Just the other week, it was revealed that the first Shariah Law court had opened in the Belgium city of Antwerp – a city which has a 10% Muslim population. There are also well over 85 Shariah courts operating in the United Kingdom according to a recent study by an independent UK-based think-tank. In the first of a special two-part report on the spread of Shariah Law, Clarion Fund’s Senior Fellow Clare M. Lopez, examines the systematic and subversive creeping of Islamic Shariah Law in Europe and the United States.

Islamic Law Conquering the West
by Clare M. Lopez

Western liberal democratic civilization is under assault by the forces of Shariah Islam. The so-called “Arab Spring” that swept across the Middle East in 2011, while encompassing the hopes and dreams of millions who seek freedom from tyranny, unfortunately has been commandeered for the violent phase of the Islamic Awakening that began in the 20th century. The jihadist drivers of that Islamic movement seek the re-establishment of the caliphate and global imposition of Islamic law. They are determined and sophisticated, deftly deploying information warfare to co-opt and neutralize what little remains of Western defenses. There will be no democratic transformation of the Arab Middle East until and unless the United States (U.S.) and all who treasure the principles of equality, individual liberty, pluralism, and tolerance, confront those who are willing to fight and kill and die for Islam – not just on the kinetic battlefield, but in the far more important War of Ideas. The war we fight is far along at this point: Shariah is advancing not only across North Africa and the Middle East, but throughout the Western world as well.

10 Things You Need to Know about Islamic Shariah Law
1)    Jihad is defined in Shariah as “warfare to establish the religion [Islam]” and is an obligation for all Muslims for all time until the entire world is subjugated to Islamic law [‘Umdat al-Salik, Section o9.0.pg. 599].
2)    All Muslims have a religious duty to strive toward instituting worldwide Shariah law.
3)    “Creeping Shariah” is the term used for the slow, methodical, deliberate advance of Islamic law in non-Muslim countries.
4)    Official Shariah courts already operate in the UK, handling cases dealing with divorce, domestic violence, and financial disputes. Attempts to introduce Shariah in courts throughout Europe are ongoing. Studies show that Shariah has also been applied or formally recognized in a number of U.S. state court decisions.
5)    Shariah commands that drinkers and gamblers be whipped.
6)    Shariah commands husbands to beat their wives [Q 4:34].
7)    Shariah literally allows for “an eye for an eye” and commands that a thief must have his hand cut off.
8)    Any criticism by both Muslims and non-Muslims of Islam, the Qur’an, Shariah, Allah, or Muhammad is deemed to be “slander” under Islamic law and can be punishable by death. This is one major reason why “moderate Muslims” do not speak out about Radical Islam.
9)    Islamic law prescribes the death penalty for any Muslim who leaves Islam (i.e. the ‘crime’ of apostasy).
10)     According to Islamic law, Muslims can deceive non-Muslims if it benefits Islam. The Quran instructs Muslims to lie to non-Muslims about their beliefs and political goals in order to protect and spread Islam. (There are many examples of today’s Islamic leaders saying one thing to Western media and saying another to their own followers.)

Please keep praying for the WPA! Your prayer support will be all-important to the planning of this event which is intended to be a “new paradigm” for an international congress—carried out Acts 13-style—incorporating listening to God, united prayer, and strategic implementation of world-impacting action that proceeds out of that encounter with the Lord and one another.

Please pray that those from every nation God is calling to take part in Jakarta will be able to be with us and for that the resources for them and the Assembly itself will flow in abundance.

Leaders involved in the prayer movement of Thailand gathered October 15-16 to pray for their nation besieged by the worst floods in half a century. Up to 10 million have been affected, many losing all their possessions and hundreds have lost their lives. Please pray for the floods to go down, for effective relief efforts, and that many will come to Christ through this tragedy.

A beautifully organized conference of up to 9000 Pentecostals from 50 nations met just outside Jakarta, October 25-29. Enthusiastic worship and powerful presentations called participants to a renewed experience and sharing of the Azusa Street revival experience. Other regional gatherings and initiatives are planned through a global council of ministry leaders.

Warm support was given to the World Prayer Assembly by the event organizers and they arranged for a presentation of the WPA. A strong link and rich synergy between the two events was established. Praise the Lord.

Veronica Wisdom Conteh, a member of the IPC leadership team, reports that God is bringing transformation to her nation, one of the world’s poorest, through a succession of three 90-day prayer and fasting efforts from 2009-2011. President Earnest Bai Koroma has given strong support to this effort.

Based on Hosea 6:1-3, this prayer and repentance effort resulted in 80% of the paramount tribal chiefs, mayors and leaders responding to Christ’s call and convincing their people to participate. At the end of each 90-day effort, they have gathered at the national stadium and other stadiums to dedicate their nation to God. The President, Ministers, Parliamentarians and other national leaders have taken part, and God is answering with tangible effects in the realms of improved health, road construction, electricity, education, agricultural development, economic stability and the prosecution of corruption. For a detailed report, contact Veronica Conteh at:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Praise the Lord for this wonderful testimony about the power of prayer and repentance to bring His help for holistic transformation of nations!

You are invited to join representatives from the 11 nations of SE Asia as they come together for the eighth time to seek the Lord for the transformation of their region. They will meet in Subic Bay, Philippines, one of the cleanest and most beautiful cities of the nation. Because of God’s grace and earnest intercession, it has been transformed from an area that was once both devastated by a volcanic eruption and also by its reputation as red-light district servicing the biggest military installation in the region. You can register now at http://seapc.net/registration.

According to an October 2 article from the Star newspaper in Malaysia, a global Islamic group that is now active in 45 countries is raising concerns around the world. Hizbut, which is now expanding in Asia, wants to unite all Muslim countries in a global bloc ruled by strict sharia law. It focuses its efforts on university students and professionals, trying to persuade them to overthrow their governments. The U.S. State Department says that the group “may indirectly generate support for terrorism”.  Please pray for the dissolution of this network and that its members may encounter Jesus Christ and be set free from this harmful ideology.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon said in his state of the nation address that he will fight to the last day of his term to defeat the drug cartels that have taken over towns, police forces and institutions in parts of Mexico. Calderon also promised to clean up corruption among police and federal attorneys by the time he leaves office in December 2012.

In May, BridgeBuilders and other partnering national ministries concluded a 21-day prayer initiative, “Two Nations – One Prayer”, which resulted in many answers to prayer regarding the cartels and their violence. This caught the attention of President Calderon who directly gave us more specific prayer targets.

It is time to renew our commitment to join forces with our brothers and sisters across the border in a bold stand against the cartels and corruption. As Felipe Calderon enters his final year as president, let us join in prayer that his declaration of clean cops and fallen drug cartels will come to pass.

Corcoran, Katherine. “President: Mexico Will Have Clean Cops.” Borderland Beat. BorderlandBeat, 03 Sept. 2011. Web. 03 Nov. 2011. http://www.borderlandbeat.com/2011/09/president-mexico-will-have-clean-cops.html.


For what is hidden to be revealed  - pray for full exposure of all individuals who are involved in illicit activities while serving in the police force, military, government or other places of authority. Pray for accountability and that all corrupt activities will cease. (1 Cor. 4:5)

For President Calderon – Pray for safety for his family, cabinet and staff. Ask the Lord to give him spiritual eyes to see anything that needs to be exposed and wisdom in how to deal with it. (Eph. 1:18) Pray that his last year in office will bear much fruit and that any seeds planted during his presidency will mature and not be destroyed. (Matt. 13:23-25)

For the Cartels – We will not grow weary in praying that all the cartels will be dismantled. (Gal. 6:9) Pray not only that justice will be served and righteousness will prevail, but also that those involved in evil will turn from their wicked ways and come to a saving, reforming relationship in Jesus Christ.

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