be transmitted. Demonic evil has to be stopped in this central place first.

Egyptian Christians have requested our prayers concerning an eruption of sectarian violence.

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If you are in a hurry and do not have time to read the rich articles in this Connections prayer journal, here is a shortlist of crucial prayer concerns we invite you to pray about.

1 The situation in North Korea and the provocative actions of Kim Jong Un and his regime that could get out of hand and cause war, potentially even involving nuclear weapons. Pray for peace and restraint on all sides and that the North Korean leaders will introduce reforms of their society that will both set their people free and establish better relationships with the international community.

2 Afghanistan- that the Spring offensive of the Taliban will not occur and that their movement would be thrown into confusion, disunity and dissolved so they cannot continue to destabilize the nation.

3 Pakistan- that God would raise up honest, good leaders in the parliamentary election (May 11) process going on now and that the Taliban radicals would not be able to derail this election or harm those who are running as candidates.

4 Children in Prayer Chinese World Consultation (May 16-19)- that Chinese Christian leaders in China and Hong Kong will get the vision and be equipped to empower the 335 million youth and children of their vast population.

5 Middle East Prayer Assembly (October 1-4, Cyprus)- that good delegations from each nation in the region would be able to take part and that a strong, ongoing and interconnected prayer movement for this embattled region will be the result.

6 Malaysian National Election (May 5)- that a new government ruled by honest, caring leaders who put the people first will be put into power and that corrupt, self-serving politicians will be removed.

7 Egypt- for the peace of the Lord to reign over this nation and that it will be able to move to greater freedom and prosperity, throwing off authoritarian Islamic ideology in favor of upholding human rights for all its citizens.

8 Syria- that the civil war that has claimed tens of thousands of lives will wind down and that there will be a peaceful resolution of this conflict resulting in a new, united government that works for the good of all Syrians.

9 Exposed: Shining a Light on Corruption – 14-20 October 2013 – that this global campaign against corruption will be used of the Lord to save the over US$1 TRILLION that goes missing through mismanagement, illicit business practices and poor governance so it can be used to help the poor and their children and fulfill the UN Millennium Development Goals.

10 The International Prayer Initiative for the United Nations and Children in Prayer Global Consultation - “Children and Youth: Investing in the Future” (November 15-20)- that all the arrangements will come together and that UN officials, ambassadors, Christian NGOs working among children, ministry leaders as well as praying youth and children will be able to come from around the world for this historic event.

As members of the Religious Liberty Partnership meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, we support the appeal of our brothers and sisters in Syria for the worldwide church to pray for the nation of Syria and the Syrian church at large amidst the current crisis. We specifically call on Christian denominations and organizations worldwide to take this appeal to their members in recognition that we are one body united in Christ.

The RLP acknowledges:
• The call of Syrian Christian leaders for prayer as they struggle to survive amidst this crisis;
• The frustration and fears of the Syrian people following decades of political repression;
• The Syrian refugees and displaced finding protection and critical assistance in Lebanon,
• Jordan, Turkey and other countries;
• The important international efforts to broker a solution to the ongoing conflict in Syria;
• and
• The nation’s historic ethnic and religious diversity and peaceful coexistence which is
• now placed at risk.

The RLP is concerned about:
• The exodus of Christians and other ethnic and religious minorities from Syria as well as the attacks on and destruction of religious sites of all faiths;
• The lack of respect for humanitarian law, including kidnappings, and ongoing violence;
• The security and well-being of Syrian refugees and those internally displaced; and
• The inadequate input from and representation of ethnic and religious minorities in the political dialogue regarding the ongoing crisis in Syria.

We call on the international community:

• To provide sufficient protection for all ethnic and religious communities as well as their historical, religious, and cultural sites;
• To encourage all relevant parties to uphold international humanitarian standards, including appropriate and principled communication, fundraising, and program administration;
• To collaborate with organizations assisting the church in Syria and to promote peaceful coexistence between all ethnic and religious communities;
• To support organizations and agencies working to improve the security and provide for the well-being of those displaced;
• To work toward a peaceful political and diplomatic solution to the conflict that ensures the participation of all Syrians including all ethnic and religious communities.

We call on the worldwide church:
• To participate with the Refugee Highway Partnership ( in World Refugee Sunday, June 23, 2013 and designate it as a special day of prayer for Christians in Syria and all those affected by the current crisis; and
• To write to the UN Special Envoy for Syria and ask him to pay particular attention to vulnerable ethnic and religious minorities, ensuring their equal participation in his mandate.

The RLP commits:
• To pray for the church and its leaders as they stand amidst the ongoing attacks on their communities throughout the crisis;
• To raise awareness and work toward a peaceful solution of the current crisis, including reconciliation among the various ethnic and religious communities; and
• To utilize practicies that prioritize that well-being of all Syrians when providing assistance and advocating on behalf of the vulnerable.

From the body of Christ in Turkey, to our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Greetings from the church in Turkey. From the land of Noah, of Abraham, of Paul, of Ararat and Harran, of Antioch, Ephesus, Galatia, of the Seven Churches of Revelation... Yet today, the body of Christians in our land is less than 0.1% of the population of 72 million.

We are writing to you on behalf of the leaders of the church in Turkey to ask for your prayers. Prayer is, of course, the essential need of all Christians everywhere, so why pray for Turkey at this time? For the ground is hard and the battle in the heavenlies is tough and in recent years we have felt an added urgency and burden for prayer for our nation and its churches.

In 2009, we asked the world to join us each year for a 'Global Day of Prayer for Turkey' on April 18, the day in 2007 when 3 of our brothers were tortured and brutally murdered in the town of Malatya.

We greatly desire that you would join the small congregations of Turkey along with many churches worldwide to pray for Turkey in your churches and homes on April 18, 2013.

You can find information on the church in Turkey including more prayer topics along with links for further information at

Alliance of Protestant Churches (Turkey)

1. God’s truth and glory are revealed in Turkey, the Turkic window, and the Islamic region so that they may see spiritual restoration and revival.

2. Cast out the spirits of lies, confusion, division, and fear that have a stronghold on them.

3. Let all authorities (Turkish President Gül, Prime Minister Erdoğan) fear God and be used as good instrument of God like King Cyrus.