We have received this urgent prayer concern:
“Please pray for Joshua. He is in his late 20’s, married for 4 months, and has now been in prison in Kabul for three weeks. He is charged with not paying a sub-contractor, false accusations as far as I know. He and his wife are from the US. She is a teacher here. Very tough situation for both of them.”
Let’s pray that he will be exonerated and released as soon as possible.
Thank you for your prayers.

Thank you for your prayers for the Silk Road region! They are vital to see God’s purposes established in these strategic nations in this important time in history!

Read below for up-to-date information on how to pray for each nation:


Recently in Kabul, terrorists have attacked the most secure and heavily guarded places--the Intercontinental Hotel, the American Embassy, the NATO Headquarters, and government officials in their homes. Also a former president and well respected statesman of Afghanistan was killed by a suicide bomber at his residence.

PRAY FOR AFGHANISTAN! Pray for peace and for believers in this country to stand strong in their faith! Pray for a great harvest of souls despite the great cost that must be counted in order to become a believer in Jesus in this land.


Prayer for registration of churches continues to be on the top of the list for prayer for this country.  Pray for meeting places for churches to gather and for churches who have been refused or not yet granted registration to be able to continue to meet in safety. Pray as well
for God to continue to move and draw people to Himself and that His Church would be established in this land with or without official government registration or recognition.

Pray as well for two Azeri Christians who were arrested for their faith in Tabriz, Iran in August. http://www.assistnews.net/stories/2011/s11080038.htm


Two new laws seriously restricting freedom of religion were passed by Kazakhstan's Senate, the upper house of Parliament, on Sept. 29th. Both laws now only need President Nazarbaev's signature to become law…Both the current laws have been in preparation for many months, have been rushed through Parliament with great speed, and are now with the President for signature. If passed, all churches in Kazakhstan would be forced to re-register and many smaller churches would not be granted registration, which would mean they would have to go underground. There are also many other restrictions including permission from both parents for children to attend church. For more information on these new laws go to: http://www.forum18.org/Archive.php?article_id=1619

These laws are not yet officially passed and yet many local authorities are taking the law into their own hands, raiding church services, arresting pastors, forcing weekly reports from churches to the KNB and restricting rental on buildings…

Pray for the church in Kazakhstan at this time where the situation for religious freedom is deteriorating. Pray for strength and boldness and for justice to prevail. PRAY THAT THE PRESIDENT WILL NOT SIGN THESE NEW LAWS.


Pray for Presidential elections to be held in Kyrgyzstan Oct 30th. Pray for a true democratic election and for peace to prevail in this country that has been torn by revolutions in recent years as well as ethnic violence and killing in the southern city of Osh in June 2010. For more information go to:

Pray against new regulations that Islam and the Orthodox church are attempting to enforce on all literature and media in the country. These regulations would control all books, literature, audio and video recordings coming into the country and distributed within Kyrgyzstan. Pray for continued freedom for literature and media in this country.

Believers in Kyrgyzstan are also asking for prayer for the very serious situation of Christian burials. Especially in rural areas, if a Christian dies, it is very difficult (sometimes almost impossible) for their relatives to obtain a burial plot for their deceased loved one. There are stories of relatives traveling from town to town with the body searching for a place for burial and being denied everywhere. Christians are appealing to the government for help with this situation. Pray that their appeals will be heard and burial plots will be granted to them.


Although the highly controversial Law on Parental Responsibility for Education and Upbringing of Children has been passed, state Religious Affairs officials have failed to explain to religious communities how its near-complete ban on children's participation in religious activity will be enforced… Pray that even though this law prohibiting participation of children under 18 in any religious meeting has been passed, that it will not be enforced. Pray for churches to have the freedom to continue to hold Sunday school and children’s classes. Pray for God to move in a new and fresh way amongst the children and youth of Tajikistan!


Recent reports from pastors in Turkmenistan indicate that pressure from the government and persecution has eased off slightly. One church reports actually being granted registration after a long battle. However, now that they are able to meet publicly, it is no longer legal for them to meet in home groups! Please continue to pray for the church in Turkmenistan to grow and flourish even under difficult circumstances. Pray for villages and remote areas where there are no churches or even believers. Pray for the Gospel to spread across the entire nation!


Praise God for unity amongst pastors and churches and for unified fasting and prayer with many churches cooperating in the nation! God is hearing and answering prayer! Continue to pray for the church to stand strong in the face of hardship and persecution.


Pastor in Karakalpakstan says, "Thank you for prayers and keep them coming!" This year not nearly as many believers have been charged in court cases as last year. Some who left the church when the waves of persecution began in 2006 are coming back. However, prayer is still needed for the believers not to live in fear.


Turkey has recently taken a strong stand against Israel and is forming stronger alliances with it’s Muslim neighbors. Pray for wisdom for Turkey’s Prime Minister and other government leaders and for wisdom and for God to ultimately fulfill His purposes in Turkey and the Middle East at this strategic time in history…Another serious prayer concern for Turkey at this time is the issue of women’s rights--domestic violence is on the increase in Turkey. Several deaths of women have been reported recently as a result of domestic violence and honor killings. Also, prostitution and human trafficking are serious issues in Turkey. Many Russian speaking women from The Ukraine, Russia and Central Asian republics are unwilling victims of this serious abuse. Read the following for more information:


Pray for the women of Turkey. Pray for ministries reaching out to women who have been hurt and abused. Pray for many to be rescued from slavery either at the hands of pimps and madams or their own husbands and families. Pray as well for the government of Turkey to acknowledge these serious problems and take steps to prevent the abuse of women in these ways.

Xinjiang, China (The Uighurs)

Continue to pray for the Uighurs of China to come to know Jesus! Pray for Christian radio broadcasts and other media that is going out across Xinjiang province. Pray for open hearts to receive the Word of God. Pray for believers to boldly share with relatives, neighbors and friends and for house churches to multiply in cities and the country areas. Pray for “workers” to have the freedom to live in this sensitive area of China and have opportunity to share their faith with many.

Continue to pray for Alimjan who has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for his faith that justice be done and freedom so that he can be reunited with his family. That God will strengthen him as he faces harsh prison conditions daily.


URGENT prayer is needed for Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani sentenced to death and awaiting execution in Iran. For more details on how to pray and get involved go to:

Standing together in prayer for the nations along the Silk Road!

For regular up-to-date information, become a friend on Facebook (Silkroad Prayer) or follow on Twitter (SRPN4nations)

Many countries across Asia are encountering severe flooding and loss of lives. In Thailand, the situation is getting worse in many provinces (at least 25 provinces of the 77 provinces).

“It just gets worse” (that is the headline of the Bangkok Post online edition yesterday: www.bangkokpost.com). To date, according to the Bangkok Post report, 212 people died, and the situation probably will get worse as most of the mountainous areas are fully saturated and just getting ready to cause major mudslides. At least 3-4 more storms will be heading towards Thailand.

ALL the dams in Thailand are beyond capacities. Even though most of them are still able to take in more but not for long. It is just like a big catastrophe in waiting to happen anytime all across the countries where these dams are located. They must release the water but at the expense of inundating thousands of villagers. The worst thing is that the sea level will be at its highest in the middle of October.

Thank you again for your contributions and prayer.

Wonderful progress has been made in engaging the remaining unreached people groups of our world. For more information, please check out this website:
Pray for these unreached people groups and that Christian workers will hear His call to go to them and be effective in sharing Christ’s Good News in a culturally appropriate and spiritually powerful way.

It’s a new season in Hollywood and we are seeing the Lord move in mighty ways! Christian ministries are uniting together and reaching out to the body of Christ to pray and support God’s movement in Hollywood.  
To launch this campaign, a key group of Christian media professionals are challenging one another to unity and spur each other on to further God’s work in Hollywood. We invite you to join us in prayer… and we wish to give you the opportunity to take part in transforming Hollywood for Jesus with us.
Hollywood United is a collaborative effort between three Christian Entertainment Ministries: Act One, The Greenhouse, and Hollywood Prayer Network. Together these ministries are working to be more effective in living out The Great Commission in Hollywood.
We are seeking friends and supporters to come alongside us. By stepping forward and offering your prayers and gifts, you can be a part of what God is doing in Hollywood! Please get in touch with us so that we can make a difference here and around the world and follow us via Twitter during our event on October 6th at 7:30 PM PST!

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: (323) 462-8486 ext. 106

Continue praying for Libya.
Pray for the safety of civilians and also as the TNC is in the process of forming a Government, pray for wise leaders who make righteous choices. Pray also for the Kingdom of God to grow across the nation.

Pray for the Tunisian Elections
Tunisia will be going through the General elections on the 23rd of October. The Parties participating in the Election have never before had the possibility to be elected, or broadly voice their agenda. The people have never had the opportunity to see how the leaders of these parties would act when in power. It is imperative at this time to pray for the right leaders to be elected, most people are probably still undecided about who to vote for and we know God can influence the elections.

Coming up in just over a month is the annual pilgrimage to Mecca for Muslims. We have put together a prayer guide with video for people to pray during this time.

Thanks for helping to get the word out!


Graham Wells, Operation Mobilization

21 Days for Global Harvest 2-22 October 2011 unites the student generation in the like-minded fervent prayer for global harvest. The goal is for 2,000 groups form 50 nations praying by name for students from 21 nations to be mobilized and for 387 unengaged, unreached people groups during these 21 days. To register: http://21daysofprayer.net/21-days-registration/