Spain's Economy Minister has dampened speculation that the country is about to seek a bailout of its bank sector. There have been reports in the last few days that Spain was seeking an immediate bailout from eurozone funds. Mr de Guindos was speaking in Brussels, where proposals aiming to avoid taxpayers having to fund future bailouts of banks have been published. An International Monetary Fund audit of Spain's banks is due next week. On Wednesday, the European Commission unveiled proposals designed to stop taxpayers' money being used to bail out failed banks. The aim is to ensure losses are borne by bank shareholders and creditors and minimise costs for taxpayers. However, new legislation is unlikely to come into force before 2014 at the earliest, too late to protect taxpayers from any further immediate bank failures.

Pray: for God’s help and to give us wisdom as the governments seek solutions to these monetory problems.


The city of Barcelona, widely known as a European Mecca of anti-clerical postmodernism, has agreed to build an official mega-mosque with a capacity for thousands of Muslim worshippers. The new structure would rival the massive Islamic Cultural Centre in Madrid, currently the biggest mosque in Spain. An official in the office of the Mayor of Barcelona says the objective is to increase the visibility of Muslims in Spain, as well as to promote the ‘common values between Islam and Europe.’ The construction of new mosques comes at a time when municipalities linked to the Socialist Party have closed dozens of Christian churches across Spain by way of new zoning laws that several courts have now ruled discriminatory and unconstitutional. The Muslim building spree reflects the rising influence of Islam in Spain, where the Muslim population has jumped to an estimated 1.5 million in 2010, up from just 100,000 in 1990, thanks to massive immigration.

Pray: for the Church in Spain to take up the challenge this new year to rebuild the walls. (Is.58:12)


Spanish Judge Fernando Ferrin Calamita has been suspended for ten years and ordered to return his salary of about 100,000 euros to the government because he delayed a decision to allow a lesbian to adopt her partner’s child. He must also pay the couple more than 5,000 euros in compensation and pay another fine of $700. Calamita was found guilty of obstructing the adoption process when he denied the lesbian’s request to adopt the child while waiting for a report on the impact of same-sex families on children. He was initially suspended for two years from the practice, but the Supreme Court in December 2009 increased the suspension to 10 years. ‘The powerful Spanish homosexual lobby, with the consent or passivity of all the institutions, decided to punish Ferrin and make him an example,’ commented the conservative Spain-based Professionals for Ethics, according to the Catholic News Agency.

Pray: for Judge Calamita to be reinstated with his reputation intact. (Job 5:4)


Just one day after a tense debate in Spanish parliament on how to stop political corruption, a leading newspaper published Thursday what it said were handwritten documents detailing 19 years of secretive payments to leaders of the ruling conservative Popular Party. El Pais newspaper said the alleged payments through 2009 - off the party's normal books - went to Mariano Rajoy, a long-time party leader and Spain's prime minister since December 2011, and to numerous other current or former top party officials. The party quickly issued a statement Thursday morning, denying any ‘hidden accounts’ and insisting that all payments to party leaders have been ‘legal and in compliance with tax obligations.’ Thursday evening, hundreds of protesters reacting to the report gathered near the ruling party's headquarters. They were kept back a distance from the building itself by riot police on two ends of a long street.

Pray: against corruption in high places and that justice would reign. (Is.1:4)


The city council of Alcala adopted a motion banning Bishop Juan Antonia Reig Pla from official city events. The motion answers the bishop's remarks criticizing homosexual lifestyle. The motion, passed on May 15th, bans Bishop Reig Pla from local festivities and calls for him to be moved to another diocese. It was presented by the political group ‘Union, Progress and Democracy’ and was backed by other left-leaning organizations as well as the Spanish Socialist Party. The ruling People’s Party has opposed the motion. The diocesan priests stated: ‘In response to these very grave acts, we express our adherence to the Catholic doctrine taught by our Father and Pastor, Bishop Reig, as well as our support for him and his apostolic ministry, and we invite all to pray for religious freedom, for our Bishop and for those who persecute the Catholic Church.’

Pray: that this ban would be lifted and we would see a return to Spain’s Christian roots. (1Cor.3:11)



Some 70 college students stormed into the chapel of Madrid’s Complutense University on March 10, shouting insults against the Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI and priests. Several females from the group stood on the altar, undressed from the waist up. Another female student who was in the chapel praying at the time told the Spanish daily ABC that two of the young women on the altar ‘boasted about their homosexual tendencies.’ The group of students stormed into the chapel with a megaphone and pushed the chaplain out of the way. They proceeded to shout insults against the Catholic Church and her teachings. The group also placed posters in the pews and on the bulletin board at the entrance to the chapel. Another student interviewed by ABC asked, ‘what would have happened had this taken place in a mosque? These people should know that Catholics will never respond to a provocation with another provocation just to defend themselves.’

Pray: that the young would learn respect and God would reveal the truth. (Is.40:5)


At a cemetery in Barcelona, trucks arrived for a court-ordered exhumation. All across Spain, officials are opening the coffins of dead newborn babies to see if there are any human remains inside, many of the coffins were empty. Spain is reeling from one of the worst crimes since World War II. It is known simply as ‘los bebés robados,’ the stolen babies. The sheer scale of it is staggering: perhaps 300,000 Spanish babies have been taken from their mothers at birth and sold on the black market. Beginning during the Franco dictatorship in 1939 and continuing until the 1990s, newborns were stolen from hospitals and trafficked by a network of doctors, nurses, priests, and nuns. The attending nurse would take the newborn from the mother to have to it examined or cleaned. The nurse would return with a dead baby that was kept in a freezer at the hospital as proof that the child had died.

Pray: for God’s forgiveness for all those who perpetrated these crimes and healing for the mothers and children involved. (Tit.3:11)


Over the years, terrorists have used sports drinks, shoes, and even underwear to hide explosive material. Now, authorities in Spain say three terror suspects were experimenting with ultra-light planes. Spanish authorities believe the terrorists intended to use pleasure craft for far deadlier purposes. They also believe they were linked with al-Qaeda, long known for its obsession with arming aircraft. Today a judge in Spain's National Court will question the suspects and decide whether they'll remain detained. They include a Russian, a Russian of Chechen descent, and a Turk. Authorities arrested the Turk in the southern town of La Linea and picked up the other two in the central town of Ciudad Real.

Pray: for the continued vigilance of the authorities in the face of the variety of ways that terrorists use to attack. (2Tim.4:18)
