UK General Election – May 7th 2015
As the political manifestos are launched and the campaigning begins, how might we pray for this most important of elections? We need to rise above party politics and pray as never before for ‘His kingdom to come and His will to be done’ in and through the election.
Let’ pray for our own MP’s and those standing for election in our local constituencies; for protection, for the whole election process, for truth to be shared, for balanced media coverage and for the highlighting of the real issues in need of debate in the coming weeks. As we pray, believe that apathy will be replaced by a real desire by everyone to take part.
The EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE’S website and CARE’s website will provide up to date information and resources as we approach May 7th. We will provide regular updates through our monthly e-News. We also need to remember the outworking of the Smith Commission’s report following the Scottish Referendum before God; for protection for the Northern Ireland Assembly following the Stormont House Agreement (December 2014) and for wise governance to take place in the Welsh Assembly in the lead up to the Election, which all take place during 2016.
“Complexity, fragility and uncertainty are potentially ending an era of economic integration and international partnership that began in 1989. What is clear is that we are confronted by profound political, economic, social and, above all, technological transformations. They are altering long-standing assumptions about our prospects, resulting in an entirely “new global context” for decision-making.” *
Complexity, fragility, uncertainty are not words that spring to mind at the beginning of a New Year with all its opportunities and challenges, hopes and fears, but they are certainly relevant to our nations at this time. Uncertainty is one word politicians, financiers, business leaders, in fact all of us intensely dislike. Stock Markets fall, companies stop investing, and relationships at every level suffer where there is uncertainty.
So if complexity, fragility and uncertainty are the Trumpet sound from World Leaders, what is the Trumpet sound through the Church to be this year? If our Nation and the Nations are facing a complex, fragile, uncertain future, and we are clearly being told that we are, have we as Christians anything to say or carry any responsibility for what may happen in the coming weeks, months and years.
As part of the World Prayer Centre’s response to the situation we believe God has asked us to again blow a trumpet in the land. Against the back drop of economic, political and social complexity, fragility and uncertainty, we must sound a warning of the serious consequences for a nation that has rejected God and His word; The good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ brings clarity, strength and certainty for now and for eternity for every man, woman, boy and girl in our nations and in the world!
We unashamedly ask for your support as we call our days of prayer, host our annual Swanwick Conference 18-20 March and on Saturday July 4th 2015 we go to the International Convention Centre in Birmingham and blow the trumpet. Many prayer and mission agencies are already standing with us. We invite you, your prayer group and your church to do the same.
Thank you. As we pray together with the leading and guidance of Holy Spirit, we believe this can be a turnaround year for our nations. Ian Cole
*…taken from the opening paragraph of The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, 21-24 January 2015
We met at Birmingham Christian Centre on SATURDAY 29 NOVEMBER with a sense of expectation and anticipation. There was an encouraging number of people as we gathered to pray, worship, hear what God is doing in the UK and around other nations and we had the privilege of having GORDON HICKSON from The Mahabba Network.
Following a time of extended worship, IAN COLE shared a story from a recent trip to Egypt. While meeting with prayer leaders from other nations, Ian was stopped by one of the prayer leaders, telling him that he felt God was saying that he HAD to blow a trumpet in England. There is a deep concern about what is up ahead for the UK and this trumpet should be sounded as a warning to the nation, to awaken. Ian shared that we continue to pray about the highways of prayer, praise, proclamation and worship that God has been speaking about recently for His glory to come…… recognizing that these are exciting, but serious times……
GORDON HICKSON was with us for the day and shared form his heart about the work of Mahabba (meaning love in Aramaic, Arabic and Urdu) Network. Gordon shared how the number one reason for people coming to know Jesus was that they watched the life of a christian friend and the genuine nature of this life drew them to God.
Click HERE to find out how to download resources from The Mahabba Network
We spent a good pat of day in prayer and worship. As we heard more about what God is doing both in this nation from JANE HOLLLOWAY and around the globe, it was wall backed by prayer. In all our praying we were asking God to come into our villages, towns and cities, to come into our families, our relationships and to open our eyes to see Jesus. You can download a very straight forward Advent prayer resource HERE. The day finished as we sung “O come, O come Emmanuel” as a prayer from our hearts.
The next Day of Prayer will; be on Saturday 31 January 2015 – do join us.
Our team has been part of:
- Hope Together
- The European Prayer Forum
- The International Prayer Council
- Praying into Global summits
- Praying for national and international Governmental issues
Associated Ministries
Associated Ministries
- Birmingham Healing Rooms
- Betel of Britain
- Aglow International
- 24-7 Prayer
- Care for the Family
- Prophetic Vision
- Elim
- Evangelical Alliance
- Faithworks
- GDoP
- Healing Streams
- HOPEtogether
- Interprayer
- Lydia Fellowship
- Open Doors
- Saltbox
- Soul Survivor
- The Message Trust
- The Net
- Transform-Ireland
National Day of Prayer Wembley
Click Wembley 29-09-2012 Statement & Prayer to download the statement and prayer given out at the National Day of Prayer held at Wembley Stadium on Saturday 29 September 2012. (copy available from 29/09/12)
Prayer Resources: The Redefinition of Marriage
Click here for our statement and response to the current Government proposals to THE REDEFINITION OF MARRIAGE.
Click here for a pdf version of a recent prophetic word given regarding the state of the nation relating to THE REDEFINITION OF MARRIAGE.
Prayer Resources: The Children & Families Bill
Click here for a pdf version of some prayer points relating to the Children and Families Bill
Starting on 18 October 2013 to 31 January 2014.
To launch HOPE 2014 Year of Mission, World Prayer Centre and all the partners of HOPE 2014 invite you to pray with Christians around the country using the Prayer for Today Hope Daily Prayers.
HOPE 2014 Prayer Countdown starts on 18 October 2013 and runs through to 31 January 2014. Thanks to UCB, who have published this Prayer for Today resource, more than a million copies of this specially written prayer diary are being distributed in print and on line by HOPE’s partners. The prayers and themes are also available as Word document for you to add to your local prayer calendars and church newsletters.
You can order printed copies from UCB – they are free if you can distribute 1000 copies to churches in your area, or Christians in your network.
If you would like a word version of the Season of Prayer booklet, please call us on 0121 633 7393 and we’ll email it to you.
To request daily emails from the start of October: click here
To download the pdf of HOPE’s Season of Prayer: click here
Hope 2014 Prayers for a New Year
We are praying that 2014 would be a catalytic year where churches work together around the Christian calendar, festivals and new mission initiatives to bring good news to a lost and broken world. The fruit of this could be thousands of changed lives and a great harvest for the Kingdom of God.
Click HERE to download Prayers for a New Year.