Please join the South East Asia Prayer Gathering which will be held at Excel Treasure Hotel in Yangon from 25-28 November 2013.
South-East Asia Prayer Gathering
25th -28th November 2013
For South-East Asia will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.
- Habakkuk 2:14 –
Venue: Excel Treasure Hotel
No. 520, Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, Shwe Gone Dine, Bahan Tsp.Yangon, MYANMAR
Coordinator, Myanmar Intercessors' Network
(Myanmar Prayer Council)
Please direct all enquiries to Adeline Teh at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thank you for the prayer updates. Be assured that our congregation is praying with you. I would like to ask you to uphold our country Philippines in prayer especially Zamboanga City. Our fellow Christians are experiencing persecution right now. They are being held captive and even killed by Muslim rebels. Please pray with us.
I saw this video last Saturday and used also in the church during our prayer time. Details were given in this video Unrest started last Monday, September 9.
Thank you so much!
Your sister in Christ,
Jhanice Magdalene Quiday (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
An additional note from fellow IPC friend…
The recent spate of scandals that rocked the legislative and executive branch of our government had caused a rising tide of protests throughout the country. The depth and extent of corruption and the brazen way that it is being done have awakened our people in anger and exasperation asking, “What kind of a nation have we become?” What was being done in secret has suddenly been blown into the open! The “pork barrel” or what is officially known as Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) which was supposed to benefit the people especially the poor had become the personal milking cow of many of our legislators in conspiracy with some agencies of the executive branch of our government. It has become the norm such that those in the government whom the people have entrusted the stewardship of our nation have treated the corrupt system as part of the way things in the government are done. Government projects and programs which are supposed to take care of the welfare of our people have become mere fronts and excuse for the corrupt officials to stash away the people’s money into their own pockets and satisfy their lusts and perpetuate their hold of political power.
Also, the recent situation in Mindanao particularly in Zamboanga City, the fight between the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the MNLF Rebels is now becoming alarming. The city has now become a 'ghost-town', where our fellow citizens are leaving the city because of the fight to avoid casualties. This could hinder the peace process that is going through right now between the government and the 'moroislamic liberation front'.
With this, the Body of Christ is calling for a nation-wide Solemn Assembly, a day of prayer and fasting and repentance on October 25.
Continue to pray for our nation, the Philippines. In the midst of all the situation we're going through, politically and socially, God remains in control.
Ziggie Buksh
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Northern Mexico continues to struggle with crime, violence and kidnappings, which is why Alicia Margarita Arellanes Cervantes, the mayor of Monterrey, Mexico, is giving the city over to God:
"I, Alicia Margarita Arellanes Cervantes, give Monterrey, Nuevo León, to our Lord Jesus Christ, so that his kingdom of peace and blessings may be established. I open the doors of this municipality to God as the ultimate authority. Lord Jesus Christ, welcome to Monterrey, the house that we have built. This is your home Lord Jesus, Lord of Monterrey."[1]
Arellanes isn't the only Mexican mayor to have dedicated her city to the Lord lately. According to The New York Times (NYT), "it turns out that the mayors of Guadalupe and Juárez, two towns close to Monterrey, and of Ensenada, in Baja California, (have) already done the same."[2]
Not surprisingly, Arellanes' speech has caused quite a stir to many in Mexico, both positive and negative responses from citizens, legislators, and the media. We at BridgeBuilders see this as a powerful answer to the intercession of thousands in Mexico and the USA who have united in prayer to invite God's transforming presence back to our two nations and to our border.
- Father God, thank you for the boldness of these mayors and may others in both Mexico and the USA follow their lead in claiming their cities for Christ. We ask You, God, to give holy boldness to others in influential positions in Mexico and the USA to make a public stand for You and Your righteous ways.
- Lord, raise up a shield of protection for those who are speaking out for You, both on a professional and personal level.
- We pray for a multiplication of the intercessors praying on both sides of the border--that a shift in the spiritual atmosphere will occur. We pray that our communities will be delivered from a culture of death and despair and instead will foster life and hope.
[1] "Mayor of Monterrey, Mexico Gives the City over to God." KPCC. N.p., 13 June 2013. Web. 26 June 2013.
[2] Steffan, Melissa. "Mayor 'Gives Away' Mexico's Wealthiest City to Jesus, Prompting Church-State Debate." N.p., 13 June 2013. Web. 26 June 2013.
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Pastor Gloria Au Yeung, a prayer leader and colleague in Hong Kong reports: “The “New Wave China National Network” was launched in July, connecting and converging the Prayer Wall movement to the WPA as a mighty river with the nations.
After the kicking off of the New Waves China Network in July, which coincides on the same day of the official starting of operation of the New Silk Route High Speed Rail from China to Europe, across six major nations along Central Asia, Russia, Poland and Germany, great wonderful supernatural things are moving so swiftly everyday on a corporate level and in a very unique and divine way, like never before! All leaders in the mainland of this New Wave China Network have also been attending the WPA last year, they are so excited and eager to connect more with the nations to move forward.
Then on the following day of Aug 6, there was an amazing sign of open heaven seeing a huge sign of a cross over the sky in the western part of HK in Tuen Mun extending to the area in the Central of HK island. There is already mass level publicity on this in the media. The prophetic sign of redemption for our City is so clear and of high profile!
Amazingly yesterday, another rare sign also occurred. Almost all our City are able to witness a double rainbow beautifully appeared in the sky over central Kowloon across to the most eastern part of our City.
This lasted quite long and so many people were able to catch these marvelous vision! We rejoice and celebrate God's faithfulness and His great promised for our City!
What amazing double signs from our Father showing His delight, promises, redemption and deep revelation to our beloved City. The time has come!
Nothing out of coincidence, yesterday was also the day that we were able to wonderfully complete our 30 - days prayer to the Muslims during their Ramadan by His grace, and at the same time, two great launching out of two big cities were simultaneously being launched out on the same day!
From the West to the East, the heavens declares His glory! Psalms 19:1-7, Psalms 68:1-2 The time has come, it is NOW! HERE and NOW!
Let's rejoice, thankful and meditate on His loving kindness and faithfulness among the nations!
Gloria Au Yeung, Kingdom Harvest Ministries
One man one vision. One team one heart, with one purpose. One Church, one desire and a Prime Minister, desiring that his nation might have a legacy like that of its namesake – King Solomon!
That was the backdrop to my recent visit to the island nation of the Solomon’s in the South Pacific. I had the honour and privilege to be the keynote speaker for a national conference, Prime Minister’s Leaders Prayer Breakfast and the National Launch of a ministry who’s aim it is, to see the establishment of a genuine movement of prayer and transformation.
One 14th July 2013, this man, his team and their dedicated group of kingdom believers drawn from across the Body of Christ and from all walks of life, launched, with the assistance of their Prime Minister, the first Melanesian House of Prayer, Worship and Mission in the Solomon’s. A prayer, worship and missions movement linking the island nations across the South Pacific; one in heart and purpose – declaring God’s kingdom above all else!
The two-day conference commenced with the visionary of this launch, Rev. Roy Funu, powerfully introducing participants to the heart, vision and purpose of this kingdom movement across Melanesia.
“It’s time,” he said, “for God’s people to be unified in heart and purpose around kingdom of God issues not the things that so often capture the hearts and minds of leaders and churches – regardless of their denominational persuasion.”
“It was also the fulfillment of years of prayer and travail by visionary Pastor Roy Funu and his team,” said Jenny Hagger.
“I was honored to minister to the women, assisted by Sue Rowe (USA), Transform World House of Prayer coordinator. Among these women a spiritual army is now arising, the Warrior Bride declaring God’s Kingdom purposes for Melanesia. Ben’s powerful messages at the Leaders Breakfast and the official launch strongly impacted all present, including the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister humbly called his nation to pray, as he launched the SIHOP, declaring this to be the key to his nations future destiny.”
Psalm 97:1(b) (NIV) declares,
‘…let the distant shores rejoice.’ And Isaiah 56:7(a) (NIV) says, ‘These I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer.’
During the four-day event, we heard the sounds of this rejoicing in the voices of the 120 member children’s choir, the women in the worship, the traditional warriors joyfully welcoming international visitors to their nation, as well the youth in dance and song lifting up the name of Jesus and declaring His blessing over their nation. A joyous and powerful celebrative atmosphere engulfed all present.
Pastor Roy Funu gives his view:
“One of the major reason for the launch in Honiara this year is to prepare the nation spiritually for the National Election next year; believing that God will bless our nation with godly leaders and government. After sharing with the Prime Minister, I found him to be more open and readily available to participate than many Church authorities, who regularly made excuses not to participate in our Launch program.
I believe the Prime Minister was so involved in the Leadership Breakfast and the Launch because of the following two reasons. (1) He wanted to see unity amongst Church leaders for the sake of the nation. To this end, he has been visiting churches quite regularly over the past two year’s. (2) I believe he was wrapped up in both addresses that were given at these two functions because they endeavored to provide solutions to his questions and addressed issues that are relevant at this time in our nations history.
One can only hope and pray for a new awakening! A heartfelt response by God’s people in the Solomon’s a real catalysis for change.
The earliest signs are encouraging. Over the last four weeks since the official launch, the number gathering regularly for corporate prayer in downtown Honiara has grown to 400. They come from all walks of life and across the Body of Christ. Houses of Prayer are being spoken of in villages outside the main centers, as the word spreads out. One spark lighting many fires!
Ben F. Gray (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Excerpted from Intercessors for America" This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
“The specter of economic doomsday makes war between China and the United States as unthinkable as fear of nuclear doomsday made Soviet-U.S. war. Or does it? In fact, Chinese and American military planners are thinking in exquisite detail, as they are expected to do, about how to win such a conflict. The problem is that the specific plans being concocted could make hostilities less unthinkable, and two great powers with every reason to avoid war could find themselves in one.
Having been impotent against two U.S. aircraft carriers during the Taiwan crisis of 1996, the People's Liberation Army has concluded, as Chinese military writings show, that the best way to avoid another such humiliation is by striking U.S. forces before they strike China. While not seeking war, the Chinese especially dread a long one, in which the full weight of American military strength would surely prevail. So they are crafting plans and fielding capabilities to take out U.S. carriers, air bases, command-and-control networks and satellites early and swiftly.
Reports such as this need not engender fear, though that is a temptation. This report is in the realm of "War Games," a sort of speculation that analysts at the Rand Corp. and elsewhere are trained and paid to do. Nothing has been announced publicly that would cause us to expect a U.S.-China world war. But could such a scenario actually happen? Yes, sadly, much of the world is poised in a mentality of arrogance and conquest. As a prayer focus, it serves to remind intercessors that we live in a fragile, tenuous, "Alice-in-Wonderland" world being held together by God's providence and His purposes. It is an environment of dishonesty, where words mean only what the speaker wants them to mean at the moment; where international handshakes may be empty gestures; and where announced "peace talks" do not result in peace. First, then, let our intercession begin with worship and thanksgiving, even as we read of "wars and rumors of wars."
Thank God for his mercy, restraining the many evils that could occur but which are held back through His kindness, giving Christians, churches, and ministries in our nation more time for sharing the gospel and seeing friends and family come to salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. Then, as we intercede, let us pray, as Jesus taught, for His kingdom to come on earth, as it is in heaven. In it all, may God be praised, worshiped, and thanked for His protection and grace.
"You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come." (Matt. 24:6) "[Jesus said], Pray, then, in this way: 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, May Your kingdom come, and Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we also forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us, not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.'" (Matt. 6:9-13)
21 days for Global Harvest. September 29-October 19, 2013
21 Days for Global Harvest. This is an annual worldwide prayer campaign for the fulfillment of the Great Commission in this generation. It is 21 consecutive days of passionate, heart-level prayer and intercession, seeking God to move significantly, so that His kingdom might come among the remaining unreached and unengaged people groups. Individuals, churches, para-church ministries, campus fellowships, mission organizations gather daily in small groups for 30 minutes to 1 hour to “stand in the gap” (Ezekiel 22:30) for personal revival and spiritual awakening in the body of Christ that leads to a surrendered focus on the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Individual and groups sign up on the website and adopt (for the purpose of the 21 Days Prayer), an unreached and unengaged people group and then dedicate September 29-October 19th, 2013, to praying for the move of God among the people group.
For further details, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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Daniel Bourdanne - IFES General Secretary - "What a tremendous privilege to pray together for God's power to transform many, many more lives around the world - in our universities, in our societies, among those people groups with the fewest followers of Christ."
Edmund Chan - Leadership Mentor, Covenant Evangelical Free Church, Singapore - "May a mighty harvest come forth from this God-inspired 21 Days For Global Harvest prayer campaign."
John Robb - International Prayer Council - "Throughout the history of mission, times of informed, heartfelt prayer have been used by God to launch whole new missionary enterprises."
Student Volunteer Movement 2 (SVM2) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Global Observance Sunday, September 22, 2013
There is nothing more important your church can do for teens now. Nothing. Pray with youth. Change your church’s future.
Unite generations. Transform lives.
Pray With Youth is the easiest, most essential campaign your congregation will ever accept with the greatest impact. Read and sign the declaration. Register your church. Download the free the free tools.
Get started today.
• We believe youth are created for significance and service.
• We believe youth are under intense cultural pressures.
• We believe that youth are called to mission and ministry.
• We believe youth are absolutely vital to the life of the Church.
• We believe youth are central to on-going future of the Church.
Therefore, we accept the call to join the Body of Christ and pray for youth for:
• Their Call: Young people are ready to step-up and accept God’s call and plan for their life.
• Their Cause: Young people have a path that is theirs to follow and a place in the church to serve.
• Their Concerns: Young people have Godly hearts that beat for the needs of others in this world.
• Their Culture: Young people are on the front lines in their schools and in their communities.
Sign the declaration now!
"God delights to answer the prayers of youth and children, and He has used their prayers in wonderful ways both in Scripture and the history of the Church. Prayer is also the Lord's way for them to receive His unique calling and be equipped to carry it out. Pray with Youth is crucial for the current spread of God's Kingdom through the linking of generations and also for the raising up of future leaders to do exploits for Him in the coming generations."
John Robb, Chairman, International Prayer Council