A team of people have been helping with the creation of our new website, which will be launched on 13th December 2013. The website brings together three of our existing ones into a single cross-generational site that is designed to inform, equip and engage us. We are grateful to those who have offered to be involved in the social media side of things - theirs will be a crucial role in developing the way we communicate and encourage each other in prayer.
At the New York conferences, delegates were encouraged by Andy Page to take a sneak preview and then to 'Like' our new Facebook page and complete a very short online questionnaire / survey.
We would extend this invitation to all our readers. For our convenience, the 3 links have been placed on this website: http://www.wpa-feedback.org Please have a look and give your feedback to Andy Page at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
During the World Prayer Assembly last year in Jakarta and again during the United Nations and Children in Prayer events last week, a number of us in the IPC have been discussing the possibility of a World Youth Prayer Assembly for 2015 or 2016. It would be tri-generational but would be led primarily by the younger generation with the older adults in a supportive capacity.
Last week, during our IPC/New Wave leadership team meeting and in other conversations, we envisioned a WYPA in which regional gatherings happen simultaneously around the world, connected through Internet streaming and satellite TV to truly enable a global connection of the Body of Christ (up to 100 million) around the issues of youth and children. We believe the Lord will use such a global engagement in prayer to help raise up the next generation into leadership, not only in the church, prayer and mission movements, but also it would be used by Him to call and lift up the modern Josephs, Esthers and Daniels within the public arena of government, economics and cultural spheres (Seven Mountains). "Pray the Lord of the harvest that He may thrust out laborers into His harvest."
We will also pray holistically about the needs of the younger generation, including issues like human trafficking, poverty, disease and protection of children and youth from violence and war, asking for God's intervention and transformation of these awful realities. Such intelligent, well-informed praying should also lead to actions God-inspired actions by participants on behalf of young people in their own communities and nations. We expect a massive upsurge of loving, Spirit-led activism (as is happening in Indonesia after the WPA through My Home Indonesia) to deal with the outrageous situations in which many children and youth find themselves.
As with the WPA, such an effort, if it is to have a global reach, would necessarily require the help of many different networks and ministries from the Church and para-church as well as the prayer and mission realms. Such a coming together and concentration of resources and force, we believe, will extend the WYPA not only around the world for a deep, transformational impact, but will also have a strong, lasting influence on generations to come.
As a stepping-stone along this path, we propose a global prayer focus for a 24-hour period on April 14, 2014, connected to the 4-14 Window Movement that seeks to raise up children and youth (ages four to fourteen) as "agents of transformation" in their communities and nations worldwide. If we make use of the Internet and media effectively, tens of millions of praying believers could be mobilized to take part in homes, churches and stadia. This would also be an excellent intermediary step to the WYPA two years later, building awareness and anticipation so that global event is all the more consequential.
All of this is just at the initial prayer and consultation stage now, so we in the IPC/ New Wave team enthusiastically welcome any suggestions or input from you, our brothers and sisters in Christ, in other prayer and mission movements. Does any of this resonate with you as it does with us? If so, please help shape the vision and planning by giving us your frank feedback and let us know how we might pray and work together to see the children and youth blessed, encouraged, called and raised up to become all He wants them to be, even impacting the generations to come.
Yours in Christ,
John Robb
(on behalf of the IPC/ New Wave leadership team)
We are inviting you to participate in the first "by invitation only" annual leadership summit this December because of your clear call, commitment, and leadership in the prayer and missions movements.
Having recently celebrated 14 years of 24/7 prayer and worship at the IHOPKC Missions Base in Kansas City, we are sensing a major transition in the way we are called to serve and resource global prayer movement. We believe it is time to rally key leaders of the prayer, missions and church movement together in Kansas City to seek the Lord's strategy for fueling a culture of prayer in the church and establishing 24/7 prayer and worship in every tribe and tongue.
We are holding the summit during our annual Onething Young Adult Conference and will be discussing the following three "banner" themes during our time together:
1.Until Every Nation Sings (fueling a culture of prayer and mobilizing 24/7 prayer with worship in every tribe and tongue)
2.Until Every Nation Hears (praying in the context of world evangelization)
3.Until Every Nation Loves (working out our commitment to strengthen the local church)
During this first summit, we will spend much time in round-table discussion, strengthening relationships, establishing common goals, and developing a plan to move forward together. Please watch this video http://www.ihopkc.org/leadership-summit/ that explains the heartbeat behind this Leadership Summit.
Please click this link https://www.eventbrite.com/e/onething-leadership-summit-registration-8044373939 to confirm your attendance before November 25, 2013 (you are welcome to sign up an additional 1-2 senior leaders from your region or ministry).
Please note that due to the nature of this summit and in order to foster effective dialog between leaders, participation is by invitation only.
We look forward to seeing you in Kansas City.
In Christ,
Mike Bickle Allen Hood Daniel Lim
Director IHOPKC Associate Director IHOPKC CEO, IHOPKC
Please continue to pray for His solution for Syria as peace talks are scheduled for January 22. Up to now such negotiations have not yielded any agreement. Pray that weariness with the war will cause both sides to cooperate in bringing an end to his tragic conflict that has left an estimated 110,000 dead and several million homeless within Syria or refugees in neighboring nations. "We have not seen a refugee outflow escalate at such a frightening rate since the Rwandan genocide..." - Antonio Guterres, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
The United Nations reports: "More than 2 million people, over half of whom are children, are now refugees after fleeing the terrible violent war in Syria. These children, women and men have made perilous journeys across country borders in search of safety. They are traumatized and fearful for their lives. Many are also physically wounded or suffering from illness and disease." 2.5 million are in areas still cut off from any humanitarian relief.
The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) and other humanitarian organizations are working hard to keep the millions who have fled safe, and to provide immediate and urgent aid like shelter, food and medical care, but more resources are needed. "As the exodus of Syrian refugees continues to escalate, many millions more remain displaced within their own country and are also in need of life-saving aid. We are concerned about the children in particular - they are at greater risk of forced labor, sexual exploitation and trafficking. We need to be able to prioritize specialist child services to ensure their safety."
Let us pray for these peace talks to go ahead and be productive, resulting in a transitional government. Pray that that evil forces (both human and spiritual) of death and destruction will be bound and unable to continue stirring up more war and suffering for the Syrian people.
Here is a helpful video presentation to help you and others pray for Syria created by World Vision. Please share it with prayer groups and intercessors you know.
There was a gathering of around 130 people from over 25 nations around the world to pray for the Middle East and hear reports of what God is doing in each nation in the region.
Prior to this conference there was another smaller one looking at the whole issue of Spiritual Transformation in different parts of the globe, where there are particular concentrations of darkness. This group prepared the way for the larger gathering.
Another smaller conference also took place in Northern Cyprus looking at Reconciliation Ministries in the Middle East, with a special focus on Turkey and the Kurds. They joined us on the last day.
The Biblical basis for much of our prayer ministry came from Ephesians 2 where Paul writes about the breaking down of the dividing wall of hostility between Jew and Gentile and how Jesus brought peace with God and with one another. Matthew 18 v18-20 is another passage which focuses on the authority of united believers to bind and loose when they gather together in the name of the Lord.
We had moving reports from many nations, both of sorrow and sadness but also of breakthroughs of reconciliation, harmony and great joy. We listened well, prayed and had rich, deep fellowship with one another, also eating together.
Isaiah 19 is a key chapter to help us understand God's purposes for this region. Most of the chapter describes God's judgment on the idolatry of Egypt but then refers to how Egypt, Assyria and Israel will together become a blessing in the midst of the earth with a highway of worship and prayer between them. Approximately 50 Houses of Prayer have been set up in this region with a new one soon to be launched in Nicosia. This is partly in fulfilment of this vision. We were also given some of the biblical background to the House of Prayer movement - from Amos 9v11,12 (quoted by James in Acts 15v16,17), Isaiah 56v5-8 ... a house of prayer for all nations... Psalm 27v4 David's one desire to worship in God's presence; Rev.4v8-11 Vivid description of heavenly worship & Rev.5v7-10 worship and intercession combined (harp & bowl).
There were several memorable quotes in this conference that struck us powerfully. 'When I pray more, I work less and there is more fruit.' ' Non-Christians do not read the Bible, they read Christians....... Every minute of your life will be a verse that others actually read.' 'God knows and recognises no border or barrier to His kingdom.'
Our worship was led by a team mainly drawn from Lebanon with a combination of medleys and songs from the world church.
A party from Syria were unable to join us, but two brave Sisters from a Maronite Convent did join us and gave a disturbing report from Syria but later on were leading us in a dance of joy amidst the suffering and sorrow. Two Sisters and a Funeral became real to them.
We were supported by people from the world church from China, Indonesia, Korea, India, Brazil and US and the effective prayer movements in these countries and a few also from the World Prayer Centre, Birmingham, UK. Several had been at the World Prayer Assembly in Jakarta, Indonesia in May 2012 in a large prayer gathering that reminded us of the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games - a great Torch being lit... Let the flame burn brighter.... Shine Jesus Shine.... Shine your light and let the whole earth see... for the glory of the risen king Jesus...
The Sisters from Syria commented that the events in their country were not really military, political or even religious but eschatological. Jesus is coming again and we need to prepare for Him.
We made some new friends, received invitations to visit in Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Egypt and Turkey and felt re-assured that God is sovereign over His whole church in this region, which has approx 250million Muslims and 20million Christians.
We prayed for the 'Peace of Jerusalem' and especially for Damascus also, with some strong 'breakthrough prayers' based on Psalm 46 and there was a concern also to pass the baton on to the next generation, some of whom were present.
Simon & Pauline Holloway. 4th October 2013 Cyprus.
There was a gathering of around 130 people from over 25 nations around the world to pray for the Middle East and hear reports of what God is doing in each nation in the region.
Prior to this conference there was another smaller one looking at the whole issue of Spiritual Transformation in different parts of the globe, where there are particular concentrations of darkness. This group prepared the way for the larger gathering.
Another smaller conference also took place in Northern Cyprus looking at Reconciliation Ministries in the Middle East, with a special focus on Turkey and the Kurds. They joined us on the last day.
The Biblical basis for much of our prayer ministry came from Ephesians 2 where Paul writes about the breaking down of the dividing wall of hostility between Jew and Gentile and how Jesus brought peace with God and with one another. Matthew 18 v18-20 is another passage which focuses on the authority of united believers to bind and loose when they gather together in the name of the Lord.
We had moving reports from many nations, both of sorrow and sadness but also of breakthroughs of reconciliation, harmony and great joy. We listened well, prayed and had rich, deep fellowship with one another, also eating together.
Isaiah 19 is a key chapter to help us understand God's purposes for this region. Most of the chapter describes God's judgment on the idolatry of Egypt but then refers to how Egypt, Assyria and Israel will together become a blessing in the midst of the earth with a highway of worship and prayer between them. Approximately 50 Houses of Prayer have been set up in this region with a new one soon to be launched in Nicosia. This is partly in fulfilment of this vision. We were also given some of the biblical background to the House of Prayer movement - from Amos 9v11,12 (quoted by James in Acts 15v16,17), Isaiah 56v5-8 ... a house of prayer for all nations... Psalm 27v4 David's one desire to worship in God's presence; Rev.4v8-11 Vivid description of heavenly worship & Rev.5v7-10 worship and intercession combined (harp & bowl).
There were several memorable quotes in this conference that struck us powerfully. 'When I pray more, I work less and there is more fruit.' ' Non-Christians do not read the Bible, they read Christians....... Every minute of your life will be a verse that others actually read.' 'God knows and recognises no border or barrier to His kingdom.'
Our worship was led by a team mainly drawn from Lebanon with a combination of medleys and songs from the world church.
A party from Syria were unable to join us, but two brave Sisters from a Maronite Convent did join us and gave a disturbing report from Syria but later on were leading us in a dance of joy amidst the suffering and sorrow. Two Sisters and a Funeral became real to them.
We were supported by people from the world church from China, Indonesia, Korea, India, Brazil and US and the effective prayer movements in these countries and a few also from the World Prayer Centre, Birmingham, UK. Several had been at the World Prayer Assembly in Jakarta, Indonesia in May 2012 in a large prayer gathering that reminded us of the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games - a great Torch being lit... Let the flame burn brighter.... Shine Jesus Shine.... Shine your light and let the whole earth see... for the glory of the risen king Jesus...
The Sisters from Syria commented that the events in their country were not really military, political or even religious but eschatological. Jesus is coming again and we need to prepare for Him.
We made some new friends, received invitations to visit in Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Egypt and Turkey and felt re-assured that God is sovereign over His whole church in this region, which has approx 250million Muslims and 20million Christians.
We prayed for the 'Peace of Jerusalem' and especially for Damascus also, with some strong 'breakthrough prayers' based on Psalm 46 and there was a concern also to pass the baton on to the next generation, some of whom were present.
Simon & Pauline Holloway. 4th October 2013 Cyprus.
As watchmen on the nation's southern border, human trafficking is one of the main issues we are confronting in prayer. A recent article in Time Magazine exposed the drug cartels' growing involvement in the sex trade. It is a troubling article, but I would encourage you to read it and allow the Lord to move your heart for renewed prayer and fasting to end this wickedness.
"You can only sell a kilo of marijuana once. But you can sell a woman multiple times, even as many as 60 times per day.
In five years, a woman can make as much as a million dollars for her pimp." -Humberto Padgett, journalist
Mexico is the second biggest exporter of children in the world, after Thailand. These children get brought into the US, typically via Arizona, before being funneled to sex trade rings. Over 20,000 women and children are trafficked across the southern border of the United States where they will be held prisoner and endure years of daily rape and beatings.
Tijuana is now called the "Bangkok of Latin America," attracting pedophiles to this border city because of the easy availability of child prostitutes.
Please pray for:
* Rosi Orozco, Sen. Adriana Davila Fernandez, and Juana Camila Bautista, head of the Special Prosecutor Office for Human Trafficking. Along with law enforcement, these women are leading the fight against the sex trade. They and their families face daily risks of kidnapping or assassination.
* Pray that any attempts to undermine Mexico's new anti-trafficking law would be stopped and that existing laws would be enforced. Lack of enforcement and prosecution is a major problem.
* Pray that the Lord would root out the systemic corruption, from police and judges to senior politicians, that allows these heinous crimes to continue.
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As the days grow shorter and the cold of winter increases, our hearts grow heavier for those in North Korea who shiver in darkness, loneliness and fear. The numbers grow with escalating fierceness as the government of Kim Jong Un seeks to clamp down all who look elsewhere for hope. The news out of the North this past month has been deeply disturbing on a number of fronts. While the reports have not been verified independently, we hear of 80 people being executed publicly in seven different cities all at that same time for viewing South Korean TV dramas on DVD, possessing Bibles and other foreign corrupting influences all lumped under the label of pornography. It was reported that eight of that number were machine gunned before an audience of 10,000 forced to watch in Wonsan. This follows on the execution last August (and reported here) of members of the Unhasu Orchestra (including Kim Jong Un's ex-girlfriend). Whenever anyone is executed in North Korea, the rest of the family for three generations are sent to labor camps. Pray for these victims of such cruelty.
But, it is not only North Koreans themselves who suffer. We have been praying for months for the release of Ken Bae (Pae Jun Ho). Ken has now been in custody in North Korea longer than any other US Citizen since the Korean War. Many had hoped that the anniversary of his incarceration would see his release in time to be home with family for American Thanksgiving Day. But, alas, no... And now we learn that yet another American, an 85-year-old grandfather, Merrill Newman of Palo Alto, CA, was taken off his plane just before it took off following a ten-day tour of North Korea. This happened in October but we just heard word about a week ago. We do not know why he was taken nor where he is. Needless to say, his family is suffering a great deal and we are sure that he is experiencing a lots of fear and hardship. The situation in North Korea seems to be getting a bit much for even China to take.
In the meantime, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un seems set on making a name for himself as master builder and master entertainer. Throughout this year, he has been buildingwater parks, exercise facilities, theme parks, ski resorts, etc. and is reaching out for even more foreign (mostly Chinese) investment in his projects to portray North Korea as the "go to place" for foreign tourists (despite the risks to aged American tourists...) All this while the people continue to suffer and grow increasingly disillusioned, especially with blatantly false reports coming from the official media.
It is difficult to assess what Kim Jong Un is thinking. Even long-time North Korea watchers are in a quandary. His foreign policy and his domestic policy seem to be at odds. He also wants to attract foreign investment and ease tensions, yet he keeps doing all these things we have seen above and actively participating in foreign adventures such as the Syrian civil war where he is helping Assad.
As this difficult year draws to a close, we cry out to God for mercy and justice. O Lord, hear the cry of your people for the land and people of North Korea!
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