“About the current situation in the Nuba Mountains, there is intensive fighting going on…A continued fighting jets bombardment all over the Mountains is a daily program for the Sudanese Government. Twenty people were killed in Kurchi three weeks ago. Three victims died in Alatmor village. Hundreds are reported injured. The report from the Sudanese Government says that the military should clear the Nuba Mountains and destroy all churches built by the Samaritan Purse, but we trust that God the Creator of the universe will not allow this to happen to His beloved creation. Brother…we are God’s children, and we confidently own His protection and strength.”

The Church and membership, many of whom are Nuban, have been subjects of targeted attacks by the SAF and Government of Sudan police since the violence erupted in Southern Kordofan…Reported human rights violations include: aerial bombardments resulting in destruction of property; forced displacement; significant loss of civilian lives, including women, children, and the elderly; abductions; house-to-house searches; arbitrary arrests and detentions; targeted killings; summary executions; reports of mass graves; systematic destruction of dwellings and attacks on churches.” To download the full report, please click here.

This situation is VERY worrying indeed. Please pray that God would turn into good, what the enemy intends for evil. God still reign supreme – praise Him for that. Please keep fellow brethren in the Nuba Mountains under severe oppression right now in your prayers.

Norman Johnson

Will you pray for the 4/14 Generation?
This prayer bulletin will be focusing on the 3rd Global 4/14 Summit being held in Singapore, 6th-9th September, 2011. The Summit will serve as a platform for 10 Global Tracks to significantly expand their reach in advocating for the 4/14 Window movement through their track focus. In this issue, we will be highlighting prayer requests for two of the 10 tracks.

The purpose of this track is to provide children a voice throughout the Summit and beyond and to recognize and empower child ambassadors as emerging leaders and key influencers.

Prayer Requests:
Pray for each child ambassador as they prepare their hearts to represent their nation and generation:
1.    They would hear God’s heart and have insight and wisdom to be His voice.
2.    They would have soft teachable hearts and a hunger to seek after God.
3.    They would be empowered and envisioned re: their role in God’s Kingdom.

“Pray that the eyes of their hearts may be enlightened in order that they may know the hope to which he has called them, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for those who believe.” Ephesians 1:18

Pray for the adult leaders:
1.    That they would support, encourage and release the children into all God has for them.
2.    For God’s blessing and protection over their families.
3.    For a deepening of their personal relationship with God.
4.    That they would hear God’s heart regarding children and the way forward.

In this track, leaders of mission structures (mission sending organizations, mission agencies and researchers will affirm and enforce the 4/14 movement as the global missional focus for this decade.

Prayer Requests:
1.    Pray for a new movement among mission structure leaders to see how a focus on the 4/14/ Window moves the Great commission forward greatly!
2.    Pray for anointing for the speakers and presenters as they share innovative models, stories, and practical examples of how 4/14 focus can be implemented for radical positive change in their structures, organizations, ministries.
3.    Pray for humble, soft and repentant hearts to hear the voice of God regarding children.
4.    Pray for anointing for tools and videos that are being produced to communicate God’s heart to mission structure leaders.

An encouragement from Psalm 78:4-7
Let us tell the 4/14 generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power, and the wonders He has done. Let us respond to the command He gave our ancestors to teach our children God’s ways, His principles, His commands, so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born; that they in turn will tell their children; that they will put their trust in God, will not forget His deeds and will keep His commands.

What is the 4-14 Window?
The 4-14 Window refers to the demographic group from age 4-14 years old, which is the most open and receptive form of spiritual and developmental input. God is calling us to a new missional focus: the 4-14 Window golden age of opportunity to transform the world. God is calling us to radically change the way we view children to respond to their strategic importance and rightful place in His Kingdom. This often ignored and suffering people group can be transformed into a precious window of opportunity. In God’s hands, this enormous and largely ignored people group can become agents of transformational mission under the headship of Jesus Christ.

The 4/14 Global Summit III Singapore, 6-9th September 2011
There will be 3 different groups actively participating in the Summit and contributing to the movement but with differing roles:

The NFT (National and Facilitating Team) Forum: This will be a gathering of national and regional facilitating teams. Their role is to drive and coordinate 4/14 catalytic events in their respective countries and regions.

The Global Track Summits: The task of the tracks is to broaden advocacy and accelerate mobilization. Each Track holding a Global Summit will use their time to generate a strategy for greater advocacy and mobilization. (The purpose of the Track is not training or equipping in nature.)

The Global Resource and Support Networks (GRSN) Workshop Sessions: These are ministries, networks, and organizations eager to contribute and engage with the 4/14 Movement by providing resources and support (tools, curriculum, literature, training modules, program content, etc.).

In a recent conference call with Governor Rick Perry of Texas, he said: "It will be a time to call out to God... to get on our knees and pray. America faces an abundance of crises. Like the Founding Fathers, Harry Truman and others, we need God to bless and guide us... We need to set aside our differences and get on our knees to pray."

No political placards are being permitted and clothing with political statements is being strongly discouraged. It is a time for seeking the Lord through prayer and fasting only. There will also be a simulcast via the Internet that you can tune into if you are unable to be there at Houston's Reliant Stadium in person.

A National Solemn Assembly called The Response: A Call to Prayer for a Nation in Crisis, will be held on Saturday, August 6, 2011, in Reliant Stadium in Houston, Texas. There will be no political agenda, no merchandise sold, no ministries promoted, no literature distributed and no offering taken. Registration is free. This event will not promote any denomination or organization. It will simply be a gathering of those who love God and love America in response to this invitation to join together and ask for His mercy, guidance, wisdom and provision. The website, www.theresponseusa.com, will give you critical information and help you see how this movement is building across the USA and among national church leaders.”

Please pray for the USA at this crucial time in the nation’s history and for the success of this timely attempt to bring Christ’s people together to pray for God’s deliverance of the nation.

One of its organizers requests our prayer support for the Global Summit for the Himalayan people.

Please pray for:

1.    the Himalayan Global Summit 2011 core committee for God’s wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit as they work towards the preparation for the conference.
2.    God’s provision for the needed finance through churches and individuals.
3.    Hong Kong visas, especially for Nepal delegates.
4.    Regional coordinators to mobilize prayer in their region.
5.    For the keynote speakers/workshop leaders and the Hong Kong committee.

We are asking you to mark your prayer calendars and share the following information with your prayer teams & groups. Four groups are partnering in collaboration with "The Persecution Watch" and are committed to being fully engaged in this prayer initiative. For that to happen we need others to plan to be fully engaged with us for this special 12 hour Prayer Call.

1. We are asking you to SHARE this information

2. Pray, ask God if you can fully engage in an hour slot

3. Send an email w/hour of commitment, to Blaine at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We are asking God for at least one prayer leader on the call each hour from each of our groups. Note the times are GMT-5 (EDT). Believe with us for a mighty outpouring of intercessors who will stand in the gap for the persecuted church.

2 Thessalonians 3:1-3 - Prayer is desired and required for persecuted believers - "1 Finally, brethren, pray for us that the word of the Lord will spread rapidly and be glorified, just as it did also with you; 2 and that we will be rescued from perverse and evil men; for not all have faith. 3 But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one."
Please plan to be involved in the following 12 hour Prayer Call
Sunday 13 Nov 2011

Prayer Conference Call for IDOP
8 am - 8 pm (EDT)

Dial: 712.432.0031
Access is 452614#

See “Shared Docs” file for the flyer & prayer guide.
Hosted by: The Persecution Watch IDOP Official Website: http://www.persecutedchurch.org/ Join this National Prayer Conference Call for the IDOP for the Persecuted Church.

Please keep praying for the WPA! Your prayer support will be all-important to the planning of this event which is intended to be a “new paradigm” for an international congress—carried out Acts 13-style—incorporating listening to God, united prayer, and strategic implementation of world-impacting action that proceeds out of that encounter with the Lord and one another.

Several hundred South Korean church leaders, along with international intercessors and prayer leaders, will gather near the DMZ, the border between North and South Korea, to pray for the Lord’s deliverance and transformation of North Korea, probably the most oppressive and evil situation on earth. It has been called a vast prison camp in which the most awful suffering is being experienced by the great majority of the population. Government officials like Kim Jong Il live the luxurious life while millions starve.
Please pray with us for His anointing, guidance and unity in the Spirit for this crucial initiative. May we will all have His heart for North Korea and pray out His prayers together for breakthrough.
New Prayer Documentary Video on North Korea a “Must See”!
Here is the link for the just completed prayer video on North Korea that we are using in conjunction with PINK, Prayer Initiative for North Korea, Sept. 18-22, that will happen in South Korea shortly. This hard-hitting, heart-stirring video was produced by Ken An and SohMyoung Lee, Korean film producers with the Pan Pacific Film Festival in Los Angeles. Please see it, let your heart be broken, and pray fervently with us for the liberation of North Korea and reintegration with its southern sister of South Korea. Share the video with intercessors and prayer leaders you are in touch with. We want to use it to build united prayer throughout the world for a change in NK.

If you are a ministry or marketplace leader, a youth or child leader, you are invited to be a part of the World Prayer Assembly, May 14-18, in Jakarta, Indonesia. You can register to participate at www.wpa2012.org.

In a series of Jakarta meetings with the Indonesian national committee August 18-22, colleagues and I heard encouraging reports about the progress being made by the youth, children, and marketplace tracks as well as about the significant mobilization effort for the WPA happening within their country. There is no doubt in our minds that the WPA is a real “God-thing”. His hand is so obviously upon the planning process, and He is bringing so many diverse leaders, networks and movements together to make it happen, not just in Indonesia but from throughout the world. We believe it will be not only a historic convergence of the prayer, mission and marketplace movements, but also a history-changing encounter with the Lord and one another that will rock our world.

Youth and children will be a central part of the Assembly. Youth and children’s track leaders announced that they are now making arrangements for 40,000 youth and children to take part in the May 17 national stadium meeting that will occur during the WPA. That evening, 100,000 will gather in the stadium to pray together for Indonesia and our world. It will be carried live on national TV to an estimated 5 million other participants in 200 cities of Indonesia where there will be similar gatherings. Through satellite TV, the broadcast should reach around the world to tens of millions more in what will be one of the largest, perhaps the largest, prayer gathering in history.

Please continue to pray for:

1)    His guidance and help for the international planning team with our various task forces

2)    the Indonesian national committee working on all the logistics

3)    those whom God is calling to come from every nation, even the small island nations

4)    His provision of the financial needs of participants, speakers and facilitators as well as for the extra costs to arrange the WPA (about $2 million still needed)

5)    His protection from radical elements that would try to oppose and hinder and for the goodwill and support of the authorities.

Thanks so much for your vital support!

New Video on the Children’s Track of the World Prayer Assembly

You can receive the just released WPA children’s movie with English subtitles when you connect to


When you enter this address, there are 2 options: left side (premium – you must pay) and right side (regular download for free). Allow a few seconds for the regular download to load so you can click it. You can then choose the regular download for free. It will take approximately 13 – 15 minutes for the download (9.2 MB), depending on your internet speed.

Enjoy the video and please pray that the children God is calling from within Indonesia and around the world will be able to take part in the WPA.