This map shows how many children have fled Syria for Lebanon (385,007), Jordan (291,238), Turkey (294,304), Iraq (77,125), North Africa (7,629) and Egypt (56,154) (As of 31st October 2013). Note that the numbers reflect children who have registered with UNHCR in these countries. The actual number of child refugees is higher, as not all children and families register.
To learn more about Syrian refugee children in Jordan and Lebanon, explore, share and download The Future of Syria: Refugee Children in Crisis at #FutureOfSyria
Last week, over 300 brothers and sisters in Christ from approximately 40 nations came together in the New York City area to pray for the children and youth of our world and for the efforts of the United Nations to help them. Our theme was "Children and Youth: Investing in the Future". Two unique and historic events - the Children in Prayer global consultation and the United Nations prayer initiative- both meeting end to end during the same week, carried that theme through all their sessions.
Here are some of the high points of both events:
- Hearing stirring and insightful presentations from our many gifted presenters.
- Praying with the children and youth participants over a huge inflatable globe for the nations and also an explosive spread of the Children in Prayer movement to the ends of the earth.
- Watching the kids being kids, having fun together and sometimes squirming on a large map of the world as they tried to concentrate fully. They also prayed, danced and shared moving words from the Lord with us during "Time with Abba".
- Stimulating workshops and regional sessions for both kids and adults as well as time spent in a specially decorated 24/7 prayer room.
- An affirming Skype call with Esther Ilnisky, "mother of the CiP movement".
- Strategic planning sessions and excursions to the Empire State Building to pray over New York and a tour of the U.N. to bless that complex, its personnel and efforts.
- Being challenged about the Next Generation and the possibility of a World Youth Prayer Assembly in 2015 or 2016.
- Hearing the testimony of one Korean church in New York that is impacting hundreds of thousands of children through inviting them to soccer games in stadia in several nations.
- Eating breakfast together in the U.N. Delegates Dining Room with ambassadors and U.N. staff to hear about the needs of children and youth; and to be led by children and youth in prayer for the Millennium Development Goals and by virtuoso students of Itzhak Perlman who played their violin and viola masterfully.
- Anointed worship of the Lord with all our hearts in the very heart of the United Nations.
- Praying there in the U.N. for a whole day, strongly and in agreement for the issues of youth and children- for orphans, those caught in trafficking, those in need of health, education, and employment, children trapped in war and refugee situations such as Syria, etc. You can see the 10 am session on November 20 inside the UN on this UN webcast link:
- Fellowship with one another over meals and praying for one another's lives and ministries before departing.
Many said their lives and ministries were affected deeply and that they now intended to focus much more intentionally and energetically on the Next Generation in their countries. Here are some of the many comments:
"The CIP / UN Prayer initiative... was such a wonderful and worthwhile time of God's people coming together from across the nations. The first evening as we worshipped and sang "Worthy is the Lamb" together will stand out in my memory as a holy moment in time."
"I have come away uplifted andencouraged by what the Lord is doing across the nations at this time. Soglad and thankful that I came to New York. I'm so looking forward to all that the Lord is going to do in the future amongst the children here in Perth - literally the ends of the earth! I feel that is significant!!"
"I really thank you for involving me in the CiP UN Prayer Initiative. I am returning to Nigeria with a fresh passion and burden for children and youth."
-John Robb, IPC Chairman
A Testimony from One Participant
When IPC, the organizing body for International Prayer Initiative confirmed my name as one of those to be praying at the UN (Nov 15-20), for issues facing the children, youth, nations and leaders of the world today, I was humbled and deeply grateful to God for this rare opportunity and favour from the Lord. Lots of questions came to mind like, 'why pray for the children and youth'? Why not pray for cessation of hostilities and terrorism or human rights violations and related human sufferings around the world? etc., etc. But after the event, I understood the strategic importance of praying for the children and the youth of the world to initiate a 'generational' transformation and solution to so many human problems. Here is how the Lord clarified the issue to me.
As the children led the praise and worship and leaders were introduced to the participants, the Spirit of God began moving amongst us. The many dry bones as it were got 'connected' through the proclamation of the word, prayer and praise. As the Spirit took over, we felt like one body, worshipping together the Lord of the nations. How marvelous! "My Jesus, my Savior.. Nothing compares with the promises I have in YOU". Well, did not Isaiah prophesy? "A little child shall lead them"? Did not Jesus underscore the importance of becoming like a child because the kingdom of God belongs to those whose hearts had become obedient and soft like children?
Then, four horns of ram started blowing declaring the moment of spiritual victory, and the season for fresh anointing powerfully announced in that manner ALL by the children. The promise that came to us was through the songs like.. Greater things are yet to come.. Greater things are yet to be done in this city..(remembering that New York was hit by terrorists in 2001) was loud and clear. Yes, Jehovah Gibor has declared war against the forces of darkness over the nations and victory will be declared!
Delegates were encouraged to go into a small prayer room located near the breakout rooms. One afternoon, I also joined a few Indians who were praying there. I saw in one corner, a table with a cup of wine and a few crumbs of biscuits, intended for those who might like to have communion with the Lord. I said to the Lord, "Lord, I want to see you Lord afresh. I have been blessed already through the word and through the songs, but I want to see you.. high and lifted up". I took the cup and ate the bread and then a powerful presence overwhelmed me like I have never known before. The experience was indescribable and then the Lord said to me, "I give you my blessings now in that cup because that is the cup of blessings and the cup of joy (Psalm 16, 23 1 Cor. 10-11). Drink and be filled with my love and go to the UN with this love".
I remained standing praising Him because He heard my humble prayers. I said, "Because of your love you prayed at Gethsemane with drops of blood. Now, I can go and pray for the nations with that love, Lord. Thank YOU Lord." I felt that love the whole time we prayed at the UN on the 20th Nov and that was a tearful and most joyful moment for me. The prayer room encounter happened the day before we went to pray at the UN.
Another great moment happened earlier in my room (812). My roommate Ehab from Egypt complained of severe pain in his right foot one morning as I could see the expression of pain in his face. The Lord said, "You rebuke the pain in my name" which I did, and lo and behold, the pain left him from that moment and so he was released. Praise the Lord! God is good all the time!!!
Whoever passed through the three layers security gate at the UN multiple-storied building could not fail seeing a statue of a giant horseman pinning down a dragon on the ground with his spear. As I saw that statue, it came to mind suddenly the victorious horseman in Revelation and the dragon thrown down from his seat by the supernatural power of God. The 'demolition squad' of intercessors will encounter the forces of darkness, but the battle belongs to God and victory is assured through the blood of the Lamb and the testimony of the saints (Rev 12). God has given the nations to His chosen Son as an inheritance (Psalm 2:8) and our prayers at the UN would be just to affirm that great promise of God, who has now called all people in the world to repent and come to Jesus (Acts 17).
When we entered the room, we were seated at table 1 with Ambassador of El Salvador, John Robb and others for the breakfast. How neat to hear the testimonies, special numbers and announcements from various people including ambassadors, Luis Bush, etc while enjoying the breakfast. Afterwards, we were moved to a conference room where 300 delegates began engaging in intercession from 10 am till almost 5pm. Apart from a one-hour break, it was prayer, singing and messages and sharing all the way. In the meantime, the children's group prayer-walked the building and various rooms asking the blessings of the Lord to fill the UN, its officials, ambassadors and its 30 affiliated global organizations spread around the world. All the prayer concerns cannot be reproduced here, but the Lord has blessed the prayers of His people and the Bible declares that 'if we pray according to His will, we know He hears our prayers' and this is the assurance we have because He has promised to forgive and heal if we humble ourselves, seek His face and pray for the things that are close to His heart (2 Chron. 7:14).
Long time ago, God moved New York through such chosen people like D.L. Moody, Billy Graham, and Pastor David Wilkerson. Then, through Islamic terrorism a great disaster struck New York 9/11 2001. Now, thanks be unto God, for He is moving one more time to impact the nations through the prayers of His people. The great thing about this prayer initiative is to be 'connected' through IPC with all those who love the Lord and are passionate about advancing His kingdom throughout the world. It is indeed 'Harvest Time' as more people are pressed into the ministry of prayers. Together it can be done!
Greater things are yet to come. Greater things are yet to be done in this city and your city....
PC Muanthanga
NE India Harvest Network
Prophetic word for the IPC, November 19, 2013.
I see in a vision the world covered by a great blanket of darkness like a large dark cloud.
I see 4 kinds of principality spirits deployed by Satan in action causing confusion, devastation, uncleanness and hopelessness. The 4 principality spirits are, namely; 1. Deceiving spirits 2. Wicked Spirits / Blood thirsty spirits 3. Unclean spirits 4. Spirits of heaviness.
The deceiving spirits cause division among peoples, setting up political leaders in nations, rulers of nations and civic leaders against one another. They cause animosity among religious and ethnic groups, separating people according to caste, class, language and cultural differences. They also cause division in local Churches and the body of Christ by spreading erroneous doctrines and heresy.
The wicked spirits / blood thirsty spirits cause international aggression and unrest resulting in wars nation against nation. They agitate peoples and language groups, which culminate in blood-letting civil strife and civil wars. The spirits of wickedness are also active destroying human lives and shedding the blood of the innocent through abortions and infanticide. Wicked spirits also cause natural disasters, devastating storms and earthquakes destroying human lives. They spread incurable diseases, plagues, cause famines, starvation and death. Satan's sinister works are devised to kill and destroy lives, entire communities in the thousands before people come to Christ.
Unclean spirits bring such putrid uncleanness, sexual promiscuity and perversions, same- sex marriages and in human behavior. The sanctity of the holy institution of marriage and family as God ordained it is under heavy demonic attack. Young people are trafficked into sex slavery, abuse and child labor.
Spirits of heaviness lay unbearable burdens on people, causing them to grope in the darkness of hopelessness. Depression, frustration and mental illness become strangleholds on teenagers and young adults forcing them to commit suicide. Tormented men and women, young and old, are strongly demonized and forced into drug addictions, suicide bombing and to gun culture destroying others and themselves.
I see adults in the traditional Church battling the forces of darkness relentlessly. They sometimes succeed in winning the battle, but they grow weary in well doing, like Moses of old, whose arms got tired as Joshua and the children of Israel battled against the Amalekites. When Moses' arms became weak and tired, Joshua and the Israelites started losing the battle. However, when his arms were lifted up by Aaron and Hur, Joshua and Israel won the battle. I see the youth as Aarons and children as Hurs. God is calling the elders and the leaders of the Church to raise up, equip, empower, encourage and release the Aarons and the Hurs, the youth and the children of the Church, into the front lines of the battle.
As the Church heeds to the voice of God and acts in obedience to raise up, empower and release the youth and the children to spiritual leadership, prayer and spiritual
Warfare, I see two things take place in the heavenlies;
1. The heavens open on the elders, youth and children, bringing about inter-generational strengthening, unity of the body of Christ, and the gap being filled. I see a mighty army rise up ready to wage warfare fearlessly against the forces of darkness.
2. I see God's warring angels, legions of them being released and deployed to join the emerging leaders, the inter-generational army of prayer warriors in partnership, about to strike the enemy lines. I see Lucifer's evil armies finally defeated and a mammoth harvest of souls in the millions being gathered in before the sinful world with the prince of the power of the air is finally judged. I see the bridegroom celebrating with the bride, the ingathering of the huge harvest of souls at the great marriage supper of the Lamb which no man could count.
The vision and prophetic word delivered at the IPC-sponsored UN prayer initiative Nov: 20, 2013 - Leslie Keegel.
I see the picture the Prophet Ezekiel saw (Ezekiel 37) of the valley of dry bones. I am seeing this vision within the context of the Body of Christ.
In the vision of Ezekiel, the dry bones were scattered everywhere in the valley. I see a similar disconnect, a brokenness, a separation signifying a tri-generational fracture between the adults, youth and children of the Body of Christ. The fracture is caused by the Adults/ Elders of the Church functioning on their own, leaving the youth to find themselves on their own. The children are seen as the Church of the future, and therefore it is not their time to function in the Body of Christ. As a result of this sad disconnect, the body of Christ is relatively dry and immobile, or functions not to the full, God-given potential. God is speaking to the Church and would ask us Elders (Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Teachers, Evangelists) can this Body live, breathe and be mobile again as God intends it to be?
I hear the Lord call us Elders and leaders in the Church to bring the tri - generational Body of Christ together and to prophesy over it, to cause each part (Adults, Youth and Children) to start functioning, connected together. He would ask us to pray prophetic prayers of blessing, provide adequate spiritual covering, equip, empower, affirm and release the youth and the children to function as God intends them to (Joel 2: 28 ) As the elders heed the voice of God willingly and do what God is asking them to do, I see tri-generational unity and connectedness taking place, a healing of the fracture in the Body of Christ and the long existing gap being filled.
As the Body comes together through the prophetic action of the Elders, the strong wind of God (His breath) will blow from the four corners of the heavens on earth, healing the fracture and bringing health and life to the Body. The Body would rise up therefore in the strength of the Lord and drink from the fountain of life from the heart, the very bosom of Father God. As the Prophet Ezekiel saw, the healed, rejuvenated army of God would then rise up in full potential, life and action. I see the connected tri-generational body of Christ rising in the last days to do battle for the souls of men, women, youth and children. The body healed and empowered tri-generationally will know their God together, become strong and will do great exploits, defeating the enemy and his purposes, to gather in the end time harvest. (Daniel 11:32).