“As we come close to the opening of the NATIONAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2011 here at the IMA Vision City, Hyderabad, India, on the 14th September 2011, we are awaiting with great anticipation for God’s wonderful grace, Presence, and wisdom on this conference. All those who will participate in this historic conference of mission & church leaders from around the country will set new goals in the work of mission. www.imaindia.org. We do solicit your continued earnest prayers at this time.

1.    For safe travel and financial provision for all participants and resource persons and for politically peaceful atmosphere in & around Hyderabad with His glory hovering over.

2.    For God’s anointing over the speakers, resource persons and all those who will be taking part and that all invitees will go back fully charged to do greater things for God in the context of discipling our nation.

Rev. Susanta Patra, General Secretary, India Missions Association (Serving Missions and Churches to fulfill God’s Vision)

Eastern India Prayer and Harvest Network

North East India Harvest Network is committed to mobilize intercessors and church planters within India and the neighbouring countries since 2000 AD with many milestones already as a result of God’s answer to united and strategic prayer initiatives:

1.    After 40 days of fasting and prayer initiative – joined by more than 700 Churches and Prayer groups – revival broke out in Mizoram and the neighbouring states of eastern India resulting in the salvation and renewal of thousands of people.

2.    So many prayer mountains, prayers groups had been raised up in NE India through the efforts to network and specifically focus on “Transformational Prayers” for revival in the Churches and healing of the land.

3.    We are connected with national and international prayer networks like NPN, GDOP, WIN, etc. and facilitate them to connect with others. Many missionaries are now doing cross-cultural mission works in South and South East Asia and Africa as a result of these partnerships.

4.    This year our slogan is “Celebrate a Million More” as we begin to praying for a million more intercessors and a million more new believers to harvest by 2012.

5.    We are focused on Bengali and Assamese people. Church planting movement is going on. January this year, 1,420 new believers were baptized, and last month 725 were baptized again while 520 are waiting to be baptized this month.

God has given us Isaiah 54:2-4 for this year – A year of expansion and multiplication! Praise the Lord!


We are urged to take seriously the Biblical responsibility of Psalm 122 to join millions of other believers in praying for Christ’s peace to be upon Jerusalem and the inhabitants of Israel, both Jewish and Arab. As the Bible said it would, Jerusalem has become a cup of controversy on the global stage today (Zech. 12:2-3). One of the organizers writes:

“RIGHT NOW…there are increasing threats from many nations against God’s covenant city, there are escalating tensions surrounding the inhabitants of the land of Israel, and there are ever-increasing global repercussions for all mankind because of the critical situation.

As these global challenges arise, however, GOD is present. His response has been to stir the hearts of Christians from China to Germany and from Kenya to Brazil, to raise their voices in fervent intercession with His Son, on behalf of Jerusalem and all her inhabitants, both Jew and Arab alike.”

For more information and for resources to help you participate go to www.daytopray.com or call Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem office at 1-800-519-4647.

"We need another Dunkirk," said Dr. James Dobson at Saturday's national day of prayer in Houston as he recounted the famous story and called American Christians to devote themselves to prayer and fasting. "God answers prayer." He is absolutely right.

What an encouraging day during such a discouraging week! Against the backdrop of a severe financial crisis and near-crippling political gridlock in Washington, the S&P's first-ever downgrade of American debt, the increasing prospect of a double-dip recession, and the terrible tragedy of the murder of 30 American special forces heroes in Afghanistan -- including operators from the Navy's SEAL Team Six -- more than 30,000 Americans gathered peaceably here yesterday to pray for the Lord to have mercy on our country. They joined together with evangelical Christians gathered at some 1,300 satellite viewing locations in all 50 states. They implored the Lord to spare us from the judgment our many sins deserve. They pleaded with the Lord to pour out His Holy Spirit and give us a Third Spiritual Awakening. They chose, too, to pray for the Lord to bless the State of Israel and the Jewish people, and prayed faithfully and passionately for the peace of Jerusalem.

"The Response" was no ordinary prayer meeting. Personally, I've never been to anything like it, and I was blessed by every minute of it. There were no political speeches. No entrance fees. No offering. No fund-raising appeal. No merchandise sold. No light show. No entertainment of any kind. This was simply seven straight hours of prayer and fasting, heartfelt contrition and repentance, Bible reading from the Book of Joel and many other Scriptures, and wonderful worship - both modern praise songs and beloved hymns - with every generation represented along with so many races and ethnic backgrounds. Let's do more of this…

How often do 30,000 American believers gather not for entertainment but simply to fast, pray and worship all day long? Yes, some feared the event was going to be political. But it wasn't. Yes, some feared what would be said or done would be theologically off base. But it wasn't. I know because I was there. I wish even more had been there, too. We need more pastors and ministry leaders to teach and follow the Book of Joel, not fewer. We need more officials to call for prayer and fasting and to be encouraged for doing so, not fewer.

I'm grateful to Texas Governor Rick Perry for helping call for this event to take place, for encouraging people from all over the country to participate, for standing his ground against intense liberal and atheist opposition and even a federal lawsuit (which was dismissed), and for speaking and praying at the event despite many calls for him not to do so. “

A special opportunity to focus prayer on a region of the world that is home to:
•    The majority of the world’s Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists
•    The majority of the world’s least-reached people groups
•    The poorest of the poor (more than eighty of every 10 impoverished people)
•    45 of the 50 nations where Christians are most persecuted.

When: The first Sunday of every October. This year, 10/40 Window Sunday will be celebrated on Sunday, October 2nd.

Where: In your home, with your small group, at church…Anywhere Christians gather to seek the Lord.

Why: Because the 10/40 Window is the “final frontier” of world missions. In order to finish the task given to the Church, we need to pray! “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you…”—the Bible, Matthew 28:19,20.

How: Mark Sunday, October 2, on your calendar. Tell your friends, family, small group, pastor….Plan to join with Window International Network and countless Christians around the globe in interceding for the 10/40 Window.

You don’t have to wait until October. Start praying today! Visit us at www.win1040.com for nation profiles, prayer points, and to learn about how you can get involved in reaching the people of the 10/40 Window.

Please keep praying for the WPA! Your prayer support will be all-important to the planning of this event which is intended to be a “new paradigm” for an international congress—carried out Acts 13-style—incorporating listening to God, united prayer, and strategic implementation of world-impacting action that proceeds out of that encounter with the Lord and one another.

“Al-Qaeda has successfully evolved into a franchise organization under the leadership of Ayman al-Zawahiri, making the terrorist organization even more dangerous and more difficult to track. Since the killing of Osama bin Laden on May 2, 2011, al-Qaeda has decentralized and improved financing methods, attack approaches and communication techniques to counter new intelligence efforts. The group is responsible for four times as many terrorist attacks today as it was before the Sept.11, 2001, attacks. Al-Qaeda is still aiming to establish an Islamic caliphate, and is establishing training camps around the world toward that end.”

LIGNET (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Please continue to pray for the frustration, dissolution and overthrow of Al-Qaeda. Pray that its members will come to know Jesus Christ through dreams, visions and His Word and that they will become missionaries for His cause!

Approximately 250 local ministry leaders supported by 70 international intercessors met not far from the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) separating North and South Korea. Some North Korean defectors were present and shared about the awful conditions and suffering of the Christians in the prison camps of the North There was a powerful and moving time of repentance between participants from the two divided nations, different denominations in the South and for the bloodshed of millions through the history of the Korean peninsula. Praise God for the sense that history was being made during this strategic initiative! We believe that His breakthrough and deliverance for the North is coming soon. Please continue to pray for this with us.

Robert Park, the missionary activist who walked into North Korea two years ago and was severely abused during his imprisonment there, spoke passionately during the PINK gathering, calling for mass demonstrations as well as prayer for those suffering in the North. He has since written about “reports of mass starvation and widespread death in North Korea not only from defectors (refugees) he knows personally but also in the media.” See the pictures from recent report by MSNBC and share with others: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44808274/ns/world_news-asia_pacific/
He goes on to say: “North Korea is the most militarized nation on earth, and spends more money according to gross domestic product on its weapons program than any country in the world. It would be simple for them to feed these children and prevent their deaths - but the children are being sacrificed in the most wicked and abominable manner to meet the political ends of the regime.”

One way to help practically, he affirms, is to “raise financial support for the North Korean refugees so they may send remittances into these areas of North Korea and save lives that otherwise will die. That this is a confirmed route to affect the starvation-stricken areas has been confirmed in government and academic circles, see for example: http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2011/04/21/remittances-from-north-korean-defectors/”
Please also see article Park wrote for the Washington Post in April for specific recommendations he has for the international grassroots community to solve this catastrophe: "The forgotten genocide in North Korea"(April 20th, 2011): http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/when-will

An International Appeal for Prayer, Fasting and Protest on behalf of North Korea

“We hope to partner with you for an international call to prayer and fasting for North Korea on December 9th, 2011, coinciding with the 63rd anniversary of the Genocide Convention which North Korea is violating through its severe and systematic persecution of Christians and their entire families. Accordingly there will be an international protest on this day, with gatherings in front of DPRK/PRC/UN offices worldwide (Please
see - http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=223456731047882).

Specifically, we request your help in the following ways:

1) Please consider calling your network of intercessors to fasting and prayer for the North Korean people on this date.

2) For those who can be involved in the protest, we ask that they hold their fasting and prayer gatherings in a public venue outdoors.

3) For those who do or do not participate in the protest, but are able to fast and pray - we all will be giving the savings of that day to North Korean Christians and Defector Activists. Though individually the money will add up to nothing, collectively it can result in saved lives.”

Freedom and Life for All North Koreans
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Coalition Coordinates Global Day of Action

On 6 October, CSW joined Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the International Federation of Human Rights and other members of the International Coalition to Stop Crimes against Humanity in North Korea (ICNK) in a Global Day of Action.

A letter to Kim Jong-Il, signed by over forty members of the ICNK was delivered to North Korea’s embassies and diplomatic missions in London, Paris, Geneva, New York, Bangkok and Hong Kong, and at the unofficial North Korean embassy, the Chosen Soren, in Tokyo. In addition to the demonstration in London, a protest was staged in Seoul to the south of the Korean Peninsula.

Coalition Urges End to Torture, Execution and Forced Labour

The ICNK’s letter calls on North Korea’s regime to end the widespread violation of human rights, appealing to them to “end all executions, stop the deliberate and systematic use of torture, close the kwan-li-so, and immediately end the practice of forced labour in penal institutions”.

Furthermore, the ICNK urges North Korea to grant access to the country for the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in North Korea and the International Committee of the Red Cross, and in particular to open up its prison camps for international inspection. In addition, the ICNK calls on North Korea to adhere to the principles of international human rights instruments to which it is obligated, particularly the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. It urges North Korea to join the International Labour Organisation and to provide international humanitarian organisations unrestricted access to evaluate reported chronic food shortages, monitor food distribution and address the country’s growing humanitarian crisis.

“The time to end the culture of impunity is now”

CSW’s East Asia Team Leader, who helped establish the ICNK, Benedict Rogers, commented that, “the global day of action, in which this letter was delivered across numerous cities across several continents, in English, French, Spanish, Korean and Chinese languages, is a significant statement of our deep and profound concern about the suffering of the people of North Korea.”

He continued, “the time to end the crimes against humanity in North Korea is long overdue. The time to end the culture of impunity in North Korea is now. More than forty human rights organisations from across Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America, joined by survivors of North Korea’s prison camps, are speaking with one voice and calling on Kim Jong-Il to stop the torture, stop the executions, open up the prison camps to international inspection, and end the barbaric and inhumane system of terror he has inflicted on his people for too long.”

Christian Solidarity Worldwide www.csw.uk.org

Friends in Egypt have written..."Due to the very tragic events which happened on Sunday night, 9th of October, in Cairo (24 Christians have been killed and over 200 people injured during demonstrations which started peacefully), the Pope Shenouda made a call of prayer to all Coptic Christians around the world starting from Tuesday, the 11th of October.
His call is to encourage anyone to pray and fast during 3 days for our country
....we would like to kindly ask you to join us, according to your possibilities and capacities, during the 3 days of fasting and prayers for our land which needs so much of your intercession. Let's stand with our brothers and sisters who are passing by a terrible tragedy, sorrow, fear and incredible challenges we have not seen or heard of since the revolution. Together, let's cry to our heavenly Father so that the situation in our area may change and that the leadership may recognize the existence of the Christians in Egypt.
In the media, in the social aspect, there is a total ignorance of the Christians and their rights...thousands of people were at the funerals which took place in the large cathedral in El Embassyia, Cairo. A great sadness and sorrow was on the entire attendance.
As we are writing, the army is threatening the Christians who are demonstrating downtown. Hundreds are already in prison. Thank you for your precious intercession and receive our sincere blessings."
Please pray and fast along with our Egyptian brothers and sisters for peace and religious freedom. Pray for their safety, for lines of good communication, for changed hearts of their persecutors, and for the grieving families and friends who have lost their loved ones. May Jesus be glorified in Egypt.