Your sons and daughters will prophesy…Your young men will see visions. – Joel 2:28 NKJV

The first two Global Summits in New York were built mostly around vision casting and providing a venue for networking. The third 4/14 Global Summit in Singapore will serve as a platform for 10 Global Tracks to significantly expand their reach in advocating for the 4/14 Window movement through their track forces.

During the 4/14 Window Global Summit III, Christian leaders from around the world will dialogue to determine the strategic opportunities before us and will develop specific strategies to rally the Body of Christ worldwide to prioritize the 4/14 Generation as our missional focus.

For more information, see

Please pray for His anointing and guidance for those gathering in Singapore that there will be effective outcomes to raise up the children and youth of our world as agents for His Kingdom!

“Will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry to him day and night? I tell you, he will see that they get justice and that, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:7-8)

Here are some reports from our friends at BridgeBuilders Int’l who faithfully report on the situation in the drug war and the U.S. – Mexico border:

In the last two weeks, two drug tunnels were discovered along the Arizona border. Agents in the Border Patrol’s Tucson sector, which covers most of Arizona’s border with Mexico, discovered eight tunnels through the end of July of this fiscal year. That is three more than the same period last year, said Mario Escalante, a Border Patrol spokesman in Tucson. Those eight do not include the two tunnels discovered in the past two weeks.

Arrests were made of several Sinaloa Drug Cartel bosses on Wednesday. The takedown was part of an 18-month investigation that yielded more than 30 arrests in Utah, California and Nevada, said Sue Thomas, a spokeswoman for the Drug Enforcement Administration.


Let’s pray:
For the remaining drug cartel leaders to be brought to justice quickly and for President Felipe Calderon and his government to be wise and effective in winning the drug war. He told a group of Christian leaders that “only through prayer” to God could this battle be won.

Holy Death Sect

The Holy Death sect is gaining followers in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico’s murder capital, where rival drug cartels have been battling for every inch of turf, according to Fox News’ Latino News.

Three Holy Death churches have opened in the past two years in the border city, drawing hundreds of people to pray and make offerings to the “White Girl,” a skeletal image dressed in women’s clothing. She is called Santa Muerte or “Holy Death.” A federal marshal says the shrines to the skeletal “Holy Death” are a growing presence, not just along the U.S.-Mexico border but throughout the United States. “Based on my experience, it appears she is the most popular icon being used by the drug traffickers, criminals not just in Mexico and not just along the Southwest border area but throughout the entire United States, “ said U.S. Marshal Robert R. Almonte of El Paso.

Priestess Yolanda Salazar said, “Someone who lives in danger, like the federal police officers, or really any person who lives here in Ciudad Juarez, needs greater protection. And if there is someone who can save you from a tragic death, it’s the Holy Death”. Drug traffickers and even residents of some sections of the border city battered by drug-related violence ask the Holy Death for protection, sometimes putting up chapels where alms, tequila, cigars, candy and other offerings can be left.

The church, which is open 24 hours a day, tends to fill up on Sundays, when a service takes place. ‘It is a protective entity, benevolent, just and equitable. God put the world in her hands since she is dedicated to gathering souls when the flame of life is extinguished,’ the priestess said.”

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Pray for those in the cartels and those under the influence of false gods and spirits like Santa Muerte (Holy Death) to be set free and to come to Christ.

Prayer and ministry leaders from Canada, Mexico and the USA will gather near Santa Fe, New Mexico (USA) to pray for our three nations and continent for the sixth time we have been together. This occasion, we will also be blessed by having brothers from other parts of the world to share their hearts with us: Anton Cruz (Royal Kids, India), Peter Sekhonyane (South Africa transformation prayer movement), Brian Mills (Interprayer and IPC) and Matteo Calisi (Catholic Charismatic Renewal and Reconciliation).

Please pray with us for a magnificent time of encountering the Lord together and praying out His heart for North America. May many new things be birthed through the Spirit’s work among us!

“Currently we know of eight Iranian Christians still imprisoned for their faith. Six have spent several months in jail: Farshid Fathi, Vahik Abrahamian, Abrahim Firouzi, Masoud Delijani, Noorollah Ghabitzadeh and Yousef Naderkhani – who was sentenced to death.

There has been very little news of the well-being of the prisoners, though there are unconfirmed reports of ill-health, solitary confinement and continued mistreatment. This silence increases the stress on the family and supporters of the imprisoned.

Two Azeri Christians, Vahid Rofegar and Reza Khanamoei, were arrested on July 15th near the city of Kalibar and are now in prison. These arrests might be linked to complaints about the spread of Christianity in Azerbaijan.

The majority of the nearly 300 believers arrested over the last year have been released, either on bail or with severe warnings and threats against any further Christian activity.

Please pray for news from the prisons, for families of the persecuted, and wisdom for those advocating for the persecuted.

Though there is silence from the prisons, the cries of the people of Iran ring loud and clear as the message of the Gospel continues to have an impact across the nation…Despite the increase in persecution, we have seen a growing thirst for the Word of God in 2011. The more we have distributed the New Testament, the more popular it seems to have become. The more programs we produce for TV, the greater the response, and the more people we train for ministry, the faster the church grows.

Please pray that the cries of the people of Iran will be heard, and that the Holy Spirit will touch every broken life.”

Messages from reliable sources coming in about Sudan Government forces’ continued bombing in the Nuba Mountains describe a severe crisis in the Blue Nile region. One message just received from Sudan says: “Southern Blue Nile region is on fire, and we need to pray.” Fire here means vicious onslaught on the civilians by the government forces. How many innocent people will die?

Please pray:

1)    that God will show his might for those who are helpless in the situation and be their shield and their protection.

2)    that He would change the hearts of the leaders and that world leaders would see what is actually happening and take appropriate response.

3)    that the people committing these things would be held accountable and that the works of the evil one in Sudan will be destroyed.

4)    for Muslims in Sudan – that God would reveal Himself to them and that they would turn to Jesus in their millions.

Based on reliable sources inside Sudan (relayed by Norman Johnson)

Momentum is building for the Commonwealth Christian Assembly to celebrate the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) being held in Perth in October! What started as a small seed has now grown to a massive prayer movement, involving believers in 52 nations, schools, organisations and churches all over Australia. In India, there are approximately 600 churches taking part, and this is still growing. Ghana is aiming to get 540 churches praying, ten in each province. Several non-Commonwealth nations are taking part also, with the Philippines being particularly involved.  In Perth, there are over 100 churches taking part and around Australia around another 100 churches. You can now book online to be part of the Commonwealth Christian Assembly events in Perth this October. This includes:

Momentum is building for the Commonwealth Christian Assembly to celebrate the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) being held in Perth in October! What started as a small seed has now grown to a massive prayer movement, involving believers in 52 nations, schools, organisations and churches all over Australia. In India, there are approximately 600 churches taking part, and this is still growing. Ghana is aiming to get 540 churches praying, ten in each province. Several non-Commonwealth nations are taking part also, with the Philippines being particularly involved.  In Perth, there are over 100 churches taking part and around Australia around another 100 churches. You can now book online to be part of the Commonwealth Christian Assembly events in Perth this October. This includes:

The Association representing evangelical churches in one of the North African countries has now received official recognition from the Government. This in turn gives the churches it represents legal standing and a legal right to gather and worship. This is not a blank cheque, and legally the believers can still be imprisoned for sharing their faith with a Muslim, so I urge you to keep praying.

In a neighbouring country, one national believer has had his apartment broken into by an Islamist. His Christian material was burnt, but he remained unharmed. Praise God for protecting our brother but continue praying for God’s divine boldness.

These who turned the world upside down

…These who have turned the world upside down have come here too. Acts 17:6

In this time of revolutions, it is necessary to remember that it is not man that turns the world upside down but the power of the Gospel, God partnering with man and establishing His Kingdom.

The gospel has the power to change everything from individuals and families to whole communities, Government to social care, business to education. Every aspect of life as we know it can be changed through the power of the Living Word abiding in His people and working through them.

Pray God’s mighty hand to be made known across the region.
Pray for a revelation of our Father’s ever-present Love among believers.
Pray for God to raise up people who bring the Kingdom of God to every sphere of influence.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to abide in power.
Pray that God would make the wrong things right.
Pray that millions oppressed by the enemy will see the light of Christ and leap into His arms of Love.
Pray for justice against the forces of the enemy and mercy for the people of North Africa.
Pray for the will of God to be done.


Libya has remained on the headlines, and we want to encourage you to boldly intercede and declare God’s word over this nation, that His glory might be revealed. Pray for the leaders of Tunisia (along with the rest of North Africa) to seek truth and justice as they prepare to establish a new Governmental structure. A change of Government does not guarantee change; it is the removal of the old spiritual powers and the establishing of the Kingdom of God that will bring true lasting change.

Pray for God to raise righteous leaders and for the Church to mobilize in prayer ahead of the elections.

Pray for Algerian Arab Peoples

The Algerian Arab People group is probably the largest people group in North Africa. Algerian Diaspora can be found globally but particularly in France. You can go to this link to find out more about them:

Pray for more laborers to be raised up from among that people, for persons of peace that will open their homes for the Gospel and for revelation of God’s love.

Praise God for the Algerian Church license!

From a letter from two believers within Algeria:


On the 18th of July, the General Secretary of the Algerian Protestant Church (EPA) received from the Algerian Minister of Interior the full license to give the right and the freedom for all the Churches of the country affiliated with the EPA to worship and meet freely. This means that the Church is fully recognised by the government, and it will give the right for the local Church to develop their activities.

Please pray for:
1)    the registration of the local churches with the local authorities to go smoothly.
2)    the total abolition of the March 2006 ordinances that are still affecting the freedom to evangelise and distribute Christian literature.
3)    a brother who has been sentenced for 5 years imprisonment because of his evangelism. He has appealed and his court case at the Supreme Court will take place on the 29th September. Please pray that he will be acquitted.

Egypt’s Ongoing Revolution

There are reports from Egypt that religious extremists with a totalitarian agenda are trying to hijack the movement toward greater democracy and freedom for all. They are bound by their ideology and the deception of Satan who works through ideological strongholds in the mind to control large numbers of people. We have seen this in many places but also seen the Lord break through and shatter those grips over whole peoples through united prayer initiatives that He has used to change history, stopping wars, removing wicked leaders, etc.

Praise God that Egypt has a strong and discerning prayer movement that can see what is happening and pray authoritatively and unitedly for the overthrow of the principalities and powers that seek to enslave the Egyptian people again. It is not a flesh and blood conflict. Pray that extremist fanatics who are jockeying for power in the new Egypt will be unable to take power. Here is a reflection on what is happening from a Christian leader within Egypt:

"In the largest demonstration since toppling Hosni Mubarak's regime last February, more than a million Egyptians, mostly Muslim Salafis (fundamentalists) and Muslim Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood), appeared Friday, July 29. They shouted Islamic slogans, held banners and called for an Islamic Egypt at Tahrir square, the same square where the events of January 25th that shook the world took place early this year. The Muslim groups in Egypt came together in what they called "The Uniting Friday" after their major prayer on a Friday afternoon, calling for the law of Allah to be applied in Egypt…On that day, many of Egypt's people were deceived & were dancing with shouts of joy declaring, "We will celebrate and then start building our new Egypt." At that day, naively, no one expected Islamic slogans. They wanted a civil society that promotes religious freedom and human rights.

In today’s demonstration, the facts started to be unfolded, mostly Islamic slogans were shouted:
•    “The Quran is our law and constitution.”
•    “Egypt is our nation and Islam is our path.”
•    “Islam victorious more and more and you, non-Muslims, must go.”
•    “We will apply the law of Allah and whoever disobeys we will set their life to anguish and distress.”
•    Egypt’s people, yes, yes, all of them want the law of Allah.”

Moreover, Sheikh Mazhar Shahin, the imam of the major mosque at Tahrir square, affirmed in his sermon at Friday’s major prayer that those demonstrators at Tahrir square are the first core group to free Jerusalem from the infidels. Furthermore, Shahin emphasized that it is a fact that Egypt is a Muslim country, and its identity is none but Islamic, but the Copts are still to be considered “partners in this country.”

What is going on in Egypt? No doubt that today, more than ever since Mubarak's toppling, Christians are concerned as well as moderate Muslims. The international society that was in favor of forcing Mubarak to resign appears now to be silent in front of the current groundbreaking news as if there is nothing to do to protect human rights in Egypt and to support the establishment of a secular democratic nation.

The Muslim moderate organizations in the West also seem to be silent in front of the rise and influence of Muslim fundamentalist groups in Egypt and turning their back to all the cries of the moderate people. There is a sharp dissonance between Muslim moderates and fundamentalists that is taking place now worldwide, and few seem to address it. Meanwhile, Christians are suffering in some places in the Middle East hearing all those hatred slogans.

In the West, there are voices that could give Muslim minorities their rights, or at least call for it. In the East, especially places like Egypt, who is defending the minorities’ rights?

In the West, in most parts, one could hear the songs of peace and reconciliation among Muslims and Christians while people in Egypt heard the uncommon sounds of everyone but fundamentalist Muslims should leave.

The church is Egypt supported the revolution and was fantasizing or dreaming of great days to come, where Christians and Muslims can live in peace in one great nation! A dream that I still hope will come true one day.”

Please pray for an open and fair society to emerge within Egypt that respects and upholds the rights of all, even the minorities. Pray that the people of the Lord will be strong and do exploits for Him in the midst of the continuing turmoil and uncertainty of the situation.