On July 27th, 2009, “The Global Day of Repentance and Prayer for a Unified Korea”, God gave a vision and instruction concerning the necessity for mass, united demonstrations to arise for North Korean Liberation and Human Rights. He revealed in the days which followed that through a constant, united, mass demonstrative movement:
1.    There would be Liberation and Redemption for the North Korean People (including An International Movement of Compensation and Re-imbursement for immeasurable Loss and Suffering)
2.    Korea would be Unified (with Worldwide Support)
3.    The Unified Korea will become truly Emancipated (freed from the influence/control of other nations)
4.    There will be Profound Reconciliation between North and South Koreans (as a result of South Koreans demonstrating sacrificially and unitedly for their North Korean brothers and sisters)

Let’s pray in accord with this vision that it will happen soon!

They came from Britain, the America's, Africa, Asia and from around Australia to attend the recent Commonwealth Christian Assembly in Perth held in conjunction with the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM). CHOGM national leaders, presidents and prime ministers, represent 1/3 of the world’s population.

The colourful opening night was attended by some 2000 delegates, including Church and Governmental leaders from many nations gathered for CHOGM. The sessions of the Assembly were vibrant, challenging and filled with worship and prayer as well as exciting stories of all that God is doing across the world. Powerful testimonies and wonderful fellowship as the different world cultures blended together in expressing their commitment to the things of God, were features of the Assembly. A feature of the first weekend's activities was the holding of Church Together attended by some 8,000 people from across the Church in Perth and the delegates to the Commonwealth Christian Assembly.

The Converge Week of 24/7 prayer ran from the Monday to the following Sunday of the CHOGM week. Brilliantly organized, the week was a smorgasbord of prayer, worship and powerful presentations by different cultural groups including our own Indigenous brothers and sisters. Over 1000 delegates took part in the week of prayer with many varying styles of prayer and worship from the vibrancy of the African delegates to the quite soaking and contemplative prayer enjoyed by others.

It was exciting to see the venue almost filled each day, sometimes with those attending having to settle for seats in the upper balcony in order to be part of this spiritually powerful event. The Premier of Western Australia, alerted as to what was happening by colleagues who attended the opening night, was briefed each day on what was happening in the prayer room and some delegates from CHOGM itself found time to attend and join in the prayers and presentations.

Not for many years has Australia seen so many people gather in the one place for such a prolonged period of corporate prayer, the impact of which was clearly seen in the CHOGM meetings themselves and on the streets of the city…

Not only was the city of Perth blessed but so to was the nation of Australia as we played host to this significant international event.

During a visit to the city, those involved in the prayer movement told me that since they began the city-wide prayer effort in 2002, they have noticed a number of remarkable changes occurring in Indonesia’s second largest metropolis: Surabaya was known as  “ferocious, dirty, and reckless” but has been reported in the newspaper as having become a “friendly and humane city”. Physically, there have also been visible marks of transformation as the mayor has converted 14 gas stations into a thematic park and the churches have contributed the planting of many trees to make the city green and verdant. Progress has been noted in other city problems like access to clean water, side walk peddlers, traditional markets, slum, traffic jams and floods as the believers have prayed and obeyed the Lord in appropriate action.

A lot has happened this month. Sadly Ghaddafi was killed before he could face a trial. The NTC has announced that their work on the constitution will be heavily influenced by Sharia referring particularly to marriage and banking. The Islamist party Ennahda emerged as the victor. They did not get a majority so they are working with two centre left secular parties to form the Government that will write the new constitution. We hope that the lack of majority and collaboration with secular parties will make way for a moderate new constitution. We do not know yet what the future holds but we trust God has a better plan than we could have thought or imagined.
Pray God's mighty hand to be made known in North Africa
Pray for just leaders to be recognized and established
Pray for God to raise up people who bring the Kingdom of God to every sphere of influence across North Africa
Pray for corrupt leaders to be removed from any places of authority
Pray the establishing of a system that will keep leaders accountable
Pray for leaders to gain a revelation of the Father Heart of God
Pray for justice against the forces of the enemy and mercy for the people of North Africa
Pray for the will of God to be done

Pray North Africa This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

All road signs are pointing to Detroit, Michigan for The Call Detroit. God is gathering His intercessors from across the nation to pray and fast and seek His face for a move of His spirit in our Nation. We need you to join with us. Don't be left out of what God is doing in this hour. America needs an Awakening! Join us as we turn Ford Field into a 24 hour prayer furnace...a "house of prayer for people". When there seems to be no solutions, God still has a holy prescription...CALL A FAST!!! See you in Detroit!!! For more information go to: http://www.thecall.com/Groups/1000080537/TheCall/Events/Detroit/Detroit.aspx

All road signs are pointing to Detroit, Michigan for The Call Detroit. God is gathering His intercessors from across the nation to pray and fast and seek His face for a move of His spirit in our Nation. We need you to join with us. Don't be left out of what God is doing in this hour. America needs an Awakening! Join us as we turn Ford Field into a 24 hour prayer furnace...a "house of prayer for people". When there seems to be no solutions, God still has a holy prescription...CALL A FAST!!! See you in Detroit!!! For more information go to: http://www.thecall.com/Groups/1000080537/TheCall/Events/Detroit/Detroit.aspx

On November 11–12, 2011, thousands from across America will gather to Ford Field (Home of the Detroit Lions) to fast, pray and cry out to God. We will gather to this city that has become a microcosm of our national crisis—economic collapse, racial tension, the rising tide of the Islamic movement, and the shedding of innocent blood of our children in the streets and of our unborn.

But the place where they say there is no hope, God has chosen as His staging ground for a great communal healing and His house of prayer for all nations. Therefore, we are calling the nation to a 24-hour solemn assembly, daring to believe that Detroit’s desperation can produce a prayer that can change a nation.

Come and take your place on the wall in Detroit, where we will ask God to send fire on our hearts, to forgive our national guilt and establish justice in our land.

May God fill you with a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him!

Please continue to pray for these two very strategic and needy lands that are so vital for the security of the rest of the world. There are some key prayer efforts going on within Pakistan this month with teams from outside joining in. Pray for their protection, discernment and empowering and that the local prayer movements in both countries will be strengthened and grow widely.

Pray for the unity and vitality of local believers in both countries as well as for the expatriate community, especially in Afghanistan. It is not always a safe place to serve and they need His protection and encouragement.

Pray for the governments of both nations to turn from corruption and serve the people with honesty and integrity of purpose. The tribal elders (community leaders) of each locality need to shut out violent men from their midst and welcome development efforts.

Pray for the Taliban and Al Qaeda groups to splinter and dissolve and for their members to have encounters with Jesus Christ and His truth through dreams, visions and the bold sharing of the Gospel by locals.

Pray for the success of the coalition military forces in protecting and restoring Afghanistan’s peace and development as a nation.

For this Summit, we are thinking of a gathering of 40 senior ministers (age 40-55 years) who have pioneered in difficult situations and established a work approved by the Lord. We are not thinking of an application and approval but trusting your own sense of your call to be amongst others like you. Your spouse is welcome. If you have to bring your children, they can be provided accommodation for no cost. Accommodation is free of charge. There is no registration fee. No cost once you arrive.

Think Tank – Lalith Mendis of Sri Lanka, Biju Thampy of Bombay, Jeremiah Yap and Ron Hee from Malaysia, Yang Tuck Yoong from Singapore, Ralph Gloeckner of Agra & Germany.

Format – There will be no preaching, but it will be an apostolic – prophetic roundtable where we shall minister to one another and to the Lord. We hope to have five father figures who have pioneered and gone ahead of us (please make a recommendation). Sessions will be intense. Bring your Passion & Revelation.

For more information, contact Dr. Lalith Mendes This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
