Prayer Guides
GUIDE: 15 Days of Prayer for The Buddhist World
27 Mar 2021
The annual Buddhist World Prayer Focus is calling Christians and churches worldwide to take 15 days to learn about and pray for our world’s Buddhist friends between Jan 28th and Feb 11th, 2021. The informative prayer guide booklets will help Christians to know how to pray for the people(s) growing up within this major and truly diverse world religion. We…
Prayer for the Nations Course - April 19-24 2021
28 Mar 2021
The is a one-week, online course, run by All Nations focused on training for intercessory prayer for the nations, with teaching and facilitation by prayer leaders from different countries. Do you want to grow in your prayer life and learn to partner with God in what He is doing in the nations through prayer? Would you like to be better…
Digital Prayer Networks: Dr Jason Hubbard
16 Dec 2020
In this video conversation, Dr. Jason Hubbard, IPC’s Director, discusses the development of digital prayer networks. Following his presentation, the panel poses questions to further develop digital prayer networks.
2020 National Prayer Assembly
27 Oct 2020
Program Schedule with YouTube Links (PLAYLIST) Theme: Seeking God’s Face for the Deliverance and Destiny of America Ephesians 2:14-16 “He himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility…His purpose was to create one new man…and reconcile both of them to god through the cross.” Tuesday October 13th As…
World Prayer Together
01 Oct 2020
A huge worldwide GO2020 prayer and worship gathering entitled: Repentance, Reconciliation, Revival and Reaching All. Many prayer networks and streams joined us, embracing 123+ nations and including International Prayer Connect, came together to arrange this United event. It was led by ministry leaders from every region of the world. Download the Programme with links to each section and timings.
Prayers for the bibleless - 21 Day Prayer Series
03 Sep 2020
As you read this, God is transforming lives through Bible translation... and not just in foreign lands. Every day, people like you are experiencing God's power as they actively pray for the projects they support. This is your invitation to share in the experience through our 21-day prayer community. The Story of God Experience God's Love first-hand through the power…
‘The Return 10 Day Prayer Plan’ Download
03 Sep 2020
The Return 10 Day Prayer Plan has been produced by 10Days.net and theReturn.org as part of the 10 Days of Prayer taking place between September 19 and 28th 2020. HOW TO USE THIS PRAYER PLAN Every day we start with a Prayer of Adoration. Why do we pray this way? It’s been said that “A picture is worth a thousand…
Watch this compelling video from Pray for Zero... and let's be challenged and prompted to pray for zero people not to have access to God's word in their language by 2025. Let’s Pray that nobody misses out on hearing about the redeeming message of God's saving grace. Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vtt7vKGhiL0 Download the Pray for Zero Prayer Card which lists…
Book / EBook: God and the Pandemic – Tom Wright
01 Aug 2020
A Christian Reflection on the Coronavirus and its Aftermath Tom Wright is one of the best Theologians of our time and gives biblical insight to the chaos of the pandemic right now. Tom examines these reactions to the virus and finds them wanting. Instead, he invites you to consider a different way of seeing and responding – a way that…
What Happens When Ordinary People Pray to An Extraordinary God “God, don’t take my little girl. Please don’t take her. Please, God!” As Brian Alarid cried out on a hospital floor for his daughter’s life in May of 2016, he had no idea God was about to use him to ignite an international prayer movement. Today, America Prays has mobilized…