There will be a huge coordinated day of prayer and repentance for the national transformation of Egypt. Let’s pray with our brothers and sisters in Christ there for His breakthrough in their situation. Lord, have mercy and bring deliverance as only you can!

Please keep praying for the WPA! Your prayer support will be all-important to the planning of this event which is intended to be a “new paradigm” for an international congress—carried out Acts 13-style—incorporating listening to God, united prayer, and strategic implementation of world-impacting action that proceeds out of that encounter with the Lord and one another.

In early November, it was my honor and privilege to take part for the second time in an ongoing joint prayer/action initiative between Mexico and the USA called Dos Naciones, Un Proyecto (Two Nations, One Project) aimed at bringing an end to three awful scourges afflicting both nation - drugs, violence and human trafficking. Both times, groups of American Christian leaders have ventured down to Mexico City to meet with President Calderon and other public figures as well as with local Christian leaders and intercessors in an effort to bring God’s deliverance to this critical and tragic situation affecting both sides of our border.

It has been a great blessing and honor to meet with President Calderon and Alexander Poire who provides leadership to the government in the areas of national security and intelligence. We have been helpfully briefed and also encouraged to do all we can on our side of the border to end the flow of illegal weapons, especially assault weapons like the AK-47, that since 2004 have been freely available through U.S. gun shops and shows to drug criminals from Mexico who use them to assassinate public officials, military and police as well as those from competing cartels and many innocent people caught in the crossfire.

70% of such destructive weapons have been traced to the USA. Consequently, over 45,000 people have lost their lives over the last 5 years in this mindless violence that we as Americans bear a great responsibility for since our government lifted the ban on assault weapons and has allowed the flow of such destructive weapons into Mexico. Local police are simply outgunned by the much better equipped criminal cartel members who seek to take over whole communities and subject them to their rule of organized crime.

President Calderon is a very admirable, intelligent and committed Christian who seeks the Lord through daily Bible reading and prayer. He has also asked us to pray for God’s solution, realizing that without His help through prayer, there can be no real transformation of the horror that is the current drug war, including the related phenomenon of human trafficking, that his nation is battling.

Each time we have gone down to Mexico, we have also engaged in an all-out prayer gathering with several thousand on-fire believers the final evening of our stay. These have been powerful, moving times of united intercession that we believe God has used to bring about the arrest of 21 of the most wanted 37 drug lords. Of course, He works through the public authorities, military and police efforts which have been enormously beefed up by the Calderon government; however, it is clear from both Scripture and history that the Lord requires prayer by human partners for His intervention into human affairs. This is the awesome privilege and responsibility we have as those who stand between heaven and earth as His intercessors.

John Wesley, the great revivalist/reformer of 18th century England, based on his experience of seeing his nation saved from the bloody revolution that engulfed France at about the same time, affirmed from his experience that “God does nothing on earth apart from believing prayer.” He saw that we as God’s children are also His regents on earth, expected to pray “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. Much as He turned Israel’s enemies into confused fighting against one another, so, I believe, He is causing these wicked, ruthless cartels to fight it out among themselves, so that they are weakened and defeated.

Transformation is a process that is dependent on our ongoing, specific prayer about particular issues. God loves us to be specific, united and continual in our focus (see for example Isaiah 62:1-8, Luke 18:1-). Praise God that we are now seeing signs of His deliverance and shalom coming upon Mexico! The economy is growing at over 5% per year in the midst of worldwide recession. Almost all Mexicans are now covered with universal health care, and all will be very soon. Thousands of schools and open spaces have been made safe for children, with recreational programs to prevent them from being lured into the cartels’ grip.

We were so impressed to hear how the Calderon administration has worked perseveringly in many sectors of society to bring sustainable development as well as doing all they can to build up the federal police and military to interdict drug shipments. New laws have been passed and the constitution reformed to prosecute those who engage in human trafficking. Young women and children who have been kidnapped, raped and trafficked around Mexico and across the border into the USA are being rescued and given new hope through the efforts of Rosi Orozco, an outstanding Christian congresswoman and leader of these anti-human trafficking efforts. She and her husband Alejandro Orozco also lead the Dos Naciones project.

Please pray for the following:
1)    For President Calderon and his administration (including Orozcos) and others), during this final year of his administration that they will see God’s peace and healing will come fully upon Mexico through their efforts.
2)    That they will see full deliverance from the scourge of drugs, arms and human trafficking.
3)    That God will give them wise and effective strategies to prevail against the criminal cartels and that these cartels will collapse, dissolve and their leaders will be brought to swift justice. (See attached list of remaining cartel leaders that we need to focus our prayers on.)
4)    Pray also that the U.S. Congress and other public officials will be sensitized to our responsibility as good neighbors to do all we can to effectively work with the Mexican government and specifically to re-implement the ban on assault weapons and ensure their flow to Mexico is cut off.
5)    That the Lord’s hand will be upon the current presidential election campaign, preventing corrupt and wicked people from coming to power and raising up someone of integrity and honesty to carry on the excellent work of the Calderon administration.

Thanks so much for continuing with us on this journey of prayer for the deliverance of Mexico.

Please pray:

•    “By Name” for the exposure and removal of these remaining “most wanted” cartel leaders.
•    Strategic success and protection of the Mexican and US military and law enforcement.
•    Disruption and dismantling of all drug trafficking routes and seizure of all illegal drugs.
•    For God to capture the hearts of these cartel leaders and turn their live around.
(We agree in prayer with the many family members who are interceding for these cartel leaders to come to salvation in Christ Jesus.)

Thanks to the Bridgebuilders Leadership Network This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for supplying this information.

This is an international call to protest on December 9th, 2011, 63rd anniversary of the United Nations Genocide Convention which North Korea is violating in every possible way (For more information, please see “North Korea and the Genocide Convention”:
Please organize protests and hunger strikes in front of DPRK/PRC/UN offices (or other location), and let us know about your demonstration at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

A starving North Korean refugee.

Confirmed Protests So Far:

New York City, United States
12:00 pm: Grand Army Plaza in Manhattan, silent march to DPRK Mission to the UN
1:00pm: Demonstration at DPRK Mission to the UN
Speech by North Korean Defector Activist Ji Seong Ho (President of NAUH)
Event Coordinator: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For Interviews, contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Seoul, Republic of Korea
3:00pm ~ 4:00pm: Demonstration at Seoul Station Plaza
4:00pm ~ 5:00pm: March to UNHCR (United Nations High Commission for Refugees)
7:30pm ~ 8:30pm: Candlelight rally in Seoul Plaza
Event Coordinator: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Berlin, Germany
3:00pm ~ 6:00pm: Demonstration at the Brandenburg Gate
Event Coordinator: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tokyo, Japan
12:00pm ~ 12:50pm Demonstration at Hachiko Square in Shibuya, Tokyo
1:30pm: Demonstration at Chongryon
Event Coordinator: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
London, UK
1:00pm ~ 3:00pm Demonstration at North Korea Embassy
Event Coordinator: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

There are three main objectives of these international protests on December 9, 2011:
1)    To bring unprecedented pressure upon not only the NK regime but the international community to meaningfully address the horrific crimes being perpetuated systematically.
2)    To influence and awaken global public opinion to the real, genocidal nature of the NK regime.
3)    To create a watershed movement for the liberation of NK itself.

(to be read at the protests):

To the Leaders of Korea, America, China, Russia, Japan, the United Nations and the Entire International Community,

We Refuse to Allow the North Korean Genocide to Continue Any Longer. Over 4,000,000 Innocent North Koreans have been Murdered by Kim Jong-Il’s regime since 1995, and an estimated 1,000,000 North Koreans have been Murdered as a result of Slave Labor, Rape, Torture, Starvation and Execution in North Korea’s Political Concentration Camps. The Very Existence of these Concentration Camps makes the North Korean State Illegal, Illegitimate, and Criminal, and Demands The Immediate Intervention of the International Community.

Our Demands, based upon the foundation of International Law and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are as follows:
1)    The Immediate and Total Liberation of All North Korean Political Concentration Camps
2)    Compensation and Re-imbursement to All North Korean Victims of Slavery, Starvation, Torture, All Concentration Camp Survivors and Their Families for Immeasurable Loss and Suffering
3)    The Immediate Stepping Down from Power of Kim Jong-Il and North Korea’s Leaders
4)    Prosecution of Kim Jong-il, Kim Yong-nam, Chang Sung-taek and All Individuals Responsible for Commissioning or Carrying Out Acts of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity

From This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please pray for the success of these public demonstrations for North Korea and its suffering people.

Lord God,
I pray that you bless all of the protestors in Seoul, New York, Berlin, Tokyo and London and all other regions. We ask that December 9th you will do a great miracle to liberate the North Korean people. Please heal all those who have suffered so much because of Kim Jong-il’s evil regime. We ask that you open North Korea now. Please heal Mr. Park and all of the North Koreans who have suffered torture and lost everything. We ask that you will do a miracle. Thank you for this incredible work and miracle in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Prayer submitted by Rita Vasquez

This is an inspiring music video with lyrics composed by Simon Ådahl from Sweden and sung by him and his brother, Frank. Please listen with your heart, pray for Korea and share it with others.

Ethnic Fulanis crying 'Allahu akbar!' attack church, communities

BARKIN LADI, NIGERIA (ANS) -- Compass Direct News (CDN) is reporting that Fulani Muslim herdsmen along with Muslim soldiers have killed at least 45 ethnic Berom Christians in Plateau state in the past week, Christians in this northern-central Nigerian town said. Smaller attacks beginning on Nov. 20, reportedly over allegations by Fulani Muslims of cattle theft, preceded an attack on a Barkin Ladi church on Wednesday (Nov. 23) that killed four Christians, and an assault the next day left 35 Christians dead in Barkin Ladi and nearby Kwok village, according to area Christian leaders.

Some Background

“In addition to ethnic tensions, Nigeria has experienced frequent and intense bursts of sectarian violence between Christians and Muslims, especially in the areas where the two religions overlap, like Jos in the northern tip of Plateau state. This struggle pits the powerful Hausa-Fulani from the north, which tends to be Muslim, against a number of smaller local ethnic groups that tend to be Christian. Indeed, Boko Haram has been involved since its inception in several outbursts of inter-communal violence, including the November 2008 violence that saw some 800 people killed in Jos, the July 2009 violence that saw more than 700 people killed in Jos, and the January 2010 violence in Jos that claimed 450 lives.

Following the July 2009 violence, which brought Boko Haram to the world’s attention, Boko Haram founder Mohammed Yusuf and his deputy, Abubakar Shekau, were both killed. Yusuf died in police custody, allegedly during an escape attempt, though his followers have called his death an extrajudicial execution.

Since the destruction of Bobko Haram’s leadership, the exact structure and makeup of the group has been unclear. Boko Haram now seems to lack organizational structure or strong leadership. If the group has any central leadership, it has maintained a very low profile since Yusuf’s killing. It may even be in hiding, possibly in a neighboring country. Mixed messages have emerged from various individuals claiming to speak for Boko Haram. Some figures have come across as more moderate and willing to negotiate, while others have been more strident, rejecting talks. This difference makes it appear that Boko Haram comprises a loose confederation of militants operating relatively independently from one another, rather than a cohesive, hierarchical organization pursuing a unified set of objectives.

Boko Haram initially was involved mostly in fomenting sectarian violence. Its adherents participated in fairly rudimentary attacks involving clubs, machetes and small arms. By late 2010, the group had added Molotov cocktails and simple improvised explosive devices to its tactical repertoire, as reflected by the series of small IED bombing attacks against Christian targets in Jos on Christmas Eve in 2010.”

Excerpted from “The Rising Threat from Nigeri’as Boko Haram Militant Group Created” Nov 10 2011

Please pray for healing, reconciliation and love to prevail in this interreligious tension and for protection, restraint and wisdom for His people who live in the area.

For more information, please go to:

In ‘Garbage City’ in Cairo, thousands of people live amidst the growing garbage piles which they sort each day for their livelihood. The stench is overwhelming at times. The people are the poorest of the poor and many are believers. They have a renowned church called the Cave Church, which they have hollowed out in a mountain, and which has seating capacity of 20,000 people. All along the sides of the mountain, they’ve engraved Bible scenes and Bible verses in Arabic. It’s an amazing sight.

This was the location of an all-night prayer meeting on November 11, which had an overflowing 75,000 people in attendance from all denominations to pray for the nation. It was the first time in the history of Egypt that leaders from all denominations united together for such an event. Many people watched the service on screens set up all over the mountain and joined in—hands lifted up, eyes to heaven, and tears flowing down their faces. Check out this impressive video ( of the prayer gathering.

Praise the Lord for this massive prayer effort and continue to pray for Egypt in its journey to find a new political reality that will ensure full freedom and human rights for its citizens.